How many have/will/plan to attend a WNFJ convention in Penn?

by AK - Jeff 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Outaservice

    I attended once, several years back, and throughly enjoyed the experience! Maybe, I will be able to go again next year or the following. Also, a beautiful area that time of the year!


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    I believe it's the organisation of worship that hurts people, not the act. It's sometimes difficult to believe in something if there isn't a group of people to share in it and make us feel part of something. But when people get involved, peoples opinions get involved.

    It is understandable that you would feel this way. All I can say is mainstream Christianity is 100% different from cults and cult mentality, meaning, you are expected to use your brain.

    I adore worshipping with my church, my husbands praise band, and serving the church and community. True Christian leaders will never say, "believe what I tell you," but they will tell you NOT to believe what they tell you without checking it for yourself.

    When someone is teaching the Bible they are not supposed to teach personal opinions. I would never support a pastor that did, in fact my husband being a pastor will check everything being taught for acuracy as do I.

    I would believe what I believe if I was the only one on earth who believed it. But you are right. J Vernon Mgee once said "the problem with the church in the 21st century is not the woodpeckers on the outside, but the termites on the inside."

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    MOUTHY!!! I'm going to give you a great big hug till your eyes pop out!

    Can't wait!

    just kidding it will be a nice gentle Canadian hug.

  • mouthy

    and had people calling each other brother, sister

    WelL thats funny!!! No one calls me sister there I have been nicknamed "Mrs Doubtfire" "Mouthy"Undeserved Kindness" Now you got me worried maybe they are trying to tell me I "aint" a sister ..( only kidding) If you dont want to go DONT!!!! But you wont find any of that at WNFJ.... The only one that calls me sister is "OUTERSERVICE" & come to think of it I think he has stopped calling me that now ---his last e-mail called me GRACE ???
    Outerservice >>>>>>WHY??? HAVE YOU DECIDED I AINT YER SISTER????lol

  • lovelylil

    Kate and Grace,

    I'll see you there! Can't wait, we will finally meet in person. Lilly

  • mouthy

    Apostate Kate I am looking forward to that ,...Bringing another new one out with me this time too

  • mouthy

    OH Lovely lil I sit on the left hand side third seat in right on the isle side -sat there for 16 years..( well not really ALL 16 YEARS! just 16 weekends .LOL

  • mouthy


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    Bringing another new one out with me this time too

    Wonderful! I may be bringing some too! yippeeeeee

    Grace do they have raw veggies? I don't like carrying food on the planes, it has to go through all the scans and takes up room. All I need is raw nuts and veggies. Oh I forgot about the airplane rules, better read up so I am prepared. You can't take personal hygiene stuff unless it is packaged a certain way.


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    I'll see you there! Can't wait, we will finally meet in person. Lilly

    I feel the same way! Jeff and everyone else going, it will a pleasure to meet you all. A few weeks ago I met a friend that I have known for about 7 years online. He is ex JW too, we have a new Meetup group halfway between us so we both drive about an hour. It was so sweet to meet him! My mom did too. We used to meet in the AOL disfellowshipped JWs chatroom.

    Lets keep this thread fresh and we can post pictures of ourselves later in the year so we can recognize each other at the convention. Someone will have to teach me how to post pics here. Grace, Renee, what is the weather like that time of year out there?

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