ITHINKISEE Update: JW hellhounds on my trail ...

by ithinkisee 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Apparently there are some JW families who are happy to live and let live, knowing what a df would do to them. There are others who want blood; they want justice to be served and to be able to play their little judgment games. It seems you know some people in the second category - bummer man.

    Be careful with the lying; if there had been two guys on the doorstep there they'd have their witnesses for your 'loose conduct' DF trial. You might one day have to deny you said that, or you might just not care. Make them work for it, but prepare for the possible eventuality that you'll be DF'd for some ridiculous charge. It looks like it won't make any difference with regards to how your family treat you, as it seems they've all Marked you anyway, and it doesn't seem like it will be any great loss. It might even make it easier for your kids to understand why their family shuns you now.

  • willyloman
    but when you are caught off guard it is tough to recover.

    Yes, but next time, you are not caught off guard. Start preparing right now for hs "return visit" and utilize some of the excellent advice you've received here.

    Remember: You hold the upper hand when they come to your door. Make them identify themselves and state their business. If their "business" concerns your wife's behavior, travel patterns, or ways in which she spends her time, just tell them they are way out of line and not to call at your door ever again. They want to believe you are the bad guy in this relationship, so play the card you've already got!

  • DanTheMan

    The unmitigated gall of these people.

    Dan, never-desired-the-"privilege"-of-being-an-elder class

  • mrsjones5

    My mother tried almost the same tactic on my SIL and my SIL isn't even a jw. My brother stopped them (a "brother and sister" pair who asked for my SIL by name) to the quick at his own front door. Amazingly enough they thought they were going to get pass him to get at his wife.

  • diamondblue1974
    Maybe in your case you will need more than one sign.

    Definately, one that says 'NO JEHOVAHS WITNESSES' and the second which says, 'YES THAT MEANS YOU, STUPID!'


  • Scully

    My first questions when I answer the door to someone I don't know, who asks for me or Mr Scully by name is: "What brings you here? Would you mind showing me your identification? We were not expecting any visitors."

    If they aren't someone I know, I point out my "NO Soliciting, NO Peddling, NO Preaching" sign and send them on their way.

    There is absolutely NO excuse for showing up at your home unannounced.

  • bebu

    Here's a wild thought.

    If family contact you and accuse you of brushing off an elder, tell them that you did not think he was an elder or even a JW at all because he was dressed so strangely.

    You can say that it felt odd that an elder was tracking you like you were some kind of rabbit, at the behest of people he didn't even name.

    A long shot, perhaps. But since none of your relatives was there for the whole thing, you can make it sound credible (maybe). But this only puts things off for a short bit.


  • Forscher

    I understand how you got caught off guard on that one.

    I guess the lesson for those in simliar situations is to ask right back, "Who are you, and why do you want to know?" That way you take control of the situation away right at the outset.

    Recently, I got a call from a phone I didn't know, as I was waiting for a legitimate caller whose number I didn't know, I took the chance and answered the phone. It turned out to be the new CO for the circuit in the last congregation I attended. As it turned out, I was able to take control of the conversation subtly enough that I don't really think the fellow realised he'd lost control and politely denied the man what he wanted (a committment to go to the meeting the following day).

    Now that the elder has confirmed your location I look for much the same thing as you do IthinkIsee. Yes, the arrogance of most elders where their "authority" is concerned and their willingness to use deception and lies to get what they want makes me wonder what I ever saw good in that organization. Just do the best you can.


  • Mulan

    the very best reply to any question..........."why do you ask?" It always makes them fret and fluster.

  • blondie
    the very best reply to any question..........."why do you ask?"

    That's what I use all the very well...and they do get flustered especially if you the woman are questioning the elder, the man.


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