ITHINKISEE Update: JW hellhounds on my trail ...

by ithinkisee 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ithinkisee

    Some back story:
    We moved 1500 miles away from our hometown. We didn't tell anyone we were done with the JW thing until after we moved - and even then - only basic info. Just that we aren't going to meetings.

    On both sides of the family we have people that will not be happy until we are DF'd, so we have been on the lookout for random elders popping up.

    Do I think that they would actually call the local congregations and find an elder to knock on our door? Read on:

    I was alone working in the living room. My youngest child is asleep sick in bed. There was a knock at the door. An older man in a baseball cap, shirt and tie was standing there.

    I opened the door. He seemed surprised someone would answer in the middle of the day. He had a small pink post-it note on his fingers and I could make out the note on it, which was addressed to [FreedomLoverr]. I thought it was someone regarding the fender bender with our car recently - like the insurance guy or something. Still it seemed weird he would show up unannounced.

    He asked if [FreedomLoverr] lived here - in a way that suggested he had already talked to her. I said yes. He asked if I was her husband. I said yes. He then said he was a local elder of the Jehovah's Witnesses congregation and was trying to locate [FreedomLoverr]. He said some friends from "up north" had lost track of [my wife] and wanted him to find her.

    Side note: They knew where she was. They apparently gave him the address.

    He asked if we were JWs or had ever been JWs. I lied and said "No".

    He asked if [my wife] ever had been a JW. In a way that looked like I didn't really care, I said, "I dunno ... maybe ... I'm not sure."

    He asked what I did for a living. I told him. He then handed me the note that he was going to put on our door. It said, "[FreedomLoverr], Some friends ask me to call you. 555-5555. Bob & Jane".

    No mention in the note that they are local JWs or that he is a local elder. No indication of who asked him to contact us. Apparently he was hoping to spring the element of surprise on [FreedomLoverr] when she called.

    He asked me if we were interested in the bible or God or anything. I said flatly, "Not at this time ... no."

    He asked if he could get my phone number. We locked eyes, I smirked, and said, "Uh .... no."

    He reiterated that his number was on the note he gave me and closed with, "We work this area from time to time, so maybe we'll stop back in the future." We each said goodbye. I watched him hop back in the car with the 'group' and he promptly took the baseball cap off.

    Nice little trick.

    It fooled me.


    Fact-finding mission completed for brother elder.

    I expect to hear more soon. Probably from two elders next time.

    What I wished I would have said,

    "Who asked you to get in touch with us?"
    "If they [our supposed concerned friends] couldn't find us how did you find us?"
    "Why didn't you identify you were Witnesses on the note you were going to leave stuck to our door?"

    In reality, I didn't want to ask questions that would ultimately lead to him setting me up for more of HIS questions. So I didn't offer much.

    I think the elder is concerned that I am onto them and he can't spring the element of surprise on [FreedomLoverr]. Apparently some of the 'concerned friends' feel that [FreedomLoverr] is being manipulated by me and that is the only reason she is not a JW (which insults her and pisses her off to no end ... heheh ...).

    I don't for a moment believe that I fooled the elder into thinking we were never Witnesses. I just didn't want to make it easy for him to ask "Organization" questions.

    Based on their recent KM articles and CO/Elder/Servant meetings, I will be getting some No Trespassing signs this weekend.

  • IP_SEC

    Didnt you guys get your publisher record cards? They cant even prove you were ever dubs!

  • carla

    Can't you just put up a no trespassing sign? Then get caller ID. Maybe in your case you will need more than one sign.

  • ithinkisee

    did you not read the summary? Yes, NO TRESSPASSING signs will go up this weekend.

    Yeah, we got our cards. But if you have two Milton Henschel types gunning for us (Freedomloverr's stepfather and my mom's husband) they will make enough noise that some new ones would be made or whatever. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I don't believe they will stop until they humiliate us with a DF'ing or something. It's really not that humiliating, but right now I prefer they stew in their 'righteous indignation'.

  • blondie

    ITIS, yah, once some dogs get ahold of a bone......

