by Lady Liberty 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freetosee

    F. Franz is not the first one to come up with this...

    BESTIALITY : No Fit Helper

    The biblical penalty for a man or a woman having sex with an animal is death (Exod. 22:19, Lev. 18:30), for "it is confusion" (Lev. 18:23), an egregious mixing of created kinds (see Lev. 19:19 and Deut. 22:9-11). "Cursed be anyone who lies with any kind of beast," says Deuteronomy (27:21), "and all the people shall say 'Amen.'"

    Bestiality is listed among the "abominations" of the Canaanites for which they are "spewed out" from the land before the invading Hebrews (Lev. 18). Even the Canaanite gods are not above this "confusion": in a badly damaged text from ancient Ugarit, the fertility god Baal has sex either with a cow or the goddess Anat in bovine form (see Pritchard's Ancient Near Eastern Texts).

    According to Hebrew tradition, even Adam , the first human being, is confused when his Creator brings him the animals. In Genesis Adam