Any one enjoys gardening?

by greendawn 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • TopHat

    Quandry, Well, you are welcome to visit us....The Deer are like clock work, right on time in the morning and in the evening coming through the woods beside my house. At this time of year (mating season or birthing season) we have more than we want. As you know deer carry 'Lime disease' as the ticks fall off onto the lawn. My hubby has had a mild case of it already and so have I....we discovered it early and took the strong anti-biotics to kill the parasite. They are beautiful and graceful animals and we enjoy seeing them from a distance. This photo was taken last year in the spring. Doesn't she look like a lawn ornament?

  • Es

    I so hear you, unfortunately we dont own where we live so all mine are in pots, but this year my son and I planted capsicum, tomatoes, chilli's, passionfruit, and lemon seeds. Im eagerly awaiting spring so I can plant the rest of my seeds which include rhubarb, lettuce,cucumber etc.

    You should takes some pics and show us your garden.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Nice spread!

    My sis lives north of me, and has serious deer problems. They have tried everything to keep them from eating the garden, and have now settled on putting out corn for them each morning and evening. Now they get turkey, rabbits, and squirrels, and the occasional black bear as a vistor. They come out like clockwork at dusk and dawn.

    I've always heard that stringing 20 pound test fishing line as a fence around the property, at 4 and 6 foot heights, will keep the deer out, but they didn't want to end up injuring any of the deer.

    Down here where I live, the deer prefer the farmland crops, and rarely, if ever, destroy gardens.


  • TopHat

    Ba, Our spread is hilly and has large rocks or bolders...stringing a line or a fence is near impossible. We have had an occasional black bear but the wild life folks come round him up and take him/her up-state to the Catskills.... our bushes and trees are bare-bottom because of the deer and the sweet tasting tulips are gone as soon as they bloom. They don't like the bitter taste of Dafodills.

    This year we grew two pots of Dafodills in the garage so they have bloomed in March 23 A surprise and a treat to us! Next year we plan to have Tulips growing in pots to catch the Western Sun in the garage window. Then hopefully they will bloom in early April.

  • HAL9000

    Have about 3 acres that has been developed from scratch over the past 20 years. Much organic needed to improve the soil as we live on a sandstone plateau and the basic soil is poor. Biggest feature of the garden is several hundred azaleas (including the deciduous mollis variety) and rhododendrons. They are now well established and are a real show in October / November. (Must get a digital camera.....) The current show is the autumn colour from Japanese Maples, Liquid Ambers etc that are now deep orange - red: really spectacular this year

    Also have a vegetable patch & get giant zucchini in addition to asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower & tomatoes. Grew potatoes once - really successful - now have potatoes coming up all the time where the bed was. Biggest vege patch disaster was when we had an infiltration of deer (feral here) that ate the cabbages! These buggers could jump any fence that we had up.


  • LisaRose

    We have a pond with water plants and fish and a waterfall. I love gardening, I have a lot of flowers and herbs. I plant a few veggies, tomatoes and peppers. The weather here is variable at either end of the season (we are expecting 8-18 inches of snow tomorrow), so it's always a gamble that the tomatoes will ripen before the first frost, but I always try as I love good tomatoes.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I used to be a regular at Guardian Talk on the "Happy in my Garden" thread.

    A very nice bunch of posters inhabited it back then and I just had a quick look and see that many of them are still there.

    Pop in and say',"Hi"



  • Crumpet
    courgettes are zucchini

    I always though zucchini was pasta! LOL! Thanks for that eye opener GD.

    Tophat - your pictures are gorgeous.

    Clam - where was that pic of Mrs Clam taken next to the big rhubarb leaves? i swear i have a similar pic of me at Sheffield Park - I look like a cabbage patch doll crawling out from under these ginormous leaves that make you feel like a Borrower or some one out of Land of the Giants!

  • DJK

    I have 1800 sq ft of area I grow vegges in. For bean's I use lime in the soil and they taste so much better.

  • golf2

    My wife passed away one year this month, she was one heck of a gardner. Spent all her time and energy taking care of her plants (children) Since her death I've enhanced her garden and I'm waiting for the weather or spring to finally arrive so I can continue. I'm also a tree surgeon, so I'm familiar with her line of pleasure.

    More people need to engage in gardening. It has many self-satisfying rewards.


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