JW Discussion Forum Poll

by zarco 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos

    3.5 Anything that could be called a "spiritual truth" wouldn't need a "channel".

    # 2, however, raises a number of questions:

    - how would that status make the WT different from any other Christian denomination ?

    - where exactly did they "start" erring ?

    - isn't the true motive of this belief something like, "I can't believe that I have spent a significant part of my life in a mere cult that was never the center of anything big"?

    I sincerely hope you'll be able to laugh about that soon, and not waste the rest of your life on the fringe of the fringe...

  • zarco

    - how would that status make the WT different from any other Christian denomination ?

    It doesn't - therefore the need for an inspection and clearing out of apostasy.

    - where exactly did they "start" erring ?

    - isn't the true motive of this belief something like, "I can't believe that I have spent a significant part of my life in a mere cult that was never the center of anything big"?

    So are you currently at the center of something "big"? If so what is it and how has it impacted others for good?

    I sincerely hope you'll be able to laugh about that soon, and not waste the rest of your life on the fringe of the fringe...

    Actually doing pretty well at all aspects of life, partly due to the TMS, partly due to family and partly due to god given abilities, no waste that I have been able to note so far other than watching a bit a TV from time to time


  • minimus

    Well Zarco, I'll be away from my computer pretty soon so I will state the obvious. The WTBS is not from God. It seems you are trying to rally some support for your theory that they were once used by Jehovah but have wandered away. You don't deal with the facts about the religion as I've tried to express them earlier on this thread. Maybe you're just trying to drum up support for your personal beliefs thru this forum. Certainly, you're not exchanging in any dialogue with those of us who do not agree with your expressions.

  • zarco


    I am just curious about the thoughts of folks on the forum - therefore the vote - the responses so far have been interesting and different than I would expect. I would have guessed more votes for #2 and I was wrong. Apparently the WT has caused more hurt among this population than I anticipated. I am sorry for that. The data is interesting even if the debate is not up to usual standards.


  • minimus

    Why not address the issue that you are promoting a fallacy as I and others maintain?

  • zarco

    I am not promoting just expressing my vote. Next time would you suggest the poll with out my vote?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    At the very least I think we are all interested in an explanation for your opinion. This isn't an attack on you Zarco, it's just that you've taken a very strange view of the issue you brought up and I think that many of us are interested in a deeper discussion of the matter, your thoughts included.

    I for one am interested in what your response is to some of the things I posted simply out of that deep inward human trait of curiosity. ;)

  • greendawn

    The JWs or Bible Students as they were originally known never had the truth and we can see that even to this day they keep changing many of their doctrines and nowadays they hardly believe anything Russell and Rutherford wrote. Their writings are mainly old light which means trash that got thrown out. God uses individuals not organisations from across all Christian religions. Even a dub could be used but he will not be one for long.

  • agapa37

    I too vote for number to. Not to sure I would label them apostate just yet.

  • stillajwexelder

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