Why People Move South...

by SWALKER 13 Replies latest social humour

  • Xena

    I love the South. Dunno how I would manage in snow on a consistant basis...it's ok to visit though.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Snow.. glorious snow!

    Could just throw myself into it. As I type, we have the doors open. It's January 12th. I'm contemplating turning on the air conditioner, it's too humid.


  • abbagail

    +1 - FOR Humidity - Schism (Why wait for a burning fire'y Hell when you can live in Florida? ;-)

    -1 - AGAINST Humidity - Dismembered (My kind of guy. You obviously have some good sense! ;-)

    It's a TIE! ;-)

    Or does that come out ZERO? :-/


    Hey, I know some people "like" Florida, palm trees, and "BALMY" nights on a beach ("Balmy" is nothing but an advertising word for tourists and its definition is HOT, SWEATY, and STICKY ALL OVER. Throw in some SAND and SALT and you're really FEELING GOOD NOW!).

    Maybe if you're young, it's bearable (but I don't know... growing up down here in the 1950s, before we had A/C, you just lie in your bed at night sweating all over... it's the most miserable thing on the planet... unless you like taking a few showers every day to wash it all off).

    When you get older it's like HEAT STROKE just to walk outside in the summer. We're talking 98% humidity as a "norm."


    And no one elsewhere probably saw on TV the continuous misery of the folks who were without electricity for THREE MONTHS after the string of Hurricanes of 2004. I was BLESSED as I live across from Sam's Club and they must have some "clout" with F.P.&.L. because I only lost electricity for 18 hours for Charlie, and 31 hours for Frances, but those poor folks out in the more rural areas of Orlando were without their A/Cs for THREE MONTHS and the news reporters would continually go visit different people to ask how were they coping in the heat and humidity? And besides being able to simply SEE their misery from their poor wilted sweaty limp selves, you could hear their sweat-induced agony in what they had to say.... BAD BAD BAD, they were all just DYING in the HEAT and HUMIDITY. Oh how I could FEEL their PAIN! I would have gone batty.

    I promise, you absolutely CANNOT SLEEP AT ALL when it is SO HOT and HUMID, you are totally drenched 24 hours a day. If you ever lose your electricity, you'll die...

    It's the pits.


    But, hey, if you have a SUPER-healthy Hypothalamus (the part of your brain that regulates your body temperature) and you like living in what feels like a swamp, then by all means, "Come On Down!" as the saying goes...

    Just be prepared to "live indoors" (where the A/C is) for the rest of your life...



    PS: And remember all those folks on TV stuck at that superdome in New Orleans? They weren't faking that agony. Did they not all look HOT, SWEATY and MISERABLE? The worst conditions could almost be bearable if you can keep your body cool, but when there's a big mess disaster PLUS it's 99.99% humidity in 98-degree weather, forget it. No way to keep your sanity...

  • Schism

    Humidity is the worst. I live in hell, actually

    Rebel8, try going through that same exact scenario, except it is in a rainstorm with ZERO percent visibility. It's happened to my husband. You will end up in a swamp in your car instead of nice snow. You northerners don't know what the south has been like these past few years. We get like, 360 days of rain, hahaha.

    Think, hydroplaning into muddy poopoo water. Versus slipping into snow.... Hmm. I've seen muddy snow but it's got nothing on a sewage ditch, lmao!

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