Sister Pioneer and Her 10 Year Secret of Porneia

by bluesapphire 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I read the 1st page. I say tell on her! The worst thing that can happen is that you won't be believed but the wife and husband will be affected and that's who you really want to get to. Frig them!

  • Quandry

    Your sister needs to know because she has chosen a bad person for a role model. You were never sworn to secrecy about her sexual shennanigans.

    No wonder this woman advocates your shunning - she wants to the minimise the risk of you blabbing to anyone that could shake the pedestal she has jumped on.

    O.K. I'll admit my bitter side is wanting you to extract revenge. But I will say this. If someone attacked/raped my child, I would turn them in to police even though they had a wife/husband/child. If someone robbed me I would turn them in to police even though they had a child/wife, etc. and it would be hard on them.

    This women is getting a free ride. She is part of the reason you are shunned by your sister. At the very least I would let my sister know that she isn't all she's cracked up to be. Maybe at least ask your sister to question this woman about what you are saying.

    If this man wants to cleanse his conscience, then he should unburden himself to the "spiritual shepherds" so that all is known. Maybe at least he will feel better.

  • moshe

    I would send an anonymous letter sent to Sister self-righteous telling about all "incidents" you have uncovered and it would be better, if she came to the elders and confessed first, before they call her in to a judicial committee. If her conscience bothered her, then she would turn herself in- if not , then she will have to live with the fear that someone is going to rat her out anyway. Then drop it.

    The principle is one of hypocrisy- JW's think they are pure and nothing ever gets past Jehovah. They need frequent lessons to teach them otherwise so that they might begin to show compassion to others for imperfections.

  • greendawn

    It's surprising how she got away with it and how she doesn't feel any guilt about what she did despite being a loyal JW. She got away with a lot of trouble which is good for her but at least she shouldn' t be so hypocritical and shun you.

  • flipper

    I was whinihg to my first therapist, years ago, about how I never had a comeback when one of my coworkers would say mean catty things - I would just stand there speechless. He told me "When you wrestle with pigs you both get muddy but the pig likes it." It took some years to sink in, but now when someone does that I'm just glad I'm not like that person. Don't be like her, and don't be part of that kind of activity. There are all kinds of people out in the world getting away with stuff like she does, but ain't jack we can do about it. She was probably molested as a kid. I would put your attention on your buddy - he needs help big time. Flipper

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I'd rat that bitch out so fast, her eyeballs would twirl. She really thinks she's something else, doesn't she. Above the laws she holds everyone else to. I have stood in the glare of fingerpointers, liers, and hippocrates and she sounds like the ultimate disgusting person. Its not in my nature to be a tattle tale. In this case, as in all witness cases I will make exception. These people go out of there way to ruin lives and sit in judgement of others. They need to know what that feels like. I do not agree that there own Karma will get them in the end. I know of plenty who have never paid for anything and never will. Thats why they do what they do. They have mastered cognitive dissonance and double lives. They are adept at lieing and concealing secrets. Bust these suckers wide open every chance you get! The rules don't change for the likes of that kind of scum. The more they get hammered or at least exposed the more the watchtower suffers. Perhaps on a much larger scale the governing body itself needs to know that it is not infalible. If they can impose hard ass rules on people and punish them when they fall short, then the punishment should be worse for those who are hipocrates. It is only us that can show them the state of there own horrendous inequities.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    spill the beans . make her pay anyway you can

  • Hortensia

    I think if you tell about her, the focus would be on you rather than on her. It would seem like sour grapes and no one would believe you. It sounds like she has her own sexual addiction, and people like that usually shoot themselves in the foot sooner or later. When it happens, then you can tell your sister, "she wasn't as good as she pretended to be. Maybe I'm not as bad as you think I am." You can talk to her a little about the dangers of judging others.

    so my opinion is that you should enjoy your revenge fantasies just as much as you want, it's fun to think about what you'd like to do to smarmy bitches like that, but don't actually carry any of your fantasies out as I think it will come back to bite you.

    mind your own business, let the woman work out her own karma, don't soil your hands digging into her mess.

  • moshe
    It would seem like sour grapes and no one would believe you.

    That is why she must turn herself in to the Elders. King David did not voluntarily admit to his secret sin, did he? He had to be confronted! Johnny Cip and I could make her confess in a New York Minute!

    We know ways to make JW's talk.

  • sass_my_frass

    The 'honourable' way for you to get rid of this feeling of injustice happens to coincide with the JW-approved way: you have to take it up with her first. Problem is, she'll know that you've got nothing to take to the elders; you'd need two witnesses, blah blah. All it would do is focus her attention on you, and cause more grief for you in the end.

    The 'dishonourable' way; telling the elders, or more likely in your case, telling your sister; can backfire on you also - somebody like her would take up a 'slander' case or something stupid against you.

    Put it at the back of your mind for a bit of time, and see how you feel about it when you've had time to process it. It's really ugly and has the potential to harden you and turn you into somebody you don't like.

    My elders got a corrupt and evil influence like me out of the congregation, and yet my slutful former flatmates are still a pioneer and an elderette. They deserve the petty, wasteful lives they have built for themselves. That's all the justice I need.

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