Ridiculous trips to the 'back room'

by Esmeralda 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    This is really bringing back the memories. When my sister was 11 (I was 12) she had a part on the ministry school. Our congregation was very small at the time. Only about 30 people. Hey, it was a small town and the congregations hadn't yet integrated.

    Anyway, right before her part, Brother Blake decided her dress was about an inch too short. I remember him walking over during the meeting and whispering to my mother, who then took my sister into the bathroom and ripped the hem out of her dress. I could see the look on my sister's face when she came back to her seat. Tears were in her eyes. Total humiliation. And everyone knew. She then had to get up on the platform with a ripped hem. Because she knew if she didn't, she'd get a beating when she got home.

    I swear I had hate in my heart for that brother.

    My stepfather apologized to me this morning about this. He remembered it too. He said that if he knew then what he knows now about the witnesses, he'd have punched Brother Blake in the face for even looking at his 11 year old daughter's legs!!!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It occurs to me that there is -surprise! surprise! - a double standard in the way the judicial committees handle sexual offenses.
    In my congregation back in NY there was a fellow who had a reputation as a real italian stallion - he would get disfellowshipped and reinstated every year or so. There were comments about how he was SO virile and all, he couldn't help himself. I'm sure he provided the elders with the sort of vicarious thrill they wanted, so they cut him slack, and invited him back for more true tales of conquest from time to time.

  • cosmo

    Not ever being a JW but knowing about their practices, I always found it fascinating how "God" was using these "elders" (what is an elder in definition by the way) to pass out judgements. My fiance at the time got marked while my friends sister-in-law committed adultery and only got publicly reproved. What gives?

    My fraternity is older than your corporation, I mean organization.

  • safe4kids

    Hey y'all...

    When I was 20, I got df'd for my relationship with a guy I later married (and divorced, but that's another story! ) Anyway, two of the three elders were guys I'd grown up knowing...they were actually very kind and didn't ask for any details. To their credit, I think they were kinda icked out at the idea of hearing details of my sex life, as they were like big brothers to me. And I didn't give em a chance to let me off the hook...told them flat out I wasn't giving up the relationship. I guess this is off the topic of the thread since these guys were actually very kind to me.

    I do remember one time tho, when I was about 17...I had a part on the service meeting and afterwards, an elder approached my SISTER (LOL) and told her to tell me not to wear that blouse any more as it was not appropriate for the meetings...hehehehe...don't know why they were worried about a see-through blouse on the stage! Or why he didn't tell me to my face. Funny tho...I was never counselled about the beer I drank when I went out with the elders on Friday nights after the meetings...


    "...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."

    Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You

  • Michael3000

    Miami Vice! Ahh...those were the days. Forget Crockett & Tubbs, though - how 'bout Big Booty Trudy? Yum! And don't forget Maria Conchita Alonso - Ay, Carumba. But, I digress...

    My little bro & I (as well as some others) were "counseled" against wearing - are you ready? - PLEATED DRESS PANTS. Also, the thin-width ties were frowned upon. Apparently, this was way too "fad-ish" a style of dress in Putnam County, FL. LOL!

    What a great thread... :)


    "Any day spent NOT knocking on doors is a good day!"

  • tdogg

    Michael 3k you know that god does not approve of thin ties. The fatter the tie, the more holy spirit you are going to get. You see the tie is like a "Holy Spirit antenna" so by skimping on the tie you cut yourself off from gods force and that is why you and I are here now. Why do think we had to wear ties to worship God in the first place? And why do you think the older ones in the KH wore those HUGE 6 inch wide ties? It wasnt just that they were really stylish.

  • qwerty

    Miami Vice, I had a great record of al the music from the show, my favorite at the time too!

    One day my treasured album when missing. We (my mother and I) were studing at the time to come into the Troof(tm).

    You guessed it, without even asking me, my mother had gone through all my records to find any that she thought might be Demonised. She reasoned that the title "Miami Vice The sound track" was a good bet, having "VICE" in the title! I still get upset to think she took the liberty, I was a single working Lad and bought it with my own money too!

    I regret, in my zeal, throwing my Whitesnake and Rainbow albums away.

    Gone off topic a bit, sorry.


  • NeonMadman
    I got it once at a quick build for wearing a t-shirt with a nike logo on it.
    The brothers made me put duct tape over the logo.

    Let's see; you're doing construction work for them FOR FREE, and they're telling you what you can and can't wear? I think, even as a JW, my response might have been to get into my car and drive away.

    But then again, we didn't think like that then, did we?

    "The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan

  • DB

    I was counseled, during field service, for wearing a suede-type shoe that looked too "casual" for the ministry. I was later counseled for wearing a Members Only style jacket in the ministry. The jacket counsel was given directly, but it was also first given indirectly, during a meeting for field service. The conductor commented on how we should all look 'uniform' in the service, and there I was with my jacket, feeling like I was being singled out. I confirmed with an elder later that yes, the comment was meant for me.

  • peaceloveharmony

    this is a great thread! i'm so glad i don't have to deal with this shite anymore. some things i was counseled on:

    wearing skirts too tight or too short or both
    wearing ripped jeans to a friend's house to play outside (her daddy is an elder)
    music choice (stupidly i thought it'd be great to get a group of jws together to see the Cure when they came to town. ended up having to sell half the tickets, some parents thought the Cure was demonized. oh well, suckers missed a great show!)
    falling asleep during field service
    and of course smoking, which i was reprooved for but i didn't mind, no more priveledges! yippeee i thought


    Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley

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