Would you really want to live forever

by darth frosty 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Eternal life in a perfect state would be fun there will always be new things to learn and do and eventually humans will break out of this earth into a higher dimension and a new world of limitless possibilities. BTW there will be no JWs in such a set up because they are too substandard.

  • Gill

    Who says that we don't live forever?

    We can never be sure what happens after our physical death until we 'get there' and are headed for our 'next great adventure'. Maybe there is nothingness, but maybe we go on. One way or another we all get to find out one day.

    However, paradise earth in perfection is an sure never!

    Mankind leaps forwards in its attempts to face new challenges, be it disease, war, social deprevation etc. The 'goodness' in humanity is sadly matched by 'evil' in humanity BUT the beauty of humanity is its constant and never ending battle against evil and its willingness to fight for the weak, the suffering and for justice despite the constant recurrence of evil! That is the crown on 'humanity's' head but the 'curse' at its feet that it will always have to battle.

    One thing that is obvious in the universe is that there is no positive without a negative. There is always, life and death, good and evil, the ying and the yang if you like!

    'Live Forever in a Paradise on Earth' was just an advertising strategy of the infamous Watchtower Bible and Tract Society that ignored the realities of life and the universe we live in.

    Good is always attempting to throw light on evil and attempt to stop it. That is the everlasting reality of being a human being.

    That pretty picture in the Watchtower publications was just false advertising and we cannot fall into the trap of believeing that someone else, be it God, or anyone else has the responsibility of fighting evil for us. That is the job of every single one of us that lives on this planet that has more good than evil in them. We must ALL stand in our life times, because for sure, a life time is all that we get for certain and some not even that. And in our standing, generation by generation, the world is a better place for those who will leave behind the superstitions of the past that are hoisted on humanity by religions of any denomination, and see the 'heart of goodness' that is to be found even in the most broken, and evil soul!

    I think, the world is becoming more aware, but very, very slowly, generation by generation, that we MUST all stand together for the forces of Good, and NOT for the forces of the past be it superstition or religion.

    So, I don't any more, Want to live forever, but accept it is a possibility that we may well come back life time after life time and slowly advance humanity to a new high, but never ceasing in our battle against 'Evil' or bad, or just plain lack of love and empathy! In that way, we ALL live forever, not just the worshippers of a book publishing company who would not know good if it jumped up and bit them on the derriere!

  • Blueblades

    Pick a day when you want to die. We don't have 70 or 80 years to live. We sleep a third of that. It takes about 21 years give or take, to just begin to start out on our own. Deduct that from 70 years and you have 50 left. Deduct a third of that for when we sleep @ 17 years. 17 from 50 = 33years. That is what you have, to do all that you want to do before your 70 years are up. 33 years! That is what I gave to The Watchtower Society. So, I have not yet realy lived, I have been enslaved for all those years!

    There is a great big universe out there. It will take forever to experience it. I would like that opportunity, without fear of harm or death.

    Just my two cents!


  • WTWizard

    If living forever means the stagnant, business-free way of life that the Witnesses advertise, no. However, if I could be creating value and learning things independently of any religious organization, yes.

    Why not the Witness way? They have all their learning fettered by the organization. They believe in weird things, like the blood issue, aluminum's being the Devil's metal, space travel is impossible, and that anything new is not possible. They are still bashing the idea that aging can be solved, even in the face of research that is on the cusp of solving that mystery. The Watchtower Society would rather stay blind, limiting the people's ability to learn and thereby keeping people stagnant. And that's not the life I want to belong in forever.

    I would rather let science solve man's problems. Competitive business without regulators would solve many of the world's problems. New geniuses would solve many others. We would always be learning, without having to take 16 hours a day out to go to those stupid meetings and out in service all the time. Gradually we would build our own paradise, no thanks to you Jehovah.

  • jaguarbass

    I would like to live forever. Where do I sign up?

  • Kaput
    I would like to live forever. Where do I sign up?

    At your local kingdumb hall.

  • under_believer

    Absolutely, yes, I want to live forever.

    Or to put it more accurately, I want to live until I choose not to anymore. I could envision a time and place where I would look around at my past and my present, satisfied, and say "I have truly enjoyed all that there is to enjoy, I have seen every amazing thing this universe has to offer, and I am ready to stop living now." But it would be MY choice.

    I want to live forever.

  • winnie

    Absolutely, unquestionably YES.

    I still sometimes wonder if what the Bible says about living forever on earth is true. There is nothing I would love more than to see my kids grow up, grandkids etc. My main worry is that I'm terrified of dying...don't know why.

    I hate to say it, but if I knew for sure that the JW's were really right, to live forever, I would seriously think about going back to the meetings and put up with all the beaurocratic bullsh*t just to acheive that for my family.

    On the other hand, I agree with Highlander. At the cost of all non-Jws would be too high a price.

    I'm just glad I don't have to make that choice. I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

  • jeanV
    Yes, yes I can say that I really would like to live forever on a beautiful earth. That is one reason why I bought into all the WTS stuff. I so enjoy sitting outside viewing nature,gardening, traveling, hiking, music, etc. No, I can't think that I would ever get bored. Is it a real possibility? I do not know anymore. I know that Jesus said we could have everlasting life. But where?

    Quandry, I am with you.

  • Narkissos

    It suddenly reminds me of one great line in Jean-Luc Godard's movie A bout de souffle. The man being asked what is his greatest ambition pauses and answers:

    Devenir immortel, et puis mourir.

    (To become immortal, and then die.)

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