The world IS getting worse!!

by themonster123 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    I would have to agree. After the last pogrom here there was rubbish everywhere and all the restaurants closed early. In the old days they did it right and actually killed people!!

  • TopHat

    If you are talking about devolved countries then yes we live more comfortable lives, however that is not the case in undevolved countries. Still we have more cancer and murder than in the times long ago and of course the over population contributes to some of that misery.

  • hillary_step

    I think this thread can be neatly divided between those who research and understand history and those who read and believe tabloid newspapers.


  • Terry
    If you are talking about devolved countries then yes we live more comfortable lives, however that is not the case in undevolved countries. Still we have more cancer and murder than in the times long ago and of course the over population contributes to some of that misery.

    That is very vague. Can you be just a bit more precise in which time periods and places you reference here?

    Is this a per capita comparison?

    Any facts, tables, charts?

    Really hard to pin down what you offer here in the argument you've presented; a little bit of data would help immensely.

  • jgnat

    The reason the poor man on the bicycle is news is because the incident is horrifying to regular people. These exceptions to common decency alternately horrify us and fascinate us. So the newspapers print those stories. If I want to test the state and condition of our world, I don't read the newspaper. I talk to my neighbours. I've noted that young people these days have a very small circle of friends. Their circle is even smaller if they are a couple. I would say the greatest danger to my immediate society is not immorality, but isolation.

    A few of my neighbours were shocked to find out how isolated they were when they applied to be foster parents, day care operators, get a passport, etc. I've signed a few of these documents for my neighbours. Think of that, flitty old me, was the nearest thing they had to a friend outside their family? The only connection we'd had were casual conversations over the fence and maybe the occassional exchange of cookies. No wonder they were shocked. Is there anyone outside your immediate family who has known you for two years or more who could vouch for you on an application?

    I was equally impressed at my son-in-law's citizenship hearing, where the judge admonished us all to "talk to your neighbour". Herself an immigrant from Lebanon, she gloried in the great advantages we have here in Canada: our peace-loving nature, our generosity and freedom. I believed her when she said we can't take what we have for granted. To keep our peace, we need to understand each other. That means reaching out to people different than ourselves, asking about their garden, sharing food, active curiosity about their differences, and building connections.

    I firmly believe the world's salvation comes from individual actions, from you and me talking over the fence.

    For an alternate view of the Cleaver Universe:

    Top Hat, you are so silly. I'd thought at first your comments were tongue-in-cheek. But I see you really believe them. People didn't get old enough to die of cancer in those gloried older times. A simple infection could do them in. In my family tree I have a great uncle who died of a cut on his thumb. Similarly, "consumption", diabetes, smallpox, polio and others were once debilitators or killers.

  • Terry

    When Terry (hey, that's me!) was a mere boy there were separate restrooms, dining counters, seating and water fountains for "colored" people. Women could not get credit or work outside the home without great difficulty and with little pay.

    Everybody could (and did) smoke anytime and anyplace except the front rows of a movie theatre. That meant a generation or two of kids grew up with lung problems, asthma, addiction, etc.

    Quality of life counts for a lot.

  • Satanus

    Cities have characters, states have their own characters, countries, also their own. Maybe it's just an indication of the nature of the state of israel.


  • golf2

    Without doubt ! People who don't agree with me SHOULD get in involved in community affairs and politics. I've ran for councilman and Mayor in my home town and believe me you get to see the true picture of a corrupt system. It's easy to express an opinion,get INVOLVED ! Politics is everywhere.


  • Quentin

    I think this thread can be neatly divided between those who research and understand history and those who read and believe tabloid newspapers.


    Hehehehe....yeah..aint that the truth...

  • metatron

    As to entertainment, keep in mind that the television of the "I Love Lucy" era was denounced as

    a "vast wasteland" by a prominent government official - and shows like Westerns and "The

    Untouchables" triggered a crackdown on showing violence on TV.

    Around the turn of the century, when the Watchtower seems to think that life was so wonderful,

    one of the most famous stage performers in Europe was "Le Petomane" - a guy who could use his

    farts musically ( I'm not making this up!) Southerners in this country held huge picnics and smiled

    for the camera - to celebrate lynched black men , hanging above them.

    People out west would hold parades in which children and adults carried human body parts taken

    from slaughtered 'Injuns'.

    Oh, and the world was threatened by an incurable sexually transmitted disease that caused

    people to horribly waste away. ( syphilis). Huge numbers of WW1 soldiers ( in granpaw's day)

    got STDs because the US Army didn't issue condoms. It became such a scandal ( and affected

    military readiness) that , in WW2, they changed their minds and showed soldiers films with

    the phrase "Put it on before you put it in!"

    Take some advice from Eccesiastes: "there is nothing new under the sun".


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