My Bethel Experience Part 9

by new boy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • new boy
    new boy

    The the worst thing, someone could call you at bethel, was a "Jack".............. As in " that guy is a real Jack, he doesn't work at all". The other term not used very much anymore, was "Pot Licker" used basically the same way.There has been some bad things done at bethel. You name it, someone has done it...........But the absolute worst possible thing, a bethelite could do is be a THEFT! ......................Hay! people having sex with each other people happens everyday...........thats normal. But stealing from some poor bethelite making .73 cents a day .........That should be a STONING offence.......We had three of them, in the 4 years I was there............They would wait until we got payed (we got payed in cash) and go into the your locker at work and ripe you off. It never happen to me.........but,I had friends who had to borrow money to buy subway tokens........because of this "brother".

    One of these guys was one of the most self righeous assholes you ever saw. He would walk around the factory with an "Aid book" under his arm. He gave a text comment one time and said " I have walked the floors of the 124 at night and I have heard Rock n Roll music coming out of the brothers rooms."...Trying to out righteous even the GB.............sure enough 6 months later it was announced "Brother LeRoy Righeous has DFed for stealing"........Isn't that always the way it is, its always the "more rightous ones" you need to watch........"the best defence is an good offence."

    When some guy got kicked out of Bethel, Knorr would "Have him/her for breakfast" Meaning a half hour to 45 min. lecture on whatever their sins were. ..............It was getting so bad that once or twice a week he would go into this was very discouraging and it would have been nice to have had a hot meal sometimes..................Sooooooooo............. When Knorr took one of his trips to the south pacfic islands (always went in the winter time, for some reason) in 1973, while he was gone, the GB voted him off the text table!.......... Boy was he pissed when he got back! The next week at the Gilead graduation he said "We are starting a new arrangement for the text comments the GB will now rotate, so that all members of the GB, will have a turn at leading the text comments and I DECIDED TO LET THEM HAVE IT!".......nice of him.

    Old Bethel Joke.......

    Phone rings in 5th floor boy picks it up and says "This is Jack's mule barn......which Jack ASS do you want?".............on the other end "DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS?" new boy "NO"...................other end "WELL ..THIS IS MAX LARSON FACTORY OVERSEER!"...... new boy..........................."Do you know this is?".........Max Larson says "NO" new boy says "GOOD" and hangs up...............True Story.

    I got a new room mate in T-211 towers my old buddy Jack Sutton, one of the X Laundry guys. He was from Phoenix AZ.........I was from we decided decorate our room in a western motif. We had some old western posters on the wall. One of the posters was of a bull fighter..The house keepers loved our room and had many of there coffee breaks there. Anyway one night about 8:00 p.m. we get this knock on the door..................I't is Curtis Johnson (newly appointed) home servant to the Towers. This Guy looks and talks just like the Nazis in "Raiders of the lost Ark" the one with thick glasses and smiling all the time. We said "come on in" he said "NO...........brothers, I'm here to talk about the your room decorations"......."OK what about them?"......."We don't like them"...."Who is we"............"Well the bethel office"..........."really?"..............."REALLY" he said........."Like, look at that Bull fighting poster on the wall, of yours...............a tour might think we like killing animals."....."Brother Johson NO tours come through the towers and we never looked at that poster that way".............."Never mind that, we want it down".........."Alright".....we said " we will take it down"................we never said when. When we moved out a year later we took it down.............. Seig Heil!.................We haven't seen the end of our dear "brother" Johnson.

  • Shutterbug

    Man, I got a better deal in the military than you guys got at Bethel. Sure happy for my early choices. Bug

  • restrangled

    New Boy,

    Your stories are so fascinating. I had a cousin in Bethel about the time you were in. He has never talked about it. He was there for 2 years. Needless to say once he was out finally followed his dreams. He is quite well known in the city he resides in ..... he hand creates incredible wood work.

    Thank god some of you guys get out and survive.

    I also had 2 uncles who served very early on when they owned a Yacht and had that property out in Ca for the return of various biblical heavies.

    They told the family about it, but no one never believed them.


  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    New Boy,

    Thank you so much for the articles...I love reading them... Star

  • Hortensia

    what great stories - you are the Kitty Kelley of the Watchtower society!

    so nice to hear that these folks who are so different from "worldly" people, are actually just like them - one big hypocritical disorganized soap opera. I hope you put together all your memories in a book - what a great read it would be. You tell a good story - keep going.

  • CaptainSchmideo
    Phone rings in 5th floor boy picks it up and says "This is Jack's mule barn......which Jack ASS do you want?".............on the other end "DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS?" new boy "NO"...................other end "WELL ..THIS IS MAX LARSON FACTORY OVERSEER!"...... new boy..........................."Do you know this is?".........Max Larson says "NO" new boy says "GOOD" and hangs up...............True Story

    Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But I saw this same thing in "Beetle Bailey", and I've also seen some urban legends with the same scenarios.

    But it is a funny story, nonetheless...

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    When I got to bethel they was giving a new boy (pun intended) speech about how the sadest day at bethel was when they had to put locks on the room doors due to theiving. I stayed in room 107-750, corner room with a nice veiw of the east river and brkln bridge. Your post are really taking me back.

  • SirNose586

    Thievery? In God's House? For shame! I thought it was a great place to be "this side of this system of things!"

  • jayhawk1

    Keep 'em coming!

  • bernadette

    Phone rings in 5th floor boy picks it up and says "This is Jack's mule barn......which Jack ASS do you want?".............on the other end "DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS?" new boy "NO"...................other end "WELL ..THIS IS MAX LARSON FACTORY OVERSEER!"...... new boy..........................."Do you know this is?".........Max Larson says "NO" new boy says "GOOD" and hangs up...............True Story.

    nearly choked on my tea laughing - can just imagine your face when you got caught out

    A youngster I know who went to bethel could do a very authentic foreign accent to get himself out of trouble and wind people up

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