    They probably won't go away until FL tells them to be on their way. No need to invite them for that. We have caller ID. Also, people think my husband is the ogre too; like I don't have a brain.

    So obviously, he knew where you did he find out is not a bad question to ask and it brings up no doctrinal points unless God told him. Are you listed in Infospace or similar websites?

    We don't answer any unnamed calls and never the ones from people we don't want to talk to. One or two write but we just use our shredder.

    What kind of contact do you want to maintain with JW family? Can you do that and keep the "dogs" at bay?


  • 95stormfront

    IMHO....yeah.....I know you didn't ask for it, but, you made a critical mistake.

    He asked if [FreedomLoverr] lived here - in a way that suggested he had already talked to her. I said yes.

    You answered his question without first taking control of the conversation in it's entirety with a string of questions of your own coupled with a refusal to answer any of his until he'd properly identified himself and shown at least a marginal degree of respect for your privacy.......and even then unless they were to you appropriate between strangers, refusing to answer any of his questions.

    The last time I had two of these goons in my house it was like a volleyball game of who was going to lead in the questioning and who was going to follow who to a particular conclusion.

    When they'd finally figured they were not going to be able to get control of the situation, they excused themselves. I was more than happy to show them the door.

    Really though........

    I am continually stunned by the audacity of JW elders who with their sanctioned WT authority think they can approach anyone unnannounced and deliver volleys of probing "fact-finding" deeply personal questions expecting them to be answered. I'm further stunned that some would let elders live in their fantasy world of WT authority by answering them and not telling them that the information they're asking for is non of their damn business.

    I guess, right now though, your first line of defense is to do just as you say you're going to, try to beat them at their own game by posting no trespassing signs and hope they follow their own rules. I doubt if this'll work though as they have a propensity for breaking their own rules when their in that fighting pitbull bloodlust to DF or otherwise humiliate someone.

  • ButtLight

    That takes alot of nerve to show up in a baseball cap! Im no good at coming up with stuff at the time it should be said either, but I would have said, "I have never seen a jehovah witness go door to door in a baseball cap and a suit!"

  • exjdub
    You answered his question without first taking control of the conversation in it's entirety with a string of questions of your own coupled with a refusal to answer any of his until he'd properly identified himself and shown at least a marginal degree of respect for your privacy

    My thoughts were along the same line as 95's, but when you are caught off guard it is tough to recover. I probably would have done the same thing and answered his questions, although I would have kicked myself after.


    That has to be quite a disconcerting feeling to be tracked down and called on. Kinda creepy actually. I hope you are able to keep them at bay when it comes up again. I would be surprised if the local elders pursued it too hard. They have no skin in the game, so their pride is not on the line like the previous BOE. Hopefully they will take the lazy route and report back that they followed up without success. I know that is what would have happened in Wilton, NH. The boys there were too lazy to put themeselves out for anyone, never mind someone they don't know.


  • 95stormfront
    but when you are caught off guard it is tough to recover. I probably would have done the same thing and answered his questions, although I would have kicked myself after.

    For me, it's come from years of having my BS detector on a hair-trigger alert.

    The bulk of my in-laws are JWs so I get plenty of practice mentally picking apart their so-called spiritual conversations. I've blown them out the water enough that they know not to ask me anything.

    I only strike out only when I'm directly challenged or when I detect they're trying to corner me on one of their BS points as the elders who visited me a few months ago tried to do.

  • exjdub

    For me, it's come from years of having my BS detector on a hair-trigger alert.

    The bulk of my in-laws are JWs so I get plenty of practice mentally picking apart their so-called spiritual conversations. I've blown them out the water enough that they know not to ask me anything.

    I only strike out only when I'm directly challenged or when I detect they're trying to corner me on one of their BS points as the elders who visited me a few months ago tried to do.

    I hear you 95. I used to be the same way, but as part of the healing process I had to stop being on guard. It was too stressful. It was necesarry to just let go and live my life not caring what people think any more. I realize that a lot of people that are around JW family don't have the luxury of letting their guard down, but I sure feel good about it now.

    ITIS: I meant to mention that your title made me laugh out loud: JW Hellhounds...BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!

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