I Lost Everything Today

by compound complex 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoingGoingGone


    Thinking of you and hoping things work out in the very best way possible.

    Please let us know what happens!


  • unique1

    I am so sorry to hear that. I think McDuckett and Sad Emo gave the same advice that I would have. Don't psych yourself out. Allow the problem to come to you.

  • free2think


    I'm so sorry this has happened especially when you were just trying to help out a firend in need. I'll be thinking of you and I hope everything works out for you. HUGS

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, kind friends,

    Your concern and support is very reassuring. The only case I've heard so far was an envelope to a very uptight sister who has already turned in one family member [now DFd] and continually threatens to turn in another. She burned the envelope, I was told. She has threatened me previously because of my friendship with her husband.
    I'm in control and feel that my prayers are being heard - at least for calm and the assurance of my favorite Scripture: 2 Chron. 20:12, about not knowing what to do, but keeping our eyes toward God. Certainly all your thoughtful advice is steering me in the right direction.
    Yes, Clam, Jeeves would know what to do!


  • mia_b

    (((CoCo))) so sorry this has happened to you. Hope things work out.

  • restrangled


    Glad to hear you are feeling better. It also sounds like your dealing with a bunch of "Looney Tunes"....

    The only case I've heard so far was an envelope to a very uptight sister who has already turned in one family member [now DFd] and continually threatens to turn in another. She burned the envelope, I was told. She has threatened me previously because of my friendship with her husband.

    I would rest easy and stear clear of the likes of above!

    (Think of your "Sailing" or or "Skyscrapers", ....especially soothing to look at!)

    Take care!


  • greendawn

    It's your word against his so you should do some of your own theocratic strategy, clearly the dubs do not deserve to know the truth as their org is based on lies and deceit. Deny it all.

  • thecarpenter

    hey coco, the same thing happened to me before except is was a "weak" brother who was a little unbalanced. The df'ed brother sanity will be questioned but the elders may give you a call to see how you are doing (and also to see if you incriiminate yourself). You don't have to tell them anything and nor say that you went to apostate websites. Just mentioned you suggested to the df'ed brother look on the internet to see if he could find anything on mental illiness, maybe the society may have something on their website. And end it at that, they need two witnesses (the df'ed guy and you) to verify the story. The elders in my congo couldn't do anything to me. Let this be a lesson to you, JW's cannot be trusted, they are under cult mind control.
    thecarpenter from the recovering idealist class

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes, Friends - a lesson learned!

    I heard from a few JW friends and family, and, in general conversation, they mentioned nothing unusual. So Sad Emo was correct about not jumping to conclusions. As I've corresponded regularly with my friend [talking on the phone I've all but ruled out - hours of his ranting], I would never have thought to take precautions - naive and trusting that I am. I honestly feel that, as the only person he claims to trust and respect, I was used by name as a means to get through to people who avoid him like the plague. A left-handed compliment?
    You have all been of enormous comfort! Love and peace..........


  • Sunspot

    Under the circumstances, and if you are uncomfortable with lying about this if you are confronted......you can always ask the person "do you really think this sounds like something *I* would do?" and look'em straight in the eye! It puts the burden back on the accuser and it buys you time

    I had a dilemma years ago that had me in knots knowing something that somebody else should have been told and I fought with this decision, do I tell or do I let it slide...for months. I finally decided to write a letter to the lady (JW sister I really liked) involved and let her make up her own mind on things once she had all the facts at hand. It was something about a family member of mine. The lady's teen-aged son found the letter in his mom's dresser and showed it to my family member all behind the mother's back.....it was a REALLY uncomfortable mess for all involved. *I* couldn't use the advice I just gave you.....because it was a hand-written personal letter :o(



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