Who here are basically athiest now???

by What-A-Coincidence 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    The assertion of a reality to a superbeing who is invisible, silent and pervasive requires enormous proof.

    The difference between God and No God is no difference at all; EXCEPT in the mind of a believer.

    Anthropomorphism is attributing human characteristics to that which is not human. "God" is a metaphor in every sense which is definable.

    The only trace of God lies in the thousandfold disagreements of the very persons convinced of this same God's reality.


    I simply DON'T KNOW. This makes me Agnostic.

    However.....If you were to ask me on a scale of 1 to 100 how certain I am either way I'd reply differently.

    With 1 being totally unconvinced of God's existence and 100 being totally convinced I'd answer with this:


    What supports this__25__?

    Entirely the desire to communicate with something greater than myself who can actually DO something about what is outside of humanity.

    P.S. I put it up there with the desire to win the lottery.

  • onacruse

    So, a question:

    Atheism is a negative, asserting that something doesn't exist.

    Now, I'm not skilled at debating, but I recall that one of the characterizations of flawed argument is to try and prove a negative.

    Perhaps you logicians can expand on that? or correct my understanding?

  • nvrgnbk

    So, a question:

    Atheism is a negative, asserting that something doesn't exist.

    Now, I'm not skilled at debating, but I recall that one of the characterizations of flawed argument is to try and prove a negative.

    Perhaps you logicians can expand on that? or correct my understanding?

    Good question ona(Craig). However, I submit that atheism is not a negative. Atheism makes no assertion about God's non-existence. It is simply the admission that there is insufficient evidence to dogmatically assert that God does exist. I suppose it may be a matter of semantics. IMHO.


  • found-my-way

    R. Crusoe,

    Can someone help me? I don't know how to quote on this site - when I select it I can't get to the post I want to choose!

    Is this what you mean, by quoting?

    Just copy-past the paragraph you wish you to quote.

    then click on the ( '' ) beside the (up there where cut and paste is above paragraph, font, size formating.

    then when you see this:

    just paste the paragraph in it.

    just paste the paragraph in it.

    like that.

    is that helpful? is that what you meant?

  • IsaacJS2

    Believe it or not, most atheists aren't trying to prove anything. We are simply unconvinced that the available evidence points to God. For such a truly monumental claim to be accepted, it seems like there out to be a more convincing reason to believe. Or even an irrefutable reason to be believe, one left intentionally for us to find. That's all.

    As to proving a negative, it may not always be true that this can't be done. But in this case, I think someone did a good job of illustrating our point (where we feel the burden of proof is on the believer) when they asked everyone to prove the existence of a historical figure.

    There are other scenarios. Can you truly, positively prove to me that there are no unicorns? Maybe I think they're invisible, or they dwell in a place that man has never been to, or that there's a conspiracy to conceal their existence. Or maybe I think they were taken by aliens without a trace, so we will never find them unless the aliens bring them back. You would never be able to positively, absolutely prove they don't exist to me if I wanted to believe in them in the first place. Asking an atheist to prove God doesn't exist is a lot like that from my point of view.

    But it seems like there should be evidence for a theistic god and we haven't found it yet. Some measurable, objective signs of design or evidence of its wishes. Unless it's an evil god that is merely toying with us and trying to confuse us, but why would it bother? None of the proofs we have seem to be very good. The Bible, for instance, just doesn't cut it for me. Not even close. And it seems that a natural process is at work here rather than an ordered, superhuman intelligence, which explains why human intelligence is enough to point out the design flaws.

    A deistic God is another matter. But I don't see the point of believing in one, especially since I don't see how such a being matters very much. Why would I just assume that such a being is out there any more than I would accept the existence of unicorns without good, solid proof? Doubt seems like the default position with such a fantastic claim.

    Note that everyone is free to believe what they want. I'm only explaining a little about my view points. I'm not arguing with anybody here. I'm already sure most of the believers completely disagree. These are just some of the reasons I disagree with them.

    BTW, Dawg asked me about the articles I'd read regarding artificial life in a lab, and I can't find either of them now. So unless I can find them again, consider that a case of "Isaac speaking too darn quickly." I suck. Sorry about that. My bad.


  • SixofNine

    Atheism is a negative, asserting that something doesn't exist.

    Now, I'm not skilled at debating, but I recall that one of the characterizations of flawed argument is to try and prove a negative.

    Perhaps you logicians can expand on that? or correct my understanding?

    As I understand the definitions, you are correct that it is a flawed argument to try and prove a negative. The onus of proof is on the person asserting that some sort of god exist.

    Strictly speaking though, atheism does not assert that god does not exist, it is simply a lack of belief that god exist. This may sound like too fine of a distinction, but it's needed to keep people who should be doing the proving from obfuscating and trying to get you to prove a negative.

  • hambeak

    This Universe is incredible and it got here somehow. Life is precious and this earth has very beautiful settings. Our mother earth it is alive. and keeps us alive so there must be a higher power.

    I like the native American Indians explanation.

    So you Atheists look around you. Life is no accident. As a talk I once gave You are wonderfully made is true.

    No apologies here my friends.

  • sass_my_frass

    * raises hand

    Brothers and sisters!!

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