Have you let go of waiting for Armageddon?

by Fisherman 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    DEFINITELY, I let go of waiting for Armageddon. While I have much trouble with any organized religion,
    if the NT and OT are God's Word, the mainstream religions definitely are doing a better job of following it
    then Jehovah's Witnesses. Therefore, check with the mainstream religions. Are they worried yet?

    That's not much help, but JW's are wrong. It didn't come in 1914, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1930's-1960's, 1975, 20th Century,
    before all the adultspre-teens babies alive in 1914 passed away (Well, the babies aren't all gone yet, but soon.)
    It won't come in the next couple of years, or in your lifetime. Bad things like wars could happen, disasters that wreak
    havoc, but not God's Armageddon. Relax on that one.

  • alotlikemay

    cultswatter, thanks so much for that quotation! I actually remember that! yeah, I'm that old haha

    I also remember a circuit overseer saying that A was definitely coming in September/October 1975 and I sat there working out that I'd be 21 when it happened.

    Frankly, I don't think I ever believed it would happen then. I didn't change my life or anything when I heard that - I just remember thinking it was kinda cool I'd have 'come of age' that year. I believed pretty much what one of the ladies earlier described - whether A came first or my death, the most important thing is how I stand with God.

    but I loved that memory, cultswatter, thanks!

    PS does everyone remember what the Bible says is the fate of those who are false prophets? hmm

  • alotlikemay


    • let people be what they want to be and believe what they want to believe
    • stop thinking you must be right.... just because you've decided you're right
    • start imagining what it may be like if you happen, by some quirk of fate, to be wrong...
    • stop giving orders lol, you sound like an elder !

  • alotlikemay

    cool, mate, but as I just replied to steve2 - just factor into your reasoning how it'll be if you happen to be wrong, if what you conclude now is science happens to be wrong... just think about it, that's all

    as for me, I believe what I believe and thank you for not being dogmatic or preachy :-)

  • alotlikemay
    it is, greendawn, you're right... but I'd add to that that it's a fault we many many people make, not just JWs... I'm thinking about young people - most of us think we're invincible when we're young, we have life ahead of us and we don't really think it will end - or rather we don't think about it at all. So, it's not just a JW failing - it's a common belief in immaturity.
  • alotlikemay

    y'see, I'm still worrying about those who are as dogmatic that it won't come as about those who are definite it will

    isn't life teaching you anything folks? haven't you learned yet that life is full of surprises and shocks and unpredictability and uncertainties.... and that science and experience are constantly make us reassess what we believed as certainties / proven fact... i mean, you do know the earth isn't flat don't you? and did you see 9/11 coming? and can you absolutely assure me that you'll still be alive in 5 mins time? sorry, it's tough facing the fact that you are only certain that you are alive at this moment, as you read this, but it's true

    it's very unwise for any of us to say anything is certain, because it ain't! A may come soon, or it may not. A may never come at all, or it may. Be open to all eventualities - you really don't know anything for sure

  • DamienL

    Yes for sure. How many years have we heard that the end of the world is coming. Remember in the 60s when everyone was told "the end is near"" and alot of "witnesses" sold there houses and got in alot of debt because of this, and nothing happened. People have been brainwashed into this belief, and it is very sad to see. " do not put your trust in nobles nor in the son of earthling man for whom no salvation belongs" this is a very true statement.

  • PrimateDave

    Ever since I said no to being in a relationship with an insane, abusive, imaginary Sky-Daddy (or at least to being taken advantage of by a Corporation promoting this fairy tale from an old, irrelevant set of documents), I don't wait for Har-Mageddon, the war of the great Day of God the Almighty as it is referred to in an ancient piece of religious propaganda.

    That said, I do believe that we live in an extraordinary time for human beings. We may see a period of great distress this century due to resource depletion, biosphere destruction, and environmental toxification. (http://www.dieoff.org/, _The Long Emergency_ by James Kunstler - http://www.kunstler.com). We may learn to manage our affairs and avoid chaos. (_The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community_ by David C. Korten)


  • avidbiblereader

    Acts 4:20 20 But as for us, we cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard.”

    In looking at the world and many can get into the argument that there is no global warming, without sounding like a doomsdayer myself, I posted the above scripture, the world is headed down a one way street with God Almighty. I do not fear it as before, I now see the Bible and the simplistic message it contains, love and life in Christ.

    But yes I do believe in the day that he WILL have to step in and straighten this out, I too cannot stop speaking about the things I see and hear. The world is in a real mess,


  • steve2
  • stop giving orders lol, you sound like an elder !
  • Flattery will get you no where. I try not to give orders to zombies - they're pushovers. I aim to primarily give orders to people who have the capacity to make up their own minds.

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