Latest UN info; 7:00 pm eastern time

by biblexaminer 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • worf


    EXCELLENT WORK!!!! Can't wait till you get that letter from the NGO official.

  • LovesDubs

    Perhaps in their haste to remove themselves from getting BUSTED once again, the WTBTS has shot themselves in the foot here by eliminating whatever political benefit being an NGO gave them in the first place. You KNOW they didnt join the UN for nothing...there HAD to be a motive. They removed themselves from that list ONLY because of the stink that was raised and to cover their ass. The damage is already out there. Even if they deny it ever happened like they do with EVERYTHING they screw up...they cant erase the memory of the tens of thousands that SAW IT. And now their efforts to COVER IT UP only make them appear all the more guilty. If there was NOTHING WRONG with their being a member there...why the hasty removal?? Why no explanation to the press? Why the hush hush??

  • AlanF

    Sorry OldHippie dude, but you're completely out to lunch on this one. Simply questioning the Watchtower cost me a marriage, and eventually a lot of friends, my house, the lion's share of my possessions and half my retirement. Same as it's done to a lot of people. Same as it's doing right now to JWs who question the Society too strongly. If you don't understand this, I pity you. If you refuse to acknowledge it, I condemn you.


  • chasson

    Hi Norm,

    which of course was never answered but usually resulted in a visit from elders which wanted to know if we believed that the WTS was "God's" organization.

    How true is this statement, and it is international.

    Evidently if you have asked a simple question on for example the meaning of a stupid word in the Bible, you will not have the elder's visit, but if you have asked about blood, disfellowship, Faitfull and discret Slave, 1914, welcome to the band.

    The best question of this visit : "What do you think about oecumenism ?"

    I don't know why but for the Watchtower apostasy seems to mean oecumenism...



  • Francois

    I wonder if the WTs "withdrawal" from the UN NGO participation is real in the first place. The UN is, after all, a political organization and politicians are noted for finding a way to get around embarassing truth.

    One thing that can be counted on for sure; the WTB&TS will do whatever's good for the WTB&TS. End of report. They're just not concerned with anyone or anything else.

    In the end, the thing that's chipping away most at the JWs is public exposure. Ray's book has been around a long time, but I'd bet its readership has shot through the roof since the advent of the Internet. And there have been other books, books like "Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave." That book is older than the hills, but it caused no particular stir.

    We're doing better than we think exposing the WTs lying, deceit, and general invalidity. Let's keep up the pressure now that we've got 'em on the run.


  • Trilobite


    One thing that can be counted on for sure; the WTB&TS will do whatever's good for the WTB&TS.

    That is true; I wonder if, in thie case, they actually know what that is. Their reaction seems ill thought through at best.


  • Patriot

    Thank you for all your hard work BX, I know you went throug alot for all of us and for that I'm grateful.

    Ol hippie?....Well he's just that an OldHippie, he's alright when he wants to be. ( By the way do you own a Harley O.H.?)

    Worf!!!!Where the hell have you been bro?
    Exodus said that he would be calling you soon I dont know if he did..hope your fine.

  • biblexaminer

    Thanks for all the support, but as far as thanks go, thanks belong all around. Except for the 'olhippie' types that is.

    I would have to agree that the WTS is "on the run" as some suggest. You can even see the effect on a local level. Elder activities 'n such. The CO is going like a madman. So many elders meeting about ..... hmmmm let's guess.

    As far as marriage breakup, there have been three in the past two weeks here. That's more than one per week. Seems coincedental.

    WORF... haven't heard from you in a long time. You say your marriage went down the tube. Email me, we will chat.

    I think I have your email address in my archives. Otherwise email me.

    [email protected]

  • SEAKEN2001


    you're WAY out of line here. It is no stretch of the imagination to believe that one can lose everything when they stand against the "Society". Why don't you try to write them a letter questioning their claim of being directed by Holy Spirit and that the evidence is to the contrary. Or, do you still believe they are God's "channel" for truth? The threat to BibleExaminer and others is real. You are only fantasizing if you think otherwise. Show us that you are willing to risk your wife, kids, job, and property before you denegrate the willingness of others to do so.


  • SEAKEN2001


    keep up the great work! Old Hippie has been appropriately chastised and I hope he appologizes for his insensitivity. I feel you pain.

    Thanks for all you are doing,

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