False Prophets - Yes or No?

by Clam 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hambeak

    I wouldn't call them prophets as they try to interpret the scriptures.

    Actually in retrospect they remind me of the Levite priestly class that makes a bunch of man made rules and they lose sight of Jesus teachings of love and compassion.

    As far as I am concerned they have niether. Just a bunch of guys making up rules and affecting millions of lives and destroying families.

  • yaddayadda

    There are different types of 'prophets'. They admit to being prophets in the sense of merely being spokespersons to God, but they deny being prophets in the sense of receiving and imparting new things directly from God. They think only the latter is 'inspired'. However, the quotes you show prove that denial is false.

    Yes, the 'faithful and discreet slave' do indeed claim to impart new insights and flashes of revelatory understandings that they alone have received from the heavens. They have formulated creeds and peculiar predictions about the future that are not found in scripture. The former teaching that the creator promised that the generation of 1914 would not pass away before the end came is but one example.

    In fact, only Jehovah's Witnesses can be modern-day 'false' prophets according to the definition of Deuteronomy 18 for the simple reason that only they claim to speak in Jehovah's name. No other religion prophesies specifically in the name of 'Jehovah' like the Watchtower Society does.

  • Gopher

    They think they're so clever by saying "we are not INSPIRED prophets". Well excuse me, didn't they claim their organization is "SPIRIT-DIRECTED"?

    What exactly is the difference between INSPIRED and SPIRIT-DIRECTED?

    One thing is for sure ... they sure make PROFITS using FALSEHOODS.

  • cultswatter

    Flip flopping again

  • Hannah

    "round and round the merry-go-round, the monkey chased the weasel..."

    All this yes/no flip flop reminds me of watching my dog run around chasing his tail--amusing, frustrating and pointless.

  • geevee

    I think that they are "profits".....!!!!!!

  • jayhawk1

    You gotta love how the 86 Awake says, "yes" and contradicts the 85 Reasoning Book which says "no."

  • jayhawk1

    So what are they going into the year 2007, are they God's Prophets this year or not?

  • jwfacts


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