Why Can You See Through the Watchtower While Others Cannot?

by The wanderer 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Why Can You See Through the Watchtower While Others Cannot?

    Compared with the six million Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide the
    so-called “apostates” are comparatively much smaller.

    Yet, they are able to see through the corruption of the Watchtower
    Society much more clearly.

    Is it a case of Brainwashing or Denial?

    Does the Watchtower Society have such a hold on Jehovah’s Witness-
    es that regardless of what evidence is presented starkly contrasting the
    Watchtower’s teaching, individuals cannot grasp they are being duped?

    What is your assessment and view about this issue?


    The Wanderer

  • Gordy

    Its the difference in perspective.

    You can stand with your face right up against a large painting and only see a 6" square at a time. . You think to yourself this is a nice painting.

    Then you step back and you see the whole painting. You then see that its not as good as you thought it was.

    There are parts where its flaking, parts where the artist has changed it, parts that don't fit in, parts that are dark that you can't quite make out what is there.

    Likewise those still in the Watchtower only see there small part of it. Their congregation, or circuit. They see only the publication they have at the time, the Watchtower for Sunday, the book for the group study. They don't step back and look at what the whole Watchtwer doctrine looks like.

    "Apostates" have taken that step back and have seen the whole picture.

  • MinisterAmos

    I had a 60 years in service PO tell me three weeks ago that "XXXX" book was no longer being used because it was "full of mistakes".

    But aren't the writers directed by the Holy Spirit? How could it be wrong? Why can't they see this?

  • sspo

    Very simple

    All of us always had doubts about certain teachings and doctrines but always afraid to question them or talk about it even with your closest friend.

    We could never say anything negative or question the GB

    Many of us had enough b...lls to finally look and investigate the internet and that's when a whole new world opened up.

    The JW's is just another religion like the 1000's out there.

  • heathen

    I agree with gordy, you have to step out of the realm of WTBTS control in order to see the very cheezy texture of the org. I even believed it was the truth for a bit until it became more and more evident that these people keep changing the truth , they don't mention that while you study . it's more about what todays truth is other than what they believed it was over the century they claim to be refining it . The bible is pretty clear that it's either true or it's an abomination , a lie meant to deceive .

  • Gill

    Some people WANT the lies that the WTBTS sell to them.

    They DON'T WANT to know the real truth, possibly because it is too much for them to handle, or possibly because they like feeling, special, different, better, superior to everyone else.

    Much as in the Matrix movie, you have to make a decision to see reality for what it is, and take steps to escape the fantasy and that can be a painful journey to make and you may lose the ones you love on the way.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's important to be right. People invested their hopes and dreams, their weekends
    and weeknights. They marched door-to-door in the snow, sun, rain, cold, & heat.
    The WTS gave them a way to prove they were right- if you are ridiculed for your
    belief, that's persecution from Satan, which proves he doesn't like what you are
    doing- therefore you are right to do it.

    WTS has an answer to every Bible question. We convinced ourselves of that
    early on. If they have all these logical answers to such a difficult book, then they
    must be right. That's the reason WTS is so radical about the cross and holidays
    and unpaid clergy and no-collection plates. It makes you focus on the wrong stuff.
    They must be right. By my knowing they are right, I am smarter than a rocket
    scientist, or a scholar. People who say they are wrong are dumb. I won't listen
    to them. I want to be smart. I want to be right.

    That about covers it. Chicken Little is afraid to be wrong. The sky must be falling.

  • lisavegas420

    I loved Gordy discription. I took my son for an interview at the Goodwill this week. There was a picture there...it's huge. It was behind some other pictures. I dug it out. Good thing my son was there, he helped me carry it. It's on the living room wall now. On the back, it says "Tree of Life" I looked it up on the internet. This is it......Anyway..

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk
    I had a 60 years in service PO tell me three weeks ago that "XXXX" book was no longer being used because it was "full of mistakes".

    Which Book?

  • Peppermint

    In my early days going door to door I once asked an elder after meeting a householder who responded in a antagonistic and aggressive way.

    “should we not make that person a do not call”

    He explained that at any moment a life changing event could occur in that persons life, that will make them re-evaluate the world and respond differently.

    When I think on that now I realise that although obvious it says a lot more.

    I came into the truth on the back of a life changing/challenging period, most the people I know also. The thing is once you are in the organization everything is about conformity and denying your right in a way to have these stop and re-evaluate moments.

    I believe that in many cases those of us who manage to escape are the ones who have another of these challenging episodes that forces their hand and makes them re-evaluate. In other words shocked in and shocked out.

    In my case I became ill and could not attend meetings for a long period of time. if not for this I would probably be doing my preparation for the book study tonight.

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