Percentage of men who don't wash hands after pooing

by *jeremiah* 58 Replies latest jw experiences

  • GermanXJW
    I was at a Hooters one time and the COOK came out without washing his hands and I told my wife we are leaving and asked to see the manager. I told her that her cook just took a sh$t and didn't wash his hands and he was gross. She took his side and said he probably washed his hands in the kitchen and I said how do I know, how many doors has he touched and infected and the kitchen is not the place to wash your hands after taking a sh$t.

    Does this not belong into the thread "What's wrong with Hooters?"

  • hillbilly

    Duh.... wipe with the left with the right...... works for Thousands of folks!


  • lonelysheep


    That is so gross, but unfortunately, happens a lot. Some people are just plain disgusting.

  • vitty

    I drive my husband and son mad by shouting .........."have you washed your hands"

    I know I shouldnt because they always do but its just the thought that they may forget , then go into the fridge or start cooking food yuk

  • restrangled

    Has anyone watched that program where they test urban myths and old wives tales?

    One of them was on the "3 second rule"....if you drop something on the floor you have 3 seconds to pick it up and it will still be clean.

    What they found was, if the item is moist, it picks up EVERYTHING instantly. If its dry, have the 3 seconds.

    The old saying your dog's mouth is cleaner than your own.....the findings were they have bacteria that their own bodies can fight, but its new to our own. Best not to let them lick that icecream cone or your face.

    This is the same program that showed how much bacteria flies through the air when you flush the toilet and don't close the lid.


  • mrsjones5

    Yeah, you're talking about the show "Mythbusters". The kids and I love that show.

  • GermanXJW

    Do you people in front of your screen know that a computer keyboard has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet bowl? ;-)

  • mrsjones5

    *looking for the anti-bacterial wipes*

    wait a minute! I'm the only one who uses this laptop!

  • Woodsman

    People may think this is strange but I like to wash my hands BEFORE I go as well as after. I don't want to get anything on my twigs and berries.

  • Outaservice

    Most restaurants I visit have a sign in the restrooms that say: Employees Must Wash Hands Before Returning To Work.

    That surely must cure the problem.

    Outaservice (Maybe I'll start eating more at home)

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