Witchcraft - Would you use it?

by Sirona 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    So... should we reserve a place for you in circle?


  • Sirona


    What I meant was that Terry's description of what you "do" isn't accurate. He suggested doing actions and saying a word over and over again to influence the result. That isn't what is done in witchcraft. What is done involves a certain mental focus and often the ability to raise and direct certain forces. Therefore, saying a word over and over will likely not result in anything other than chance. This isn't Harry Potter. It takes practice and focus to get results. I do accept, however, that lots of "spells" are simply working on the psyche of the witch.


  • Caedes

    Surely the point Terry is making has little to do with how the spell is made, The point is that if the effects are real then the results will be real, tangible and quantifiable.

    There is equipment available to measure force at your local university, I would think anybody who truly believes in this would be willing to prove that the effects are real.

    I look forward to the grounbreaking research proving the existance of previously unknown natural forces.

  • nvrgnbk

    Did Daystar mention sex?

  • funkyderek


    It takes practice and focus to get results. I do accept, however, that lots of "spells" are simply working on the psyche of the witch.

    Well, I think all the effects of spells are psychological, but assuming you don't, would the right kind of practice and focus (and "proper" spells)be able to produce significant results in Terry's test? If the test is inappropriate, can you think of a test that should give positive results if your beliefs are correct?

  • Sirona
    can you think of a test that should give positive results if your beliefs are correct?

    You'll probably think this is "convenient" - it really is difficult to measure exact effects with most spells. For instance, you may want someone protected and this protection could be immeasurable in any real sense.

    However, I'd say they should try fertility spells and see how many of the women get pregnant within a designated three months. It would be interesting to see if it was higher than expected. However, there would need to be certain things in place to prevent the researcher's energy interfering with the results. People knowing and talking about spells, and thereby adding their own influence, sometimes can botch the thing up LOL. Also in things like pregnancy, there is the whole question of whether that person is "meant" to have a child in this particular life.


  • Sirona

    Another point is that spells need to be done usually by the individual who "needs" the thing. This is because they alone have the emotional need. A coven may perform spells for those they know, but usually if its a total stranger its harder to perform...but it can be done.

    So someone might say to me that they want their house to sell. I could provide them with the tools and instructions, but the result depends upon factors such as 1. do they really WANT to sell it in the first place 2. do they have enough focus or desire to perform the spell 3. are they expecting a stupid sum for the property and thereby being unrealistic and trying to change the economy rather than sell a house LOL etc.


  • Brigid
    Well, I think all the effects of spells are psychological, but assuming you don't,

    I can only speak for myself and make assumptions about what I think you mean, so forgive me if I'm off the mark on either. What I think you are saying is that all spells, ritual, magick is "In your head" and therefore, your opinion would be that because it is psychological, or all in your head, somehow diminishes it to insignificance.

    Whereas I say, absolutely it is psychological--absolutely it is all in my head but where you would say that this diminishes it, I say it empowers it exponentially. Because I come from the point of departure that the human mind is infinitely powerful. It is the seeding for all that we "see", feel, touch and measure. It's the grid.

    My opinion of ritual is that there is a part of us that ritual speaks to beyond words...you could say "I want to drive a Mercedes M Class", but putting that intention into a psyco-drama (ritual) in order to speak to that part of yourself that communicates and imbibes without (or beyond) language, is what ritual accomplishes, imho.

    I personally use ritual to an ever growing degree of success. I would have no desire to subject it to "scientific method" as I feel no need to proselytize or "convince" anyone that I have "the truth of all truths" (just don't believe in absolute truth anymore). It simply does not matter to me what other people believe, for they do not threaten my schema at all (it's all in my head). We all just launch from different points of departures. This thread demonstrates the Mythos vs. the Logos.


  • MariAruet

    No not really, I never met anyone who uses it. I think that is a sign of rather backward society where people are into magic, witchcrafts, divination etc.

  • aquagirl

    naw,its just another form based religion.except w/cooler clothes and accesories..i cant see why anyone would want to put themselves into a place where their everyday rules and philosophies are made by someone else?

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