Ridiculous trips to the 'back room'

by Esmeralda 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Esmeralda

    The posts in the Elders Meeting thread got me thinking about this, so I've spun it off for into another thread.

    Were you ever 'counseled' because "some" in the congregation were disturbed by things you said/did/listened to/watched?

    Here is just some of the stupid stuff that the elders brought me in on. Though they were usually handled through shepherding calls, not in the back room at the KH.

    1: Because I decided to change my first and middle names. I had horrible memories of my childhood associated with my given name and finally decided to change it. I chose a name that I had always liked, which also happened to be the name of a character in a play that I had seen a couple of times (some from the hall knew that I'd seen this particular play).

    People at the hall were 'bothered' by the fact that "I definitely must have picked the name because I idolized the character."

    I looked at this elder and asked "You mean to tell me that you've never heard of a woman being called _______ before that play?"

    Well, yes, he had of course...

    Then isn't it possible, I asked, that maybe I chose the name for the reason that I just happened to like it?

    He backed off.

    Next time they called on us because we were inviting some teenagers from the hall over to our house to watch, of all things, Star Trek TNG. We were joking around about doing a parody and filming it with a video camera. Some of the kids started putting together ideas for the skits they wanted to do and MY OWN SISTER called the elders in and said that she and her husband were offended, because we were encouraging the kids to view "questionable entertainment".

    Geez. Can't they spend their time handling REAL problems like spousal abuse and child molestation? Oh yeah. That's right. They don't care about the real stuff.

    anybody care to share?


  • josephus

    hi there.

    this is a good point.

    i was once called over by the school overseer, to discuss my "obsession" with


    he told me it was a dangerous thing to spend time competing, and could lead me astray.

    funnily enough he later attempted to commit a fraud against me and my brother in an attempt
    to have us disfellowshipped. he was removed himself, only after i threatened court action.

    thats kinda why im here.



    ps his name is RAY DODSON he lives IN lisburn northern ireland,
    and he is the most evil man i have ever met.

    ps i know your online ray.
    i hope you die slowly.

  • joelbear

    Funny how your definition of back room changes depending on the venue, but I digress.

    I was counseled for enjoying school too much, getting involved with extracurricular activities, going skating (because of the disco music that was played at the skating rink),



  • orbison

    was at a luncheon gathering with about 12 sisters
    we were talking about the book study,,i mentioned how my conductor was the worst, so dry, etc,,btw, my x and i studied with his wife,,,,but i only meant his book studies were terrible

    well next meeting the elders asked to come to my house and meet with me,,,which they did,,and i was alone,,,they went up one side of me and down the other,,,they asked me if i thought i could conduct the study better, of course i thought i could :)
    but i said no, they said i was bringing desention in the cong,,,,later when i talked with the elders wife about the visit (i had nothing to hide,), she agreed with me and said his studies were horrible, lol


  • Undine

    Hmmm...interesting thread, Esmeralda!

    Let me see. Had a shepherding call once and
    I was accused of "Not being in subjection to my husband."

    The reason? A "sister" heard me tell someone that I referred to
    my car as being "my own."

    Ooops. Shame on me! ô¿ô Hideous crime!!! (SPARE ME)

    BRAVA! for changing your name!!!

  • sweetone2377

    I was called into the "back room" several times for not being submissive to my step dad and for being a burden on him. It was also a reason that they used to deny my application to Regular Pioneer. How was I being a burden? Let me tell you how, I had my own job, paid rent to the man for living in a house he owned (not the one he lived in), had my own car, etc. But since I wasn't married he was still considered the "head" of my household.

    An old friend of mine married a MS after being advised by the congregation elders that it was her duty, since after all, he did move across 4 states to live near her town (he was obsessed). From there he not only forbade her to drive her car (she bought it way before they were married, before they ever met), even going to the length of tearing out all the wiring, among other things. She left him and is still married to him but living with her Grandma nearly half way across the country from him. Even though she is not DF or has DA'd herself, she is still shunned. They think it was her wifely duty to submit to him in every way and obey his every word. Nonsense I tell ya!

  • messenger

    Well let me offer a further perspective, as an elder I was counseled for the following:

    1. For wearing a golf type jacket in field service. (this was by the co and the do)

    2. For going to the bathroom during the meeting. (body of elders)

    3. For using illustrations. (body of elders)

    4. For making noise when I opened my WT for the study. (body of elders)

    5. For not having two territories checked out. (body of elders)

    6. Setting my bookbag on the floor beside my seat. (body of elders)

    7. For adding a comment when a brother was giving a presentation at the door. He said I was stealing his call.(body of elders)

    8. For wearing a handkerchef in my suitcoat pocket. Too flashy. (two elders)

    9. For putting flowers on the same table with memorial wine. (DO)

    10. For not carrying a bible in magazine work. (CO)

    As an elder if you want to stay one, you just smile and say oh I am so sorry I will try and do better. Especially if it is the CO or DO. As you say these things you are thinking in your mind what a bunch of dumb-asses they really are.

  • blondie

    messenger, was this all in one congregation? Quite an anal-retentive group.

  • Farkel

    Greetings josephus,

    : i was once called over by the school overseer, to discuss my "obsession" with

    : CHESS!!!

    : he told me it was a dangerous thing to spend time competing, and could lead me astray.

    The society used to state that "True Christians(tm)" should not play chess because it, are you ready? "Glorified War!" In the 1960's anyone who was caught playing chess was counseled, considered spiritually weak, and removed from any position of responsibility if they continued to play the game. I once posted an article on the subject, together with the appropriate references from the Society's rags.

    What a total bunch of horses' asses those pharisaical dim-bulbs in Brooklyn really are!


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • messenger


    Over the course of about eight years, I could add more if I took time to think about it. I think it was motivated by jealousy, a lot in the congregation were drawn to me to talk to, as I had many years "within" and I think other elders resented it and took pot shots when they could.

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