We need to contribute so JWD doesn't shut down so often

by restrangled 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    Thanks Simon and Angie for the hard work that goes into keeping up this forum!!!!

    Ms.McDuckett, hi. Do you have YouTube bookmarked? That's what I do w/favorite sites that perhaps I come across and have no time until later to read them. Just a suggestion hon.

    Love, Juni

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Simon and Angie!

    We appreciate your efforts and what you've provided us. It sure helps to know the reasons. And here I thought it was all my fault!


  • MsMcDucket

    I was wondering if anyone else thought that they had been banned?!

  • wednesday

    the answer from Simon what to do when the INTERNET goes down


  • sass_my_frass

    I like to click on the ads for JW-run services. I dunno how many times I've checked out the bethel tours site.

  • zagor

    Sure not a problem, PM me with details

  • jgnat

    LOL, Wednesday, in a pinch, I confess, I've done 4-9.

    4. Install A Game

    5. Perform Routine Maintenance

    6. Turn On A Television Or Radio

    7. Read

    8. Go Outside

    9. Spend Time With Your Spouse

  • zagor

    Oh, ok, I should have read it to the end. :)

    Well that is why I prefer combination of FreeBSD or OpenBSD with PHP/Apache and lately PostgreSQL instead of MySQL

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