Latest UN info; 7:00 pm eastern time

by biblexaminer 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • biblexaminer

    Why do people post stuff like this?

    Why couldn't Biblexaminer just have asked the questions he liked to ask, in stead of mixing in all that bullshit along with it? Why not do like others I know have done, namely write a letter to the Watchtower asking about it? Why lying about facing divorces, loss of house, friends etc.? Letters never hurt if you write them to find the answers.

    Does this guy think that he knows all things? What were the "questions he liked to ask" Can he tell me these? And can he explain how it is that he knows that I didn't ask these questions?

    And "mixing in all that bullshit"... what kind of idiot is this guy? If he's such a judge and scholar as he portrays himself to be, I would ask him Why did'st thou not call and express thyself?

    "write a letter to the Watchtower asking about it? ...feel free oldhippo dude. See what you get, O wise one.

    And of course the pinacle of heartless stupididty "Why lying about facing divorces, loss of house, friends etc.?

    I am a current JW, mr old lippy. I serve in one of the many congregations in Canada. I am not lying, and I DO NOT have to explain myself to idiots! And if you can't understand that what I told Paul at the UN was the truth, then you are PART of the problem as you fail to understand WHY we are all working so hard at this.

    This is NOT a game. Get a life.

  • mommy

    Thanks for calling, and also sharing your personal heartfelt request. I for one would probably have done the same as you, and personalized it hoping to gain a listening ear. Over look Hippie I suspect way too much narcotics, you know how those hippies were

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • biblexaminer

    I realize that some people have Doctors who turn up the meds at every turn on a for proit basis. It kind of makes me feel sorry for the old hip man.

    Thanks for your encouraging words mommy girl.:>

  • TheOldHippie

    Well, here's the idiot, the stupid one, the one not understanding anything, the one who is utterly stupid and ignorant at everything. I HAVE written just now, as I have written at many occations before, and will continue to do, and I have received replies over the years, none of which have included something for which I would have to fear, as you imply. Neither, I am sure, will this one. That's what I meant. If you wonder about the UN thing, then write and ask. Then you'll get a reply to which you may respond.
    I am having a life, and contrary to what you think, I also make use of the stuff between my ears. But I DO dislike the yelling and shouting and screaming, all of which makes a sensible discussion so impossible. And I DO dislike people using as basis for their world outlook a couple of unhappy experiences, from where they deduct that the entire organization is like that one person they have had problems with.
    We are all different, we all react differently, but there is no very, very little room for nuances here that all I feel like doing is joining the yelling group myself.

  • biblexaminer

    Well... I guess you told me!

    I replied to your ATTACK on me. I was accurate and to the point.

    Now, you say you have written at many occations before, and will continue to do, and I have received replies over the years, none of which have included something.

    You made my point for me. Your angle is a waste of time. So stop criticising me and take your meds.

  • mommy

    Well Hippie,
    Since you mention writing and getting replies from them, I must ask. The letter you recieved were satisfactory to you I assume. Do you know that many people have written letter and either recieved no reply, or an unsatisfactory reply? Perhaps they were on different subjects, perhaps the letters you wrote were "little" in comparison to what others have written.

    I know on the web there are a few letters that the WTBTS returned to ones who had doctrinal issues. The WTBTS were wrong, and would never admit to it...of course they did accuse the writer of being spiritually weak, and encouraged meetings and service. I would give you links but you said you had something between your head so just go to, I think there is another site called Shaun's site, that has scanned copies of correspondence.

    Basically in your response you were inferring that BX was a liar, or stretching the truth. I think that is why you recieved the response you did. I understand that we all have different lives, and different circumstances to consider. There is nothing wrong with anyone of us to call the UN and tell them "our personal" position on this matter.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • Norm

    Hi Oldhippie,

    You said:

    Why lying about facing divorces, loss of house, friends etc.? Letters never hurt if you write them to find the answers.

    I am surprised and disappointed at you. Do you know Bibleexaminer and his circumstances? Most of us who have been around for a while know that what he said isn't lies. If the elders in his cong found out that he is here and that he had called the UN like that he would face all those problems.

    I have personally been through exactly what he is worried about. Speaking up against the WTS has cost me my marriage, my friends and my house. You talk about writing letters, oh we have written letters, which of course was never answered but usually resulted in a visit from elders which wanted to know if we believed that the WTS was "God's" organization.

    Please Oldhippe, I know you aren't dumb.


  • FormerOne

    Anybody else think Dateline might be interested in this new development? They've already got their research team onto the WTBS for the other big coverup, here's some more info for them.

  • Moxy

    o jeez no. dont dilute the dateline story with this. it would take 15 minutes of the program just to EXPLAIN what the issue is.


  • worf

    To Old Hippie:

    Speaking out against the wt has also cost me my marriage and friends and so I can personally vouch for what both BX and Norm are saying to you.Its true.So the things that BX told the NGO official were valid and necessary.

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