Do you find the forum addictive?

by avidbiblereader 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Namasti

    Yes, I am so addicted. Not that I'm on it every day but I sure can't wait to get back on--first chance I get. What can be better than poeople who really understand where you're coming from. Who have been through many of the same experiences you have. Don't judge and are Open Minded, have moved on and experiemented with other ideas and concepts and I so have made some very interesting discovereies similar to what I've discovered, are also so very bright, vitty, funny and great sense of humor, brillient minds that know who they are--this has been earned by many of us. Yes--no better place for an addiction--don't you think:??


  • geevee

    Addictive........well.... I have tried to get on with things, but then something happens, I get a bit annoyed about something, or I want to know about something that I have heard about in dub world and back I come, and generally it is mentioned here...even before the dubz in dubdom know about it, and I love that.

  • bubble

    Yeah I'm addicted, but it's a good addiction.

  • lfcviking

    Yes i'm glad i've found & joined this Website. It feels like its my new congregation.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Is there an universal definition for addiction?

    Give me that information...and I can better decide if I meet the criteria......

  • J-ex-W

    Yes...but for me, in a very positive way. I know I won't always have leisure to post/ read like I do right now, but being that I'm still fairly new, it has been a HUGE breath of fresh air for me! Is 'addictive' the right term if it serves a constructive purpose as yet?

  • hambeak

    Yes it is addictive and I have told my heart out there to no one else on this planet.

    I guess because it is anonymous and I get a lot of good advice

    I have met some really wonderful people here and I am better and stronger for it

  • Elsewhere

    No, and I don't have a problem either!

    -Elsewhere (Please ignore the 15,778 posts I've made here)

  • Billzfan23

    It is addictive to me for no other reason other than the fact that I have nowhere else to go. I was an elder and had been in the truth for 11 years and just recently started my "fade". Basically, I have nobody else except for a couple of coworkers (and one of them is a JW) to talk to so when I get down time I jump on JWD and read the posts, occasionally replying to a few as well.

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