The world IS getting worse!!

by themonster123 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    If the nuclear bomb had been discovered centuries ago, it would of been used then. It's only been less than 100 years since it's discovery, sooner or later someone will use it , then the world will be worse off than ever in human comes nuclear winter! And the Bible has nothing to do with it. Just look at this weeks roundup of an attempt to bomb fort dix in NJ. There are many such like cells inside America waiting for their opportunity to use smart bombs in the cities that we live in.

    The Islamic terrorists would detonate a nuclear bomb on America if they could and they don't care what happens to themselves, afterall seventy virgins awaits them.


  • TopHat

    Compared to what is going on in the last 90 years , on a larger scale than the astrocties in history then I have to say we are living in very scary times that are getting worse. The world is a village today! We are all connected. Can you imagine the Middle Ages with, 'Internet' and air travel? Yes, the Middle Ages would have been the end of times and we wouldn't be here typing away on our computers.

    AND NO, I don't believe Armageddon is anywhere near, or soon to be here.

  • ithinkisee

    ::::WHere's Leave it to Beaver? I love Lucy?

    Those shows were not "reality" even when they were originally aired. Married people did not sleep in separate twin beds, and fathers were not the caring, always supportive people that Ward Cleaver was. In fact it was often quite the opposite - especially with the horrors that fathers and sons brought back with them from the wars in the 40's and 50's. There was rampant dysfunction, alcoholism and general weirdness going on. But at the time Hollywood felt it had the obligation to present some unrealistic "ideal".

    Ultimately what that resulted in was tons of kids ending up disillusioned and depressed because their families didn't live up to the ideals presented on TV. In fact I remember Roseann Barr, when her show was popular, being interviewed and saying how depressed and sad she would be as a kid watching LEave It To Beaver and wondering why her family and the families of her friends were all NOTHING like what was presented on TV.

    I prefer the brutal honesty of today. It's just my opinion though.

    As Carl Sagan once said, "It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."


  • daystar

    Now, also think about some of the horrific methods of torture and execution in the bible. These were "official" punishments.

    Eccl. 1:9 - What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun.

  • Terry

    Maybe three generations back life was barely above subsistance level.

    You awoke in a shelter you built with your own hands. The ambient temperature was the same as outside. You burned wood you chopped with your own axe. Your toilet was a hole behind your dwelling and there was no toilet paper! If you were hungry; you hunted or planted and waited for the harvest. If you were thirsty you lived close to a stream or dug a well with your own hands.

    When the sun set the light went out unless you had a candle or lantern and semidarkness fluttering in strange quivering shadows was your twilight world.

    A broken bone...or worse..was perhaps the end of you unless somebody nearby could attend to your peril. Infection from any source could be a death sentence.

    Women died in childbirth and men perished of crushing labor and the dulling respite of homemade alcohol.

    The amusements, as such, were few and far between. There were no films, videos, DvD's, iPods, recorded music, radios or arcades. A session of cat's cradle or charades might be the summit of societal indulgence in merriment.

    Life was harsh, brief and swarming with superstitious whisperings, talismans, luck, curses, fear of God and the easy scorn of intolerant neighbors.

    Travel was gruelling and perilous on foot, horseback or stagecoach. Hostiles, highwaymen, rascals, brigands and ne'er-do-wells swarmed the countryside half-starved for an easy target and quick death.

    Life and the World is NOT getting worse. It has progressively gotten better and better and better.

    What gets worse and worse is our appreciation for how far we've come and how hard the effort was in getting us here!

    There are no gurantees in life and never were. But, our embarassing riches drown us in spoiled whining and weak-kneed disaffections.

    Life is what we make it.

    Always has been. There is an abundance of leisure, wealth, opportunity and social support that never existed before today. Open your eyes and behold it!

  • WTWizard

    Here is one reason why the world is getting worse: REGULATION. Too much regulation impedes scientific research that could lead to disease cures. Too much regulation makes our jobs stagnant. Too much regulation causes boredom because people cannot advance: this boredom causes people to take interest in promiscuity and drugs, which then "need" even more regulation to contain. And it keeps getting worse.

    And yes, the Watchtower Society is part responsible for it, at least among its own members. They keep the people so stifled with rules. They make them spend all their time in the ministry. They look down on people who might like their jobs too much and then miss the meetings. And then they make the meetings so boring by pre-fabricating them. Is it any wonder why Jehovah's Witlesses sneak their drugs and smokes more than the world? They are stagnating, which means they are going to seek this release from unbearable stagnation.

    Another thing is that they do not observe holidays. Which means that the year blurs into three assemblies and the Crapmorial. Everything else sort of falls in a mush. Meeting: service: meeting: service: meeting: service. Nothing to set anything apart from everything else. No enjoying setting up the Christmas tree or participating in the Easter egg hunt or the Fourth of July parade. No birthday presents. No going on vacation around Labor Day or sometime in the middle of July (they have to spend it on that snoozefest called the assembly. This is the sort of crap that leads to stagnation, followed by rebellion. Is it any wonder things are getting worse?

    The solution: Cancel the regulations that burden people. If this happens, work will be enjoyable and even thrilling. Promiscuous sex and drug use will be seen as wasteful. Problems like poverty will simply disappear. And stagnation will be no more. Once that happens, we will have the kind of world that people will want to live forever in. Until then, we will not have it. And if the Craptower has its way, they will lead us into another Dark Ages so bad that the first Dark Ages would be better named the Dim Ages.

  • TopHat

    You awoke in a shelter you built with your own hands. The ambient temperature was the same as outside. You burned wood you chopped with your own axe. Your toilet was a hole behind your dwelling and there was no toilet paper! If you were hungry; you hunted or planted and waited for the harvest. If you were thirsty you lived close to a stream or dug a well with your own hands.

    Terry, I remember those days, BUT we were HAPPY, slopping hogs. feeding the chickens and milking the cows...We were also very careful not to break a bone and we had natural herbs to keep us healthy and food we grew in the garden and on the farm. More people die in car accidents, heart attacks, cancer, hiv and murder today than died back then of an infection.

  • jaguarbass

    Tel Aviv, That's were the Jews live. They only believe in money and Jehober aka yhwh. They probably figured Jehober would take care of the bicyclist. All of the worlds greed flows out of or originates in Israel.

  • Terry
    All of the worlds greed flows out of or originates in Israel.

    Care to substantiate this claim? ALL is an awfully large word and it takes in a lot of territory.

  • under_believer
    More people die in car accidents, heart attacks, cancer, hiv and murder today than died back then of an infection.

    That is because there are so many more people alive today than back then, by a very large amount.

    Infant mortality rates are vastly lower than they were in Terry's three generations ago. Life expectancy is roughly twice as long, at least in developing nations. Many diseases, such as polio, mumps, measles, chicken pox, and tuberolosis have either been wiped out or are greatly diminished. People are 25% taller, because of easy access to enough nutrition. Democracy spreads its slow way across the earth so that we no longer have to answer to a lord, a duke, a count, a king, but we are our own masters. Literacy is nearly universal--imagine not being able to read your own Bible, but only being able to listen to a priest's translation from Latin?

    Don't succumb to false nostalgia. The average human being is better off today than they were at any other point in human history.

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