What really made you exit the Jw's

by KAYTEE 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • lfcviking

    Well it wasn't the business about the UN & failed prohecies, i only found out about that when i left. For me it was all the unnecessary & burdensome rules, policies & the Organisations demand on your time & resources. They seem to have a rule for everything; rules on dress & grooming, associations, entertainment, recreation, voting, sex & morals, institutions, employment, etc etc. Most of these of which there is little or no biblical basis at all and are just their twisted interpretations of the scriptures. Folllowing the Orgs demands on matters such as these only led me to being in a very despondent, isolated & disillusioned state and hence my eventual exit.

    bye bye Org

  • jaguarbass


  • free2beme

    I have answered this many times.

    October 15, 1995 Watchtower "Generation change in understanding"

    Was the infromation needed to start me on a path of questioning, and in time fading.

  • itsallgoodnow

    found out it is a cult. my exit is not yet known to them. stupid cult.

  • thetrueone

    Hey, that's true a controlled grin, with nothing upstairs ! Like their being mind controlled

  • codeblue

    Lack of love and spiritual abuse by the elders.

    Also, finding out the WTBS hides pedophiles.......

  • OnTheWayOut

    I had trouble with GENERATIONS and 1975, so I researched these for years using only WT material. Once I knew the TRUTH was not the truth, I turned to the internet and found all this wonderful information that confirmed my belief.

    I resigned as an elder in August 2006 and quit the Theocratic Ministry School, citing doubts about our teachings.

    I met with the CO in early October 2006, he told me to make a decision what I want to do (practically told me to get in line with organization thinking or get out). After 12 years as an elder, he gave me 15 minutes of his time

    In Jan. 2007, I had a serious talk with wife about WTS being a cult, she seems to understand and will try to respect my feelings, I will respect hers.

    (Excerpts from my profile)

  • Abandoned
    What really made you exit the Jw's

    I just couldn't believe that the designer of butterflies, mountain views, chocolate, and kangaroos had such a plethora of personality issues. It didn't make sense that the power behind all the magnificent laws of the universe was afraid of me putting these theorems and maxims to the test. The more I Iearn, the more I realize that there is an impressive mind behind all I know and all I've seen. Religion, with it's arbitrary rules and regulations is not a microscope into God's mind or will, but a cloudy vial that either obscures or diminishes his true grandeur.


    Very interesting points made by all.

    The one good thing I get out of so many answers is not just the way you have expressed them, but that you have all got away from that Awful AWFUL cult


  • Narkissos
    just couldn't believe that the designer of butterflies, mountain views, chocolate, and kangaroos had such a plethora of personality issues.

    LOL, that might have given you a clue... especially if you bring sharks, venomous snakes, mosquitoes or viruses into the equation... (j/k).

    Seriously, I do agree: one big realisation of mine when I finally allowed myself to think was: the lyrics don't match the music.

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