Why Can You See Through the Watchtower While Others Cannot?

by The wanderer 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    Those who are strong in R.C.beliefs aren't going to change.Those who are strong in wts beliefs aren't going to change.Ex.in a recent Km service part,"Adjustment for the..book of revelation."Some of the comments..."Aren't we glad that the GB keeps us informed.,these minor adjustments by GB tells us that God is backing His ORG.,we aren't like other religions we admit our mistakes."With those kind of comments the old farts aren't going to change.That being said,there are very very very few converts in Western countries.Yes,there are a few of us who see thru the (smoke & mirrors) of wts but give it a few years because there are many many many who are sitting on the fence and don't belief wts propaganda.Why can I say this.. well sit in on any meeting,CA,DC the GB is consistently hammering the R&F to do more BUT ARE they getting any results NADA...The old farts are to old to do more.Any manmade religion(wts) will fail.

  • xjwms

    its the brain/washing !

    after that....being told how to live....is a lazy lifestyle.....Just do this and that....and you will live forever.


  • willyloman

    Excellent thread, the comments are all "keepers." This illustrates the truth of the old saying: There are none so blind as those who will not see.

  • AuldSoul

    Three reasons:

    (1) I found out the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society had joined the chief agent of the much-touted arch-enemy of God's Kingdom by His Christ, and maintained their Associate membership with the UN/DPI (a secular organization under judgment by God) for 10 years.

    (2) I tried to address the matter with the organization and received their reply.

    (3) I began to honestly and openly question what else I believed to be right that was actually wrong, and did not ignorantly and proudly spurn the sage wisdom of many escapees who went before me.

    I think that is why I can see through the Watchtower while other JWs cannot. Those who will not look are prideful and/or more fearful of losing the esteem of others than they are fearful of being wrong (or destructive, or [fill in the adjective]).

    It takes an incredible amount of humility to admit you've been duped into Corporate servitude for more than 21 years. That's a large slice of humble pie very few humans (from observation) have integrity sufficient to make them choke down their gullets.


  • OnTheWayOut
    Why Can You See Through the Watchtower

    While Others Cannot?

    Also, it's like a magician's tricks. Those who finally discover the trick try to
    watch the magician from then on, and they catch the distraction, they see the
    slight of hand movement.

    Those that don't catch the trick- just stay amazed. While most people under-
    stand that a magician doesn't actually do magic, JW's do not understand that
    the GB is a false prophet, and they are amazed- never noticing the slight of hand
    in doctrine.

    Mary's comments are dead-on.
    Also on the same thought, many people sacrificed college, career, marriage, children,
    security- all in the name of Jehovah Watchtower, so they cannot concieve their life if they
    were wrong.

  • sammielee24

    Very good thread.

    I can agree AS with your comment regarding humility but for many I recognize the abject fear that overrides that humity first. As OTWO has noted, some cannot conceive or come to the terms with the realization that their entire life has been a lie. Once they do, many then contend with the 'what if's'..the fear. Some self destruct once they swallow their pride and try to set about on more honest course.

    I questioned my own ethics during another thread about whether or not we would return to the 'truth' because of our family. In trying to put it in some sort of context that would determine the value I placed on my own ethics, I put myself in the place of one living under Hitler in the 1940's. What if all of my family were Nazi's and I loved them. What if I belonged to the club but along the way, I witnessed the murder of innocent men, women and children and I went back and questioned my involvement in the club with my family. What if they told me that if I refused to belong to the club that they would cast me out to fend for myself? Not just them, but my country, my government, all that I knew? After thinking about all of this, I came to the conclusion that I could not remain in the club because to do so would be to destroy myself, and I would then have to look at my family as also being corrupted, liars, manipulators and murderers - because once you are aware of the wrong and do nothing, you spport the wrong doing.

    In this argument, I likened it to being an abused child. When you put the abuse in the context of 'molesting', it doesn't sound so bad to you or anyone else - its a soft shoe of the action. So the child becomes the adult and still denies the molestation was rape because rape and pedophilia are harsh, ugly words and for many, the ugliness that is tied to those becomes the reflection they have in the mirror. Denial is often combined with fear - and that fear might be as simple as being alone. If a person 'in' has to admit the ugliness of what their life has been because of a belief they were sold, then sometimes the sacrifice of self becomes more survivial than denial. The society is ugly in its protrayal of the world and the fear they manipulate people with. It is ugly in the sacrifices they demand of their members on a daily basis. It is ugly in that it gives nothing back. To look in the mirror and recognize that this ugliness has cost you your life, your hopes, your dreams, your children, your grandchildren, your past and your future, is humbling, - to remain in the ugliness is fear and sometimes perhaps apathy - but to do nothing is the greatest of all tragedies to me. sammieswife.

  • OICU8it2

    For the same reason most cannot see the liberal media for what it is.

  • Terry

    There is an adage in the game of chess: A THREAT IS MORE POWERFUL THAN ITS EXECUTION.

    This means what it says. Once a threat is executed there is no threat anymore. Putting pressure on people makes them second guess themselves.

    Jehovah's Witnesses aren't fully conscious of the threat their lives are built upon. But, once the threat is gone it is easy to become aware that it WAS ever present.

    The risk involved in questioning your entire world view is practically insurmountable. Survival at its most basic is based on being right. You become defenseless when you are wrong. It is anti self-preservation to allow yourself to become so defenseless.

    Few people operate at their best when they are under pressure of threats that if they screw up they lose everything!

    The purpose of the Watchtower Society is to create the illusion that you are only safe as long as you are unquestioningly following orders.

    Praise is only given to the group and the amount of praise heaped upon individuals is vanishingly small.

    It takes an individual with healthy self-esteem to question their own basis for following a purpose and risking falling off the edge.

  • done4good
    I believe that in many cases those of us who manage to escape are the ones who have another of these challenging episodes that forces their hand and makes them re-evaluate. In other words shocked in and shocked out

    Precisely. That's what finally did it, for me. However, long before that, experience with people and situations outside of the borg taught me that things were not exactly what the borg taught me they were. So doubts existed before anything monumental took place. It just took a good jolt for me to be brave enough to face them.


  • willyloman

    The purpose of the Watchtower Society is to create the illusion that you are only safe as long as you are unquestioningly following orders.

    There is more truth in this thread than in all the Watchtowers ever printed. And we're only at two pages!

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