Scared the P~Waddins out of me! Scary People out there!!

by Sparkplug 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Did the police come and take a statement?

    Sounds like he either had a car very close by, OR... lives very close.

    Is it very noisy by your home? If she would have screamed, would anyone have heard her?

  • Sparkplug
    Sounds like he either had a car very close by, OR... lives very close.

    That is my fear...he was gone so fast. If he lives back there....

    Is it very noisy by your home? If she would have screamed, would anyone have heard her?

    could have been...It is just near a busy street right in midddle of town area. I just think it odd it was rainy and drizzling. Like maybe he thought more noise with the cars spashing and maybe people would be less apt to be out. He was cleancut and shaven. Makes me think he could be local and not a drifter. That is scary too.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Any preditors around your area? Have you checked on the internet? Can the police give you a list? I would be shaking and pissed at the same time.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    He just sounds really bold.

  • greenhornet

    Look around for self defense class. They will teach you of how to be aware of you surroundings. Using non lethel self defense weapons that really work with proper training. (pepper spray, a pro high end flashlight with a strike bezel and a small plastic stick for you key chain with training can almost kill) I am 56 years old I had a bad encounter with some punk. I took training on self defense and I feel much more secure! It a good feeling! Never be a victim.

  • Hortensia

    please watch out for those precious children - someone can snatch them so fast! I am so glad that it turned out all right this time, hurts my chest just to think about it.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper


    It's an obvious question, but does your daughter know this man?


  • Sparkplug
    Any preditors around your area? Have you checked on the internet? Can the police give you a list? I would be shaking and pissed at the same time.

    I check all the time. It is the unregistered ones that get me a lot of the time. Who knows who all is out there. And yes as anywhere there are some. Many streets away. But yeah he seemed really bold to me also. That was one of the first things I thought of. Pretty damn bold.

    Thanks Hort~

  • Sparkplug
    Look around for self defense class. They will teach you of how to be aware of you surroundings. Using non lethel self defense weapons that really work with proper training. (pepper spray, a pro high end flashlight with a strike bezel and a small plastic stick for you key chain with training can almost kill) I am 56 years old I had a bad encounter with some punk. I took training on self defense and I feel much more secure! It a good feeling! Never be a victim.

    Greenhornet, I was married to a man that could not stress the self defense enough. So on top of my normal paranoid in this area, I also have and so has she his constant warnings clicking around in our heads, and well now I am a bit thankful for that. Because she was know. It does not mean it would always work out so good, but I am thankful that she was awake.

    Tim~ I thought the same. Perhaps he looked familiar...anything? No was the answer. She was scared, and I was suprised at her clarity in details as she told me what she could of him. She was aware that although she was on her guard as she usually is, that he showed up so fast. Me too actually. I saw that she paid attention and turned and stared at him as if to let him know she knew he was there and paid attention to details when she did that. She was frightened none the less. I am glad it went well, but sure woke me up, so to speak.

  • crazyblondeb

    Hey, darlin', this is TEXAS -- if you can wait until September, you can shoot him for just LOOKING threatening.


    What is in September. New Bill..Law?

    Is there gonna be a new law??? Can I use it on my ex?? Now, I may REALLY have to come back!!

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