Love And Marriage Was The Watchtower’s Way An Advantage?

by The wanderer 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Tremendous comments. In particular, you Scully.

    Thank you, for making me see a different perspective
    on the matter of love and marriage.


    The Wanderer

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Proplog2 & Scully: I agree.

    Here's an extra twist that the Wonderful World of Watchtower throws in:

    They're all over the place on how to be a good husband.

    Here's what I mean. I'd say about 3/4 of the articles promote male dominance and are highly offensive to any woman with two brain cells.

    But then, there are articles (usually in the Awake! it seem to me) that the take-away lesson for husbands is: If you have a brain, you better take this whole "headship" thing with a huge grain of salt. Treat her like a queen (or at least a team-mate), respect her, do your share of housework, communicate with her, basically be the kind of husband most women would love to have.

    The problem is, the real abusive, control-freaks zero in on the "man is the boss" type of articles and run with them.

    Some have commented before that there's a push-and-pull between Service Dept & Writing or at least between hard-liner, chauvinists and more liberal new blood. Just speculating here.

    Open Mind

  • NowFree2BMe

    Hi! Just joined you group. Someone sent me this interesting link on the subject: “Women are essentially the possession of their husband, and have to sacrifice all their needs and wants to his preferences. It isn't about love, let alone romance or passion. ” Love that Fe2O3Girl ! : ) So true! If its anything, its about obligation. There comes a time when the only thing kicking you 7 ways to Sunday is the answer to “Are you scripturally free?” : ( Plus if they're putting in their quota of time in ministry to avoid the guilt, who sees each other anyway? And if they don’t, the low self esteem kinda takes the fun out of it! Give me a happy man that’s my best friend who just wants to chase me towards the bedroom any day! : )

  • anewme

    "Give me a happy man, who is my best friend, who just wants to chase me towards the bedroom any day!"
    Great quote Now Free!
    And great first post!

    Welcome to the forum!


  • LongHairGal

    I am not active and I am sure most people here are not so this may be a moot point:

    I feel that anybody on the writing committee at headquarters who is not married should be disqualified from writing or contributing to articles about marriage, etc.

    I don't need to elaborate.


  • Scully

    I feel that anybody on the writing committee at headquarters who is not married should be disqualified from writing or contributing to articles about marriage, etc.

    That should also apply to Circuit Overseers and District Overseers who don't have kids, but who feel compelled to tell JWs how to raise their children.

  • LongHairGal


    Right on!

    Can't stand these unnatural bastards putting their nose where it doesn't belong.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Amen Scully:

    That should also apply to Circuit Overseers and District Overseers who don't have kids, but who feel compelled to tell JWs how to raise their children.

    In my several decades of observing the bizarre parade of COs and DOs through a few different congregations, I can only recall two COs who had raised families. And, (insert Gomer Pyle voiceover here) SURPRISE!..........SURPRISE!..........SURPRISE! They were the most laid back and reasonable ones (by CO standards that is) I ever met.

    Open Mind

  • proplog2

    More time and life is squandered in bad marriages than in bad religions.

    And when bad religions force you to stay in a bad marriage that is really bad.

  • greendawn

    The old fashioned way of stable relationships is the best way but in my view having to get formally married is not really necessary. As long as there is love and commitment the rest is needless tradition.

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