by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I had to get a new cell phone today, been having problems with my old one for a while now, and today the screen went blank, I could send and receive phone calls, but couldn't see what number I had dialed, and of course couldn't read text messages - that killed me, knowing there were messages there that I couldn't see!!

    I bought an unlocked Blackberry, it's going to take me a while to figure out how to use everything on that thing!!

    The guys at the store must have thought I was a totall idiot! First I had the sim card put in wrong. Then couldn't figure out how to send a text message, had to have the guy show me step by step! D'oh felt like a total moron! Still haven't figured out where the web browser is, I want to find that so I can check in here when I'm away.


  • compound complex
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    So, what's on your mind and heart today?

  • *summer*

    Dear Diary...

    This morning feels like the calm after the storm. Simon's announcement felt like a tornado sweeping over JWD.

    What happens now? Most posters have made sure they will keep in touch with those who mean the most to them. Others are looking for a new shelter, once again asking "where do I go now"? While others decided it was the right opportunity to finally give real life a try.

    Me? I found two new homes. A small one, nice and cozy. And a bigger one, that is much similar to JWD already. It feels good in a way to start from scratch...a new beginning. And my wish is for all to find their own new niche.

    "Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix."

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    We're about a fortnight's journey from the Forbidden City. Our yak must think we're crazy, pushing on relentlessly as we do. Not to mention the nomads, who travel but a few miles and then permit their beasts to browse the high pastures. You see, we've encountered diverse setbacks - following mountain trails that led us smack into rocky walls that showed us no immediately recognizable path of ascent. Then there were the shifty-eyed brigands - known throughout the region as Khampas. Their encampment - Gyak Bongra - is a name that makes brave men tremble; that, we learned, to our chagrin and a potentially disastrous termination of our lives.

    As it stands, we did escape, mainly through a bit of bravado and the use of our wiles. But our chief cause of concern is the bitter cold and our fending off its ravages - frostbite being our principal worry. We have no gloves, but only old socks as their replacement. Often we've no choice but to bivouac in the open. Rarely do we come upon an "ihega" - a sheltering stone fence, that protects against the wind. The below- freezing temperatures frequently render sleep impossible, but eventually, because of sheer exhaustion, our slumber becomes leaden.

    We've bluffed our way through various check points on an expired travel permit. Some subordinate officials are skeptical, but others are happy to see us on our way. Llasa is but the distance of a few days.

    What further challenges await us? Despite our physical pains and utter exhaustion, we are drawn inexorably toward our objective. If only by dint of sheer determination and will, we shall see the fabled city at the top of the world.

    Signing off for now,

    Armchair Traveler/Companion of Peter and Heinrich, on our sojourn through Tibet.

    Reference: SEVEN YEARS IN TIBET, by Heinrich Harrer, 1953.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Waiting for the Night

    To some of the townfolk, I'm a curiosity. They try unsuccessfully to hide their stares as they pass on by. Others smile tentatively, wishing, it would seem, to show some human kindness. But they stop dead, thinking better not to be seen in my company. That would imply friendship. Then there's dotty old Elva Mae Sutro, who stops by everyday to chat me up and feed me something out of her tattered old canvas shopping bag. What a sweetheart. Maybe it helps to be a little crazy. She's beyond concern over what others may think. And think those "others" do. And talk. Since that one night 6 months ago, when my life was turned upside down, I've become the butt of most Town talk.

    I used to be just an ordinary guy - an average Joe, so they say. Worked an 8-hour day at the factory, and when my shift was over, I'd go and raise a few beers with the guys at The Lucky J Tavern on the corner of Porter and Broad Streets - downstairs. Now let me tell you from the get-go, I am a respectable fellow and never gave anybody any grief. Not a troublemaker, not a teller of tall tales. Well, it seems that telling the truth never gets you anywhere if folk have a mind to pay you no heed.

    It's true that my story - my account - seems farfetched, but I swear on my mother's grave, may she rest in peace, that every word of it is true.

    Please, bring on the night ...

  • compound complex
    compound complex


  • Dagney

    Dear Diary,

    Just got home from a from a lovely evening with sweet pea. Podlet #2 refused to go to bed at his usual time. So we spent special time looking at books and pronouncing words. He is quite the cuddler that one, always with a smile and a hug...what will he be when he grows up I wonder. Podlet #1 is quite the opposite...what an imagination. A designer perhaps, an engineeer? One thing for certain, they are free to grow into the person they are meant to be.

    We never run out of things to talk about, SP and me. Tonight we talked about where we have been, where we are now, and where we hope to go in the days ahead. We talked about friends we miss and most likely will never see again. We talked about JWD and how melancholy we feel about it all. We know we are at a crossroads, and it is time to enter into another least it is about damn time for me. We decided to use the remaining days looking over some of the older posts, bringing them forward so maybe others won't miss them.

    Good night was a good day.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The day is incredibly hot and muggy. It's more like the midwest than the California that I recall from my youth. Those earlier summer days were crackling with a dry, energizing heat. Maybe it was youth that energized me. I had to see the world - my backyard - and summer's heat or winter's rains certainly posed no impediment.

    There were hills to climb, caves to explore, streams to swim and trees to jimmy up. I never thought about the heat - just loved everthing about the snap, crackle and pop of that favored season of seasons when ol' Sol rules.

    Am I getting old and cranky?


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