Protect your assets, use a JW

by startingover 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    Subject: Excerpt from book
    "How to Protect Your Identity and Your Assets" by J.J. Luna.

    Page 81:

    What about the cleaning lady or the carpet cleaner? At the very least,
    use someone that your friends have used for years and will recommend
    without reservations. However, if you have secrets to protect, this
    precaution may not be enough. PIs have been known to offer serious
    money to obtain trash from a home office before it has been shredded.

    My next suggestion may be worth far more to you than the price you
    paid for this book. In the first edition of this book, I suggested you
    contact an active member of th e Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's
    Witnesses, or the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons).

    Unlike the mainstream religions, you seldom if ever find a longtime
    member of these three religions in jail unless,as in some
    countries,they are there for their faith. These people believe that
    their Creator is watching them, and most would rather die than steal.

    Now that the feedback from this suggestion has come in, I will limit my
    recommendation to Jehovah's Witnesses, who received a uniformly good
    report. I hasten to add, however, that there were no bad reports about
    the other two religions. Rather, there wasn't any reports at all. I
    assume therefore, that the other two groups do not have many members
    interested in cleaning. The Witnesses, on the other hand, do up to
    eighty percent of the nightly janitorial work in office buildings in
    major cities, and an even higher percentage in clinics. In almost any
    town, there are Witnesses with janitorial and carpet cleaning
    businesses, as well as individuals that do much of the cleaning in
    upscale homes where security is paramount. They usually clean for a
    flat rate, work briskly yet carefully, and earn from $20 to $40 an
    hour. They seldom object to working odd hours such as late at night,
    very early in the morning, or on holidays ( since they do not
    celebrate them.)

    Although they call their church buildings "Kingdom Halls" we look them
    up in the Yellow Pages under "Churches". Over the years, we have
    learned that the best time to call a Kingdom Hall is between 6;45 and
    7;10 PM on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. This is just before they
    have one oft their meetings. Ask to speak to on e of their "elders". If
    they are busy, leave your number and have them call back. When an
    elder comes on the line, do not use a title such as pastor or
    reverend---they do not use titles. Just explain what you need. There
    is no need to be embarrassed about calling. Non-Witness persons often
    call Kingdom Halls to ask who is looking for work. (Besides
    janitorial, they are in demand in businesses where large sums of money
    are being handled.) If you are unusually concerned about privacy, say
    you prefer a worker that Is a "pioneer". This is the term Witnesses use
    for those who put most of their time in the Bible teaching work. They
    cannot be pioneers unless they have an excellent reputation both within
    and without their congregation. And not to worry; they will not preach to you while on the job!

  • kwintestal

    Is J.J. Luna a JW? What a crock. It's funny though that she says that 80% of office cleaning is done by JW's! haha


  • startingover

    I doubt he/she is a JW. Actually I thought the ideas were good. Even though the JWs are linked to the other 2 groups, it's obvious the JWs have taken the poor route.

  • Ingenuous

    Well, they don't mind taking the recommendation and running with it:


    "Whatever you are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men," says the Bible. ( Colossians 3:23 ) Obviously, one whose work ethic is governed by this fine principle would be a sought-after employee. For that reason, J. J. Luna, in his book How to Be Invisible, advises potential employers to search out active members of certain religious groups, but he adds: "In actual practice we usually end up with [Jehovah's] Witnesses." Among the reasons he gives is that they are well-known for their honesty, and that puts them "in constant demand" in various fields.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    This is so strange. Actually, this is the second time I heard about this book. One time a Visitnig Speaker quoted from this guy in a Public Talk. I was just like WTF? Who would write such a strange book and how did this old weirdo find out about it? I figured it must have been in the outline but that seems pretty goofy too.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Unlike the mainstream religions, you seldom if ever find a longtime
    member of these three religions in jail unless,as in some
    countries,they are there for their faith.

    J.J.Luna sounds like a jw to me. Either that or he/she doesn't watch the news much.

    Or maybe he/she considers that the jws in jail for child abuse are being persecuted for their faith, not their actions.

  • thecarpenter

    hmmm, two of my previous jw girlfriends did cleaning work... one of them went back to school and left the organization before I did. (I was the doubting one and she was the one defending the org, go figure)

  • Stephanus

    Using a JW to "protect your assets" in the realm of information rings rather hollow, given the familiarity we have with that 1987 article in the Watchtower, featuring "Mary", the medical receptionist.

  • wednesday

    perhaps someone should write the author and let them know that they my not get caught stealing but they are being busted for child molestation and rape.

    honest hardworking pedophiles /rapists, they will report on time and not preach to you.

    also, we could review this book on amazon, and put in a word or two.

    just a note from oneof the online reviewers, he says to review this book with assuranceof privacy-review in the kids section. not bad idea.

  • mrsjones5

    Knowing some the of jws I know that is so bad advice.

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