My Dad died on Friday

by littlemike 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abandoned

    That's a tough question friend. I don't feel adequately qualified to advise you on it, but I wish you the best whatever you choose.

  • willyloman

    Because your father just died, I would strongly advise you not to do anything with the story/letter you wrote until at last six months have gone by. A death in the family has an impact on us that we are often the last to see and measure. The road to hell is paved with letters written by people who wish they hadn't sent them.

  • OnTheWayOut

    W/O reading other comments, what do you care what they think about your reasons?

    They won't really think better of you, knowing that you became what they call an apostate,
    instead of a lazy fornicating drunkard or something like that.

    Don't bother. Keep talking to your brothers.

    Edited to add: family needs comfort now. Better to tackle this later if you need to. Sorry
    about your loss.

  • MeneMene

    I am very sorry about your dad.

    Edit: Sorry it posted before I was through typing. After reading all of the posts I was thinking the same thing willyoman said.
    Wait a while before you make a decision. I know we would all love to read your story. Perhaps Randy would post it on like he did Barbara Anderson's.

  • purplesofa

    I agree with willy.

    I am forr sorry for your loss and what you will be going through in the future.


  • jaguarbass

    Hello Mike: Why do witnessess always want to know what every one else thinks? I was the same way when I was a witness. It must be something in the water at the kingdom hall. You should do what you want. You seem to understand the consequences. If you are not motivated enough to send the story with out taking a survey and forming an army, you probably should let sleeping dogs lie. Then you wont be albe to blame anyone when you are disfellowshipped.

    Oh yes, Mike, my condolences about your fathes passing.

  • Gregor

    Your Dad lived to a ripe age. Congratulations on being in the good gene club! Writing things out helps you organize your feelings but I agree with what others have said, don't publish.

    I think it would be better to use your status as a "legal" JW to make opportunities to drop little bombs via personal conversations with JWs (maybe your dad's memorial will create situations where you can do this.) As you know, Witlesses spread gossip like wildfire. Give them some tidbits.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    My condolences on your Dad's passing.

    It's entirely up to you whether to send it to anyone or no one.

    You need to take into account how it would affect your relationships with those you love.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I'm so sorry for your loss of your father, Mike.

    If it were me, I'd write the story. Then sleep on it. Think about what the results could be. Weigh your options and do with the letter what will make you feel better.


  • Cellist

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad.

    I'm with the majority here. Hold off on sending it. Especially since your kids don't want you to. They'll be affected by it as well. People will still believe what they want to believe.


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