
by choosing life 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing


    First, Wikipedia is NOT a credible source reference, as it is uncontrolled and not peer reviewed. University professors will go nuts when students try to use it as a source reference. There is too much misinformation in it.

    Second, anti-matter is a theoretical concept of nuclear structures that are polar oppposites of matter ... almost like a negative photograph. I highly recommed that you read good works on physics from your local university book store or library.

    My own background is electrical engineering with special focus on research using destructive and non-destructive testing of materials. I specialized in material science as applied in nuclear power plants and reactor physics. I am suspecious of what you reported regarding keeping anti-matter suspended in some laboratory. Could you please provide credible source references supporting your comments?

    Jim Whitney

  • skyking

    The Enterprise on Star Track ran on anti-matter

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes most sub-atomic particles have their own anti equivalent. A positive electron is a positron. A negative proton can be produced. There are neutrinos and anti - neutrinos. In fact when a neutron decays it produces a proton, electron and an anti-neutrino plus energy. When matter and anti-matter come together it produces a lot of energy with extremely little waste. Just Six Numbers is abook I would recommend reading. Not too mathematical - almost designed for the lay man.

  • Lilycurly

    Hmmm, the only stuff I know about Anti-matter I read in Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. I'd need to read a bit a bout that subject, it seems interesting...

  • parakeet

    onacruse quoted: *** kj chap. 20 p. 377 Land of Magog No More to Threaten Mankind ***

    "Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way."

  • Lilycurly

    Ugh! That "Jehovah will provide/will snap his fingers" answer to every rational question thrown at them just insults my intelligence so bad.So tired of that one.

  • jinjam

    hi everyone i hope this helps, did some research and found the info,
    anti matter does exist and for a long time, i did some research and its reliable:

    -1.)Does antimatter exist?

    Yes, it does, and we make it routinely at CERN. Antimatter was predicted by P.A.M. Dirac's theory of quantum mechanics in 1928 and antiparticles were found soon after by Carl Anderson. CERN is not the only research institute to produce and study antimatter.

    -2.)How is antimatter contained?

    With very great difficulty. It annihilates completely when it touches any normal matter. There are two cases:

    Case 1: If an antiparticle is electrically neutral then electric and magnetic fields have no hold on it at all. Therefore, there is no easy way to contain neutral antimatter particles, i.e. no way to keep them away from the normal-matter walls of the vessel in which they are. They therefore almost immediately come into contact with normal matter and annihilate.

    Case 2: For electrically charged antimatter particles such as positrons (antielectrons) and antiprotons we know how to use "electromagnetic bottles" to contain them. However: like charges repel each other. So it is not possible to put a large quantity of antiprotons together because the repulsive forces between them soon become too strong for the fields that hold them away from the walls. And you cannot put a mixture of positive antielectrons and negative antiprotons together, because they will make antihydrogen, which is neutral and we are in case 1 again.

    -3)So only very minute quantities can be contained.
    -4)What are the future uses of antimatter?

    Antielectrons, or positrons, are already used in PET scanners in medicine (Positron-Emission Tomography = PET).

    Other uses are in studying the laws of nature, as we do at CERN. The team of the PS210 experiment at the Low Energy Antiproton Ring (LEAR) at CERN made the first antihydrogen atoms in 1996. Then, in 2002 experiments managed to produce tens of thousands of antihydrogen atoms, a sufficient number to study this gas in its antimatter form. However, although "tens of thousands" may sound a lot, it's really a very very small amount. You would need 10'000'000'000'000'000'000 times that amount to have enough antihydrogen gas to fill a toy balloon! If we could somehow store our daily production, it would take us 25'000'000 billion years to fill the balloon. The universe has only been around for 13.7 billion years...

    -5)Can we hope to use antimatter as a source of energy?
    -6)Do you feel antimatter could power vehicles in the future, or would it just be used for major power sources?

    There is no possibility to use antimatter as energy "source". Unlike solar energy, coal or oil, antimatter does not occur in nature: we have to make every particle at the expense of much more energy than it can give back during annihilation.

    You might imagine antimatter as a possible temporary storage medium for energy, much like you store electricity in rechargeable batteries. The process of charging the battery is reversible with relatively small loss. Still, it takes more energy to charge the battery than what you get back out of it. For antimatter the loss factors are so enormous that it will never be practical.

    If we could assemble all the antimatter we've ever made at CERN and annihilate it with matter, we would have enough energy to light a single electric light bulb for a few minutes.

    -7)Can we make antimatter bombs?

    There is no possibility to make antimatter bombs for the same reason you cannot use it to store energy: we can't accumulate enough of it at high enough density.

    Sociological note: scientists realised that the atom bomb was a real possibility many years before one was actually built and exploded, and then the public was totally surprised and amazed. The antimatter bomb on the other hand has been imagined by the public who wants to know more about it, yet we have known for a very long time that it's not at all a practical device...

  • jaguarbass

    It is the opposite of matter and cannot come in contact with matter or it will set off a major explosion.

    Very intersting.

  • uninformed

    There was a real good comment re: antimatter in the book, Things in Which it is Impossible for God to Lie---Cant remember page or exact statement

    here is a statement from anther pub:




    Studies have been made of the effect of cosmic rays on living cells in animal bodies, particularly with respect to disorders of the mind. What effect do they have or will they have on the way men behave here on earth? Certainly the Creator of cosmic rays, Jehovah God, could use these to affect the minds of his enemies, including the king of the north and the king of the south, and could drive them to mutual slaughter: "every man’s sword shall be against his brother." (Ezek. 38:21, AS) In this prophecy God warns that he will also use other natural forces that are at his disposal, possibly a rain of antimatter that has the property of annihilating any material thing that it meets. He warns all scoffers that he will do an ‘unusual work.’—Isa. 28:21.
  • some-xjw-guy
    It is the opposite of matter and cannot come in contact with matter or it will set off a major explosion.

    Yeah, isn't that like reality and JW teachings? The explosion is what happens with the XJW.

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