What JW 'belief' offends you the most?

by jambon1 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am with the majority here.

    The illusion that the "Faithfull Slave" is the only people on Earth that God is using to accomplish his will

    Truly, the illusion is that a dozen or so (currently 10) men in Brooklyn represent God's Earthly Organization.

    Tackle that illusion and all the other beliefs go away.

  • Emma

    That they're right and everyone else is wrong and that they'll shun you if you choose to think differently. That they tear families apart.

  • avidbiblereader

    The whole thought of Jesus not being the central figure in Gods "plan or arrangment". Too much emphasis on the GB or anointed, BOE, and earthly organization and no where in the Bible is this teaching there. The apostles all kept telling people that Christ is the answer and never them, as a matter of fact, they said that men would rise and take away disciples after themselves. Christ is the key in everything and he just doesn't get the praise, glory and people being directed to Him instead of the "anointed".

    The other sheep get life because of their association with the "anointed". This is scary and sick. Jesus Christ is Lord!!!!! It was His blood not theirs that


  • megsmomma

    Ditto to all the above...

    Also, children getting baptised. They are soooo "holier than thou" when it comes to not practicing infant baptism....but they think nothing of children as young as 8 (if not younger) dedicating their lives to their miserable religion.

  • love2Bworldly

    That you should investigate and 'make sure of the more important things' or whatever when you are studying to be a JW, but once you become a JW you are not allowed to question anything or you will get disfellowshipped for apostate thinking.

  • love2Bworldly

    Also--after reading COC, the fact that a few old men sit around in a little room and make decisions that profoundly affect people's lives, and the JWs are taught that they are God's mouthpiece; and also that they can change their minds whenever they feel like it without undoing the damage from their previous decisions (examples--people being disfellowshipped for things that later are not considered disfellowshipping offenses.)

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Just about all of them, actually. but I guess the blood doctrine with all their acceptable fractions, two witnesses for child molestation and that disfellowshipping is a loving thing to do.

  • james_woods

    The entire carrot concept of the New World. The vision presented: (everlasting life, no infrastructure, no government, no animal predation, no disease, no accidents, no children, no need to think, everybody in cheerful cotton dresses (wonder who picks and weaves that cotton)) and supposedly lasting forever!!!

    I once asked a sister who was an absolute believer in all this how she thought earth could last forever, given what we now know about the life-cycle of stars.

    She just replied in a huff - "well, everybody knows that the Sun lasts forever"!

    This may not seem to be the most anti-scriptural, or immoral, or prophetically false, of all their beliefs,

    but - is this not the "carrot" that makes all their people go through the hell on earth of all their "sticks"?

  • lfcviking

    Well i'm not an advocate of the Armaggeddon theory but they say that everyone outside of the JW Org will be destroyed and that only JW's will survive, to me this is total narrowminded arrogance.

  • done4good

    In this order:

    1. Teaching that only JWs have "The Truth".

    2. Disfellowshipping, (and all JC bullshit).

    3. Blood.


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