Why People Move South...

by SWALKER 13 Replies latest social humour


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  • abbagail

    The only "images" down here are people with sweat dripping down their faces, limp hairdos that won't hold in this climate, makeup that runs due to the heat, and their clothes "sticking to them" because of the sweat all over their bodies from the HORRENDOUS HUMIDITY.

    Anybody that moves down here is plum-kwazy! IT's WAY TOOOOOOO HUMID!

    The summers are TOO LONG and TOO HOT and HUMID.

    The winters are TOO SHORT and TOO HOT.
    You're lucky if you get a "cool day" every few weeks! Then it's back up to a HOT and SWEATY 80+ degrees in the "winter."

    If you want to live in Air-Conditioning PERPETUALLY, which runs up your electric bill, and never be able to open windows and doors because it's TOO HOT and HUMID (ie, life without FRESH AIR), and don't even come with a car that either has No A/C or it's "on the blink," etc. etc.

    The South is One Giant Sweat-Hole.

    It's AWFUL.

    I'd move WEST but Too Po' at the momento!


  • Schism

    All that ice and air looks so refreshing!!!

    I wish I could slip on the sidewalk like that, because it would mean that I was OUTSIDE instead of inside, hiding from wasps, mud, rain, heat, and HUMIDITY! lol

    Love the pics, I need to go on another ski trip, I need money!

  • abbagail

    Wow, I didn't 'even know there were photos! In FoxFire browser (for Mac) all it says is:


    So after the other post which mentioned pics, I opened Shiira browser and - boom! Gorgeous SNOW photos! and the ingenious ways people make the best of it. Too funny and Ooooh La La! I love snow!

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    Ahhhhhhhh! Memories. LOL

    Kitten Whiskers

  • Dismembered

    Greetings abbagail,

    Thanks for being honest. The points you make are obviously from someone who knows what they're talking about. Thanks for the reminders.


  • Schism

    I totally agree, Abbagail.

  • rebel8

    Last night on my 10 mile drive home from work, I encountered a sudden miniature wind/ice storm which forced me into a ditch. Pavement was clear & dry only seconds before.

    Had to get a tow truck to pull me out.

    While waiting for the tow truck and Mr. Rebel8 to come to my rescue, I sat in my freezing car singing the "I love New York" tourism song and resolving to move out of this horrid climate.

    I would post the pic I took of the police car in the storm, but all you can see is black with a small white blob. That is how bad the visibility was.

  • JeffT

    I wish people would move south. Wednesday night it took me 4 1/2 hrs to make a 15 mile commute home. the biggest problem is stupid people who think that owning an SUV means they can go 75 MPH on ice.

  • Simon

    Why would anyone in their right mind want to live anywhere like that ?!?!

    Oh, wait ... that could be Canada right? We want to live somewhere like that !

    It is kind-a-beautiful when it's snowed. I love how quiet and muffled the world is in the snow.

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