How many have/will/plan to attend a WNFJ convention in Penn?

by AK - Jeff 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lovelylil

    Grace, Jeff, Kate,

    This is my first year attending. How far in advance do you think I should make reservations? Lilly

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    From my experience of always planning never attending I'd say don't wait till the last minute. As soon as possible. Many people reserve rooms year to year like where I'll be staying. They have some sort of large cabin. Maybe I can have my friends bring my raw foods since they'll be driving......sounds stupid but 4 days without fresh raw foods will leave me drained and maybe exacerbate my lupus. Otherwise I'll rent a car and find a health food store in Allentown. I'll leave early Thursday morning or a red eye Wednesday night.

  • mouthy

    If you know your going for sure Lil Book NOW!!! but you will lose the depossite if you dont go....
    There is a store kate just before you go up to the Mountain you will be able to buy fresh food in it I think But I would e-mail Kate at Blue Mountain or ask Debbie about the food thing...(.At Blue Mountain..)
    I can post pictures My grand-daughter put mine on....
    I am looking forward to meeting you all I know neomadman....Great guy!!!

    Yes let bump this ....else I can find it DAH!!!!!!

  • lovelylil

    Thank you Kate and Grace. Can't wait, I am so excited to be able to meet some many of my JWD friends. Lilly

  • mouthy

    That should have read I CANT post pictures LOL

  • mouthy


  • AuldSoul

    When is it? I will be living in Pennsylvania (Harrisburg area) as of the coming weekend. I might get to meet GRACE AND ANNIE!!!

    Oh, Nic, for answer to your sincere question that last exclamation should clear it up.

  • Invetigator74

    I have been wanting to go for awhile now. I think I will attend this Oct.(2007) Can I bring my cam or camera / is it allowed? Anyway let me put my reservation in today

  • truthsearcher

    Okay, you guys are too funny. I can totally see how it will turn out--like one of those great pj parties I used to go to as a teenager. Well, maybe you didn't get to go to any, but they were lots of fun--Stay up late, talk, eat junk food (sorry Kate, but nuts count). Since I received the tapes from October's conference yesterday, and started listening to tape 1, and started crying, I am in for some quality Kleenex time--only 15 more tapes to go. Just call me REDNOSE from now on.

    I would really love to go, but I want to take someone with me, one of the JWs I have been meeting with...

    RN (aka TS)

  • mouthy

    Can I bring camara etc with you ? YES! some guy takes his video machine & videos all the sessions ....
    Yes we do get together on thursday when I arrive & go into town for a supper together Loads of laughs.
    It starts Oct 19th that a Friday, it goes Sat, Sunday. -----I leave very early Monday Morning...

    I may have forgotten what other questions were asked ( old age)
    Glad your enjoying ( or crying) from the tapes.Truethsearcher.... Glad to know they are working o.K. I have sent many on here tapes from previous years.
    It is what I lok forward to more than any other thing or time in my life

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