Poll: Are You For Protests & Marches Against The Witnesses?

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paralipomenon

    Picketing a random Sunday meeting by dubs would yield little results, but holding a rally on something like the memorial might serve as a nice deterrent to all the bible studies that visit.

    When they are being "courted" by witnesses they are being sold fanciful tales of everlasting life and happiness. If they go to the memorial and see "apostates" exposing the real nature, I'm sure their recruitment would go down.

    Especially since the study can just hop on the internet and check it out for themselves.

  • Finally-Free

    I once heard a comment from someone who was never a JW. She saw some footage of a convention on the evening news, and it included a brief interview with some picketing "apostates". She could not understand why those who left the watchtower didn't just get a life instead of wasting their time picketing. Obviously she didn't understand all the issues involved in leaving the JW cult, and there's only so much that can be conveyed in a 60 second news clip, but a negative first impression was made. Unfortunately negative first impressions can be difficult to overcome.



    Protesting Jehovah`s Witness`s is futile..Jehovah`s Witness`s are not the problem.They are brain dead followers..WBT$ is the problem..WBT$ loves to see JW`s turn on one another..It keeps everyone busy and unaware of the real problem..Pressure the WBT$ into making changes,not Jehovah`s Witness`s..Jehovah`s Witness`s make no decisions and have no thoughts of thier own.They do as thier told..If you control the monkey trainer(WBT$),you control the monkeys(Jehovah`s Witness`s)..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Mad

    Very good Outlaw & friends! As much as I hate Assemblies, I was thinking of coming with the hope of finding some of you, and waving a cross at you! LOLOLO!



  • lonelysheep
    Picketing a random Sunday meeting by dubs would yield little results, but holding a rally on something like the memorial might serve as a nice deterrent to all the bible studies that visit.

    When they are being "courted" by witnesses they are being sold fanciful tales of everlasting life and happiness. If they go to the memorial and see "apostates" exposing the real nature, I'm sure their recruitment would go down.

    Especially since the study can just hop on the internet and check it out for themselves.

    All anyone needs to do is hold up a sign/wear shirts with the websites on them. That's it. It evens the playing field for a study's mind. I know I would have looked! For example, the May 2002 Dateline was swept under the rug (what else is new, right). If I had only heard of Silentlambs then, it would have nipped that WT lie in the bud. On a side note--Personally, I feel like why protest the JW's and yet be involved with another religion?! But, that's me.

  • IP_SEC

    Do you support such marches around Kingdom Halls? What ever. It re-enforces the dub persecution complex and most outsiders dont give a shyte. Would YOU PERSONALLY hold a sign up to protest the Watchtower Society?? If there was free beer. And good beer too, not that horse piss bud lite, miller lite... etc.... something like Pearl or Schlitz rolf Do you believe this is ultimately effective to get Jehovah's Witnesses out of the Organization??? Nope, I think most dubs say "there is them thar crazy lyin' evil slave 'postates" The internet is the only real effective way, and then it has to be the dub's choice to look in the first place.

  • minimus

    I too think the internet is the best way to expose the "Truth".

  • nvrgnbk

    Catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

  • minimus

    In a very visible place like the KH, no one CAN look without being outed immediately. But put your same message on the internet for Witnesses and others to find, in their own privacy, well, now you might just get someone to take a gander.

  • TopHat

    NO, marches around KHs or assemlies make you look really really BAD.

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