My plan--fully revealed

by Junction-Guy 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Nicely said Lola honey. I know you meant well! I was gonna pm you because you didn't sound like yourself...bit like me this morning! ((((lola)))) I hope whatever is making you all gripey gets trampled on by a herd of elephants!

    free2think - wow the counselling thing is a good idea. We must talk about that when we meet for . I have tried to get into therapy - maybe not hard enough, but at £40-60 an hour I could only afford one session a month at best and I think that wouldnt be very useful.

  • Junction-Guy

    Well I just want to have the things that others in my family(non JW) have had. They are happliy married, nice homes, good kids, etc etc etc. I just want those things too, as a JW growing up I was taught that those things werent for me, as armageddon was so close. They made me feel guilty for even wanting those things.

    I have an opportunity for those things still, it's just gonna take some time and alot of steps along the way. Better days are coming. Remember what I said 2 weeks ago?---The best is yet to come..

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    This is Q. Bert to say that each of us has a personal value system, based on the choices each has made. To claim that an organization that I was never a member of has hijacked my life... well, that would be irresponsible of me. I am still personally accountable for all my words, decisions, and conduct, including any misrepresentations I have made. I have to live with my choices, and their affects on others. Even putting off a decision is still a decision. I choose my consequences, whether I think of it that way or not. And so is every human I know of so far.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thank you Q.bert, you have shown your true colors. First you claim you never were a JW, then you claim you worship with them. Then you claim you never were. You have been using your theocratic warfare strategy all along in your posts. By the way you dont have to be a baptized member of this cult for it to affect you, just being raised a JW does enough damage.

  • JWdaughter

    Junction Guy, do all the things you didn't do before, and try things that never occured to you before. Find the things that make you smile without thinking, eat food that tastes good, swing (hmm-just meant the kind in a playground, but whatever works for you, I guess). Be kind to those who are less fortunate. You will figure out where/how you fit into this world. You will meet people that enjoy your company and your style, and find those who you enjoy being with. Forget about the JW crap if you can, other than to learn from the mistakes. Move on. Eat chocolate, drink beer, watch sports, burp. If you like something, don't question where it fits into your idea of who you are, JUST DO IT. Your idea of who you are is evolving, and you need to give it room. Some things you will like, some you won't. I thought chocolate martinis were a good idea. YUK. So I learned. Stupid example, but just an example. Trying it didn't kill me, and I learned something from it. Sounded like a good idea, reality-not so good. Oh well, it was a seven buck mistake. Step out of your comfort zone, don't jump into what you think you want. Explore to find out what it really is. You are YOUNG, all your parts will be working good for a long time. Relax, don't rush, enjoy, smell the flowers. Really, its important.

    How bossy I am! I have been learning this lesson for a long time, and the older I get, the more it matters. Be true to JG. If you aren't, no one else will be.

  • DJK

    Life is like a dance, you may not be very good at it, but you have to get up and try. Good luck JG.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks JWdaughter and DJK

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Whatever works.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    By the way, I'm at for anyone who wants to participate in Ask Fred E Hathaway, a.k.a. Q. Bert. Thank you for attention. We now resume the regular broadcast of My plan--fully revealed, by Junction-Guy.

  • Junction-Guy

    Just to let you all know, Im gonna temporarily shelve this plan. I may still go ahead with the reparative therapy thing, but as for the media attention and all that, well I may be working on something totally different, but equally important. I cant say what it is, only that it involves politics. Big things are definitely on the horizon though. Stay tuned. I will reveal as much as I can, but I wont give away the plans. I dont want the Watchtower to sabotage this.

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