Husband's in ICU again

by MsMcDucket 44 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ChristianObserver

    Wishing him a speedy recovery and a happy and healthy new year to you both,

  • Scully

    (((((( MsMcDucket )))))

    Just over 3 years ago, Dr. Phil had a family as guests on his show, and the woman had not spoken to her siblings in over a decade due to some disagreement. She wouldn't just not talk to them but, like the JWs, she treated her family members as though they didn't exist. She shunned them. This is what he told her:

    "Withholding emotion is one of the most mean and vicious and aggressive things you can do."

    If I knew your daughters myself, I would ask them what they hope to accomplish by persecuting you the way they do. Certainly their behaviour does nothing to make you to want to return to the JWs, and it shows that their love of neighbour is conditional. I would have laughed if that woman reading the magazine had turned out to be DFd, but just didn't tell your daughters.

    I'm glad you have us to vent to... even though we can't give you the hugs you need, we are all there with you in thought.

  • LeslieV

    My thoughts are with you and your husband.


  • restrangled

    ((((((Ms McDucket))))))

    Hope you are holding up and that your husband recovers quickly.

    What happened in the waiting room was positively rude and obnoxious. I'm sure it made an already stressful event even worse. JW's seem to have a special talent for doing that.


  • purplesofa


    Thinking of you............I had to laugh a bit too, when you posted that you were reading COC and ISofCF.

    Your twins shunning you at this time is so very disrespectful, unkind, unloving. I hardly think Jah needs them right now to hold to what the witnesses think is a safeguard for them. I am sorry this is happening in your family.

    You are one tough and couragious woman.


  • bubble

    Hugs being sent your way (((((MsMc and husband)))))).


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    It has been a rough year for the two of you, huh?

    Please pass on my thoughts to Henry. I am so sorry that your twins feel a need to add salt to wounds. Just recall that they are dub-minded and have surrendered personal love and thought to a large publishing firm in NYC.

    Thoughts and prayers with you.


  • Finally-Free

    MsMcDucket, I hope your husband has a speedy recovery.

    Isn't it just like a JW to withhold love just when it's needed most? It would be nice to see a JW set aside differences of opinion once in a while, just long enough to behave like a normal human being, even if it's only for a few minutes. Some can do it, but it's rare.

    I wish all the best for you and your husband.


  • lonelysheep

    I'm sorry, ((((MsMcDucket)))). How UNLOVING of them (the jw's) to not even come and offer you a hug or something about YOUR Husband!!!

    If their faith were so right, then compassion ought to be allowed to be displayed. Instead, just the opposite is so. I don't see Catholics making a practice of this.

  • GoingGoingGone


    You have been through so much... I'm so sorry you're having to go through all this again. My thoughts are with you and your husband and your family.


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