by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Call any vegetable and the vegetables will respond to you.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Wonderful being back online ...

    Love to all,


  • ziddina


    Hi there!!!

    I wanna do your 'anthology' - like I promised a year ago....

    Could you help guide me??



  • ziddina

    Hee hee!!

    CoCo! Remember this thread???

    And the comment I made on that thread?

    "Eventually, I may go thru "Through a Darkened Pane" and separate out the various story lines - at least, as I perceive them - and do some sort of "plot outline" which would indicate the directions I'D like to see the story go... [being SELFISH, again...] ..."

    I'm procrastinating today... eeeee-vi grin...

    Now, where did CoCo put that thread...

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Will try to help though I'm a misfit at organization!

    CoCo du Desordre

  • talesin


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Tal!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The simplest task requires an increasing amount of effort as the days plod forward.

    I speak of getting up and out of my chair. There are things to do, places to go ...

    I cannot refrain from dwelling upon what that dark cloud ahead is menacing.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Getting up and out was a very good thing.

    The foothill's crushed green velvet of varying shades (this a result of the setting sun's interplay with dissipating storm clouds) put me in an elevated mood. I hope one day to climb the 7000-foot-high Snow Mountain that glowers on a horizon gauzed over with haze. Middle ground are the Sutter Buttes, world's smallest mountain range.

    It's always worthwhile to drag myself out the front door and walk ... and walk....

    Two hours.

    Exhausted but content.

  • Quentin

    I am now the proud father, pack master, alpha to a 7 month old Malamute Shepard mix ( although I strongly feel she is a Wolf-dog ). We got her for my grandson.

    She is a quite dog does not bark at ever thing that moves. She sits on her haunches starring out at whatever catches her attention. Bristle does get excited when one of the cats comes to the fence, on purpose mind you, running to the fence emitting a low ror-ror-ra.

    Bristle loves playing in the water. Yesterday she and the grandson, he using the hose, played in the water. Quinn decided he was going to catch a butterfly, when she noticed what he was doing she joined him in his quest. A boy and dog chasing butterfly's, we have hundreds in the yard, that was something to see.

    She comes when called, sits when told and lays when told. The boundary between what is hers and yours, for now, continues to be blurred. Have got to get her trained to the leash. She gets a little rough with Quinn, but he is learning to control her. Haven't had this much fun in awhile.

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