What JW 'belief' offends you the most?

by jambon1 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • bronzefist

    Blood and everyone but JW's will die, of course, but also:

    Overlook or ignore any injustice you see being done to someone not in the congregational clique because, "Jehovah will take care of it in the end."

  • tetrapod.sapien
    What JW 'belief' offends you the most?


    the thing about this belief is the inherent structural quality of it. if one can defeat creationism, the whole religion falls apart because it means that we DID NOT descend from adam and eve, which means we are not imperfect, and do not need that religion or a savior to come into the love of "god".


  • Honesty

    The Faithful Discreet Slave

  • Quandry

    The "Authority complex" many have.

    They feel that they have the authority to ask the most intimate questions and demand an answer, even if the answers are unnecessary for establishing guilt or innocence; that they have the right to humiliate and degrade and call it "spiritual adustment;" that they can crush repentant people if they so desire, that they can then demand that these ones be abandoned when they may need help and human compassion the most, especially young people.

    This can result in self esteem and abandonment issues that may last a lifetime.

    My blood pressure is rising.

  • whyizit

    From the outside looking in (because I've never been a JW):

    I find it very unsettling that any organization in this day and age can send people door-to-door (often when many women with young children are home alone) who have not had a background check.

    I also think it should be a standard requirement that any religious organization should have a statement of faith included with any literature they place. Telling CLEARLY what their beliefs are and what is expected of their members who join, and what happens if they decide to leave. Just what is the "gospel" they are preaching, anyway? Define it.

    I find it highly offensive that a religious organization thinks it is okay to lie about its beliefs. No legitimate organization needs to do that.

    When a JW couple that was coming to our home slipped and told me that they think Jesus and Michael the archangel are one and the same, I nearly fell out of my chair! They also concealed the fact that you could be disfellowshipped for having a blood transfusion. Again, not in the Bible. Even orthodox Jews take blood transfusions, and they are experts in the O.T. blood rules. Had they told me that in the first place, I may still have invited them in, but I would have clearly had some prepared questions. I guess that is why they don't do that. It's all about tricking you into becoming a member, then scaring you into staying. Real Christians don't do that. Did Jesus ever do that?!

    Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  • wonderwoman

    The 'Faithful and Discreet Slave'.

    Without them we wouldn't have the blood issue, the disfellowshippihg, the two bogus wittnesses to abuse, unloving and power hungry men 'in charge', the constant fear of dying at Jehovah's hand, fear of our own unbelieving families and other innocent 'wordly association'...we wouldn't have a BIG FAT LIE.

  • JH

    It's their arrogance that bothers me the most.

    The fact that they say that they are the only true religion.

    The invisible things they say that has happened with no proof to back it up.

    The iron grip they have on their own members. Talk about a a lack of respect !!!

  • moshe

    we're in the "troof"- - that mentality allows the GB to control the minds and actions of the JW's often to the detriment of the lives.

  • RAF

    ok ... that's about an answer I've got from one of my sister while arguing : not really a belief but related to a law :

    it was about the blood issue and I was telling her that actually accordingly to the bible a believer is dead for the law (any - not only the mosaïque once) and even though the blood restriction was about killing : to eat, or to kill (which have nothing to do with : to save but that's an other story make them see where the difference is) that's when she answered me that actually it is important for the blood to return to the soil because God would need it to recreate us and to make us alive again (because to her the blood is her life ) ... I couldn't believe that I was sooooooo UGH In what kind of God does she believe exactly : who would need to preserve our blood to recreate us ? from what would he have created us at first ... Blood ? What about the dust will he need it to ? So in what is our spirit made out ? (dust/blood ...)

    I'm glad she begin to understand now how funcky the JW teaching is leading to think weird !

  • lighthouse19something

    The elders telling the singles to check with them to see if a 'canidate for marriage' is spiritual enough to get married (in better than a good standing). After several 'sisters' lost interest in me because BOE said I wasn't 'reaching out' theycritized me for dating non-jws. Go figure

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