"Apostates end up bitter and angry"

by XBEHERE 43 Replies latest jw friends


    I actually attended the bookstudy on Friday, don't ask me why. Anyway the Revelation book is being considered and we're at the paragraph where the congregation in ephesus is comended for "not bearing bad men.." apostates.. . The comments from the ones attending were so baised and ignorant. One sister: "Oh the apostates, they just get so bitter and angry..they aren't happy"

    HELLO... if you found out that you had been lied to for x amount of yrs or decades wouldn't you initially be pissed?!!? Of course nobody talks to these "apostates" years later to see how happy to be out they really are. I guess JW's need to tell themselves that all apostates are bitter, angry evil people to solidify their own decision to stay in mind controlling cult. Just had to vent, more and more I realize why I dont like going to meetings.

  • Zico

    I didn't go to my book study last week, but I read the study, and apostates got a real bashing in the book, so I can imagine this.

    The best one I've heard is that 'apostates know we're right, but they just want to live life for themselves rather than Jehovah, that's why they get so angry.' How could they know apostates know what's right? They never speak to them!

  • avidbiblereader
    apostates they just get so bitter and angry..they aren't happy"

    Should have looked at her and quoted Christ when looking at Ciaphas

    "You yourself say it".


  • jgnat

    I recently watched one Witness tell another how he won't need to worry about his retirement, as Paradise is only ten months away. From all appearances, this old guy is hanging on by his fingernails.

    Do ya think I should check in on him in ten months, to see if he's "bitter and angry"?

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Initially, it's natural to be "bitter and angry." The condition resolves itself over time, which varies from person to person.

    However......notice that none of them addresses the CAUSES for the "bitterness and anger."


  • Balsam

    I am not surprised, I heard such comments during the many years I was a JW. It is necessary for JW to believe that all people who left the JW's are bitter and angry, and as a JW I did get that impression from inactive or disf'ed people. Of course they were reacting to the shunning process and would have appeared angry and bitter as a reaction to the shunning. But I did note that apostates did seemed happy. In fact it caught my attention that when I would see those were out of the organization out in public they seemed very happy. Happier than I was. You've got to feel sorry for the faithful ones of the organization, they just have to make false assumptions so they can feel good about themselves. When I very occasionally see my ex-husband I am surprised by the look of pure anxiety, and sadness on his face. But then he looked the same way when I was married to him. So I should not be surprised. At the same time when I've come across JW's I've known in the past they look to me as withdrawn even if they don't see me. Where is the joy?

  • Gregor

    JW's like to believe that those who disagree with the WTS and leave ("apostates") go off into darkness and debauchery where they gnash their teeth in misery. When they hear of anything negative happening to such a one they smugly gloat. However, when one who has left does well personally and materially, they simmer with resentment and console themselves with images of that ones corpse being covered in buzzards on the Day.

  • greendawn

    Apostates have to be wrong otherwise the image of the FDS would get severely damaged. How can they be wrong if appointed and directed by God himself? How could anyone dare provoke jehovah by criticising his chosen ones who are like Moses and so many others approved leaders of god? In reality it's the JWs that have a lot of apostate doctrines like people in Ephesus used to have eg the two classes of christians, the new light doctrine etc


    Isn`t it nice to be told what you think?..LOL!!.....Apostates are Bitter..We never preached armageddon would be here by 1975..The generation of 1914 will not pass away,never mind,yes they will..You can`t take blood,now you can,but only factions of it..Jehovah`s Witness are the most intellegent people on earth,people think we`re nuts!..Lets all sit in windowless Kingdom Halls and spend decades learning something we won`t believe in,in a few years..WBT$ dosen`t make mistakes they get New Light..The light gets brighter and brighter..Jehovah`s Witness`s are the Happiest people on earth,how come most are sooooooooo sickly,confused and depressed?.. Crazy Eyes..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Finally-Free

    I'm bitter and angry because the cafeteria ran out of spicy fries today.

    Ok, I may be a bitter, angry s.o.b. but at least I'm not praying for the destruction of over 6 billion men, women, and children whom I have never even met.


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