The Question Non-Jws hate to hear! (Unless they're athiests)

by Mad 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    Ha! Gill. I just finished watching the Da Vinci Code. It is a fascinating blend of fact and fancy, quite a piece of work. I'm not sure even Constantine's mother knew her son's mind.

  • Gill

    Hi Jgnat! Before I read the Da Vinci code I had been reading up for year whether Christ had really existed. I read Da Vinci code for a touch of entertainment after a years very heavy reading. I have just started the 'Jesus Papers.'

    Sadly, I've come to the conclusion that though Jehoshua Ben Joseph may well have been an excellent bloke, he was not Divine, in the religious sense of the word, and sadly the world has been conned.

    As Pope Leo X said : 'This myth of the Christ has served us well.'

    It certainly helped to keep a lot of people under control, until we discovered law courts, judges and policemen......oh and water canon, pepper spray and police batons.

    How sad that people are so easily conned.

    Now God, I'm not so sure about, but I am sure he's not the God of the Bible.......he couldn't be so least I hope not!!

  • Mad

    Dadroz wrote:"Without needing to argue about the specific details of trinitarian doctrine (there are many forms/ideas/versions), there is a big flaw in thinking that Jesus was just a created being/an angel. Firstly, the Bible doesn't outright say "Jesus used to be Michael the Archangel" so as much as the Watchtower tries to infer it from the fact that Michael led a war against the devil, it isn't explicit. Mad writes: Wow! What enthusiam! It radiates from your words, Dadroz- it's a pleasure 'hearing' from you! Now, down to 'business'- the subject Of Michael is another matter; let me know if you want to continue on it! And, even tho I am a JW- I don't wish to talk about my brotherhood- we each will have to answer for Christ, won't we? Let's just stick to scripture- and the subject, please! So, now that you're not one of us Brainless Watchtower Zombies, who do you "know" God to, my friend? Agape, the Mad JW

  • Mad

    XJW wrote:"The ignorance that this "question" reveals is staggering."

    Mad writes: What I was talkin' about!!!! LOLOLOLO

  • Beer Connoisseur
    Beer Connoisseur

    Who said we hate to hear this question? I am among millions of Non-Jws who are Christian and love to answer this question with scripture, in fact using the New World Translation (Watchtower published)

    First do me a favor and draw a large circle on a piece of paper and in the center of the circle write "The Only True God" Outside of the circle write "false gods" Leave room to fill in the Bible answer for both.

    John 17:1-4 Jesus speaking to the Father clearly calls him "the only true God" So let's put "The Father" in our circle.

    2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan is called "a god of this system" Would you put Satan in the circle, or out? I believe we would both put him out.

    1 Kings 19:18 / Romans 11:4 "Baal" A god worshiped by thousands Would Baal go in the circle, or out? Again we agree to put Baal with the false gods outside of the circle.

    John 1:1 NWT "a god" speaking of Jesus Would Jesus go in the circle as a true god? or out of the circle as a false god? Lets let Isaiah help us before we answer.

    Isaiah 9:6 Christ is clearly called "Mighty God" and note Isaiah 10:20,21 uses the exact words for Jehovah "Mighty God" So we can add Jesus and the Old testament name Jehovah inside our circle.

    But wait, if there is only "One True God" and I still have one more to add in my circle, who can we make this all fit because we have The Father, Jesus, and the name Jehovah all True God.

    Lets get some help from the apostel Paul. And at the same time see if the Watchtower is correct when it says "God" is a Title. Galatians 4:8&9 Paul says they were "slaves to those who by nature are not gods" What do you think Paul was saying here? Was he referring to their substance, who they were made of? Was Baal not the True God because he didnt have the right title? Or was it because he was rock. Is Satan a false god because he didnt have the right title? Or because he is angelic by nature, not made up of "God" substance.

    If I refer to Tom, Dick, and Harry I am talking about three unique and different people, who are one thing by nature, human. There are millions of living persons, men, women, children, old people who are all one thing, human by nature.

    There are millions of spirit beings, Michael, Gabriel, the angel of the church of Sardis, etc. Yet they are all one thing by nature, angel.

    If there is only One True God substance or nature as Pauls says, then it is simple to test anyone or anything claiming to be God. Just find out what they are made of? Wood, Stone, Angel, Human (All false gods)

    Who else can we add inside the circle? You decide by reading in your own bible the following verses. John 14:15-20 ; 15:25,26 ; 16:6-15 , Romans 8:9-17 ; 2 Tim 1:14 and Acts 5:3,4 ( Ask yourself, can you lie to a light switch? How about a dog? How about a rock? What is the only thing you can lie to? )

    ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION: Yes Jesus while on earth relied on those who by nature are God. When man killed him, he raised himself from the dead "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" Scripture also says the father raised him, and the holy spirity raised his body from the dead. So God raised Jesus from the dead. When they came to arrest him, what happened? John 18:6 John 21:25 The world would not contain all that could be written about Christ!!! Can you find a verse that says that about Jehovah?

    Does the Watchtower teach that Jesus should be honored the same as the Father? No? Read John 5:23

    Who's name is most powerfull? Luke 4:33-37, 10:17 Acts 19:13-20 Mark 9:38-41 (Why does the Watchtower say to use the name Jehovah when NO scripture does?)

    Thanks for letting me share,


  • Mad

    BFD wrote: MAD you know I'm new to this but in my simple view Jesus did worship God, the half of Jesus that was man.

    Mad writes; You sound too nice for this board- it's for those of harsh nature, my friend! Sorry to hear you think of Christ as a Split-Personality!



  • Mad

    Jgnat wrote: That's not the question I hate to hear. Here's a list of questions I hate to hear (from a JW).

    • Are you coming to the meeting?
    • What do you do for a living?
    • What church do you go to?
    • Any sentence with the words Christendom, Worldly, Truth, or Babylon the Great in it.

    And, not a question, but equally annoying:

    • We missed you at the meeting.

    Mad writes: I missed you at this board! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO! Mine is: "the bonteous banquet of spiritual food" me Spiritual Indigestion!


    Your Mad Brother

  • Mad

    Kid-A wrote: Trolls have short life-spans on this are already predictable and boring. We need'nt worry however, as soon it sinks in we are now ignoring his troll threads, he/she/it will simply create a new account (a la Fred Hathaway/Q-bert) to troll with.....At least Brown Boy was amusing!


    Mad writes: Thank you, KA! From YOU, that is very encouraging!

    the Mad Troll

  • Mad

    DD wrote: The Question JWs hate to hear! (Unless they're exJWs) Who raised Jesus from the dead?

    Mad writes: God did- as you know! I suppose you're asking this to shock me with Jesus' referring to how he would Raise the Temple (his body). He knew he would- by being faithful to the end. You, I'm sure will ridicule that- I did- until seeing what all the rest of scripture said showing that.

    God the Father didn'r resurrect God-the-Son with God-the Holy Ghost!

    Jesus was resurrected by his God & Father!


  • jgnat
    Mine is: "the bonteous banquet of spiritual food" me Spiritual Indigestion!

    In that case, are you a spiritual anorexic? All that picking, and picking over the "spiritual food", looking for the "meat"....

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