Poll: Are You For Protests & Marches Against The Witnesses?

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends


    Actually..Buddy has the right Idea!..Lets help Them!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • mjs mouse, ben
    mjs mouse, ben

    IMHO the JW's are insignificant, therefore they do not need any attention directed to them.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i feel that anything x jw's do to expose the wt is good. will it help all? no. you have to start some where. i think Minunus started this topic, to go against that guy from six screens of the wt.com. at least that guy i trying to do something with in his means. i give him a lot of credit. opened his own site. taped his JC. FOR ALL TO HERE and stood up to the wts. and the guy is pretty sharp. remember quotes site. ? balls yes balls people with balls will take down the wts. people like Minimus . hide in the back ground. 20,000 posts here on jwd. and he gets 4 pages of x jw's to agree with him that taking active action against the wts is a waist of time. i don't see it. judge RUTHERfraud had BALLS, that's why you all have been victims of the wt. crying here how the wt screwed you over. MINIMUS give the guy credit. he's got BALLS you will never have. show respect. john p.s i read between the lines.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Picketing will not affect hard-core JWs except to make them believe their true religion is being persecuted.

    It might help those who are already looking for an out, to find the ex-JW community.

    Where I think it might really help is to target, *not the JWs*, but the general public...to help innoculate them against being deceived by the WT Soc.This has to be done very carefully so you don't look like you have a grudge or an axe to grind, but a genuine concern to get 'the other side of the story' out - like during the memorial season or the conventions, when the JWs are good at getting news stories done about them But it's a very delicate balance.

  • SirNose586
    JW's are conditioned to look away when protesters are present. In fact, my mother, years ago, trained me to not look at the protesters outside of the DA in San Diego. Literally - don't look at them. That sticks with you for a long time.

    There were a few phases of protesters. In my earliest memories of going to conventions at the Q, there'd be people holding up signs and shouting at cars on the 3rd day, stationing themselves at the Friars Road exit. I haven't seen them in many years. A few conventions ago, there was a group patrolling the outside of the convention, shouting slogans. They had tracts with Russell's picture on them, incendiary neon signs, and attitude. I recall them getting chewed out by the attendants. From what I could gather, they were trying to promote their church as much as insult the JWs.

    Last year, there was a single guy with a sign. He didn't say anything, and the slogans weren't incendiary. I could see people looking at him.

    I don't think protesting like that one group will do you any good. They were easy to hate, because they played into predictable stereotypes. If you want to protest, do like that one guy did. Mention websites like freeminds.org.

  • Tigerman

    I think protests and marches are a great idea, especially if they are held in front of the Hall. The people that will be affected by the protests are the passers by in cars. The public will see that all isnot well in the JW Hall . . .these are the people you want to impress, not the JW's going in or out of the Hall.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I am not in favour of picketing.

    I prefer guerilla warfare. None of my aquaintences would ever study with a JW. Any JWs who ask me an appropriate question will get an answer that will rattle a few cobwebs out of their brains.


  • under_believer

    Enormous waste of time, if the objective is to get people out. The Witnesses laugh at protesters.

    On the other hand it could be a cathartic experience for the person protesting, and thereby contribute to healing.

  • Stealth453



    Probably not.

  • avidbiblereader

    Christ said Blind Guides is what they are and then he said "let them be"

    NO for any of it,


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