The Question Non-Jws hate to hear! (Unless they're athiests)

by Mad 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    The Question JWs hate to hear! (Unless they're exJWs)

    Who raised Jesus from the dead?

  • Terry

    It amazes me that posts and replies can go on and on without ever taking the time to DEFINE what they are talking about.

    What constitutes the purpose and practice of WORSHIP?

    What is the point of it? Where is the value accruing to the one worshipped?

    Is it a monstrous ego that must be fed every nanosecond with prostrate mumblings of praise?

    Isn't that psychiatric behavior of the highest order?

    What possible benefit can Jehovah obtain from worship? Nobody ever takes a moment to analyze this. It is just taken as a given.

    Take any human relationship where a person of awesome power and superiority is placed beside an "unworthy" subject. The person of power, wealth and prestige demands behavior which demonstrates the disparity between them and enforces these differences by demanding protocol language and ritual. The DISTANCE between them is created for the purpose of maintaining the illusion of superiority/inferiority.

    Jehovah, as a parent, cannot resemble a loving father by his obsessive and compulsive protocols of praise and ritual IF he really seeks union with his children.

    Somebody take a moment and parse this for me.....I just can't get my teeny weeny mind around the need of it all.

    As the Brits say, "What's it all in aid of?"

  • kid-A

    "Nobody ever takes a moment to analyze this. It is just taken as a given."

    Those who have analyzed it are now for those who have not, this is like asking a patient on morphine to analyse the molecular structure of the mu-opiate receptors causing their euphoria.....why would they bother? They believe the drug (or their belief system) is working, so why dissect gossamer?

  • Terry


    what is it?

  • Borgia

    Which Jesus do you mean.....There is a bunch of 'm even in bibel was a very comon name back then.....

    Something like John and Mary Smith.



  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    what is it?

    Reverence, honor, respect, to the point of imitation.

    That is how I would define it.


  • Vinny

    Poor Madd, he keeps trying to make a point. But never seems to be able to.

    Here is the problem you have on your hands now Mr Madd; I am not convinced that the Trinity teaching is scriptural. I am more on your side of this issue than on the side of some hard-core Trinitarians out there. I am still examining the evidence. I have followed some of these threads and read other sites. But to be honest, this subject of the Trinity is not really at the top of my priority list.

    And here's why:

    Trinitarians believe there is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    JW's believe there is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Either way, Jesus is the one who sacrificed his life for me. The Father sent him to do that. I am forever indebted to BOTH regardless of their exact, specific position in relation with one to the other. MOST people that I know of, who are Christians, that are not JW's do not believe that Jesus is equal to the Father. I was raised as a Methodist, Baptist and Catholic and I never felt that way even then. Same goes for many I know today.

    Whether Jesus is equal to the Father or not; Whether the Holy Spirit is Personal or Impersonal; Whether there is a burning Hell or eternal sleep-like non existence; whether there will life in Heaven itself or on a Paradise Earth; whether the 144,000 is literal or figurative and probably another 100 different things I could list here, what REALLY matters here is that we, as professed followers of Christ, live each day of our lives trying to imitate him as best we possibly can.

    Applying His teachings in our life.

    The Golden Rule for example.

    The Sermon on the Mount teachings.

    Cultivating the Fruitage of the Spirit.

    Being like the "Good Samaritan".

    Showing Love to all mankind.

    Working more on humility.

    Being less judgmental.

    More patient, more forgiving, more helpful and loving as well as another 100 other things I could post here.

    These things are what really matters folks.

    Whatever these other things end up being, we can all know one thing for sure, it will be wonderful. If life after death is in Heaven or on a Paradise Earth, it will be fine with me. Whether Jesus is equal to the Father or subject to Him, it will not change my love for either of Them. Just focus on being a True Christian is what worship to me is all about. The rest will all be Grand, whatever it turns out to be. I'll be sure to take it. If I am ever given the opportunity.

    That alone destroys the "One True Faith" status. People die for that policy, right now, today.

    And we still have literally hundreds, thousands actually of other problems to contend with in addition to Blood. Shunning for disagreements. Shunning for disassociating. No beards. No voting, birthdays, holidays, yoga, bingo. Not to mention a dozen end of the world mispredictions, the NO Vaccinations, NO Organ Transplant, NO Alternative Service life wrecking policies FORCED on all JW's and then quietly made conscience decisions without apologies. I can post many pages more if you'd like.

    Why not just turn in your DA letter and move forward to better things?

    **** Sorry kiddie-A, NOT true. Why not tell the board how we just so happened to "get here" then.

  • gillyballer1980

    When Jesus came to the earth, Yes he deferred to the Father. But that doesn't in no way make him *only* a servant. God the son is just as much God, as God the Father.

  • jgnat

    Kid-A, I take offence to your loose generalisation.

    Those who have analyzed it are now for those who have not, this is like asking a patient on morphine ...They believe the drug (or their belief system) is working...

    I am analytical, skeptical, and a decent researcher. I have concluded that I CANNOT take the luxury of unbelief. If I do, I deny my own experience. I will not degrade your own conclusions, but please do not assume that ALL 'believers' are addicted to easy answers.

  • Gill

    How about the question that all Christians hate to hear: Was Jesus really Divine or was this an invention of Constantine and his cronies to keep the Empire together?

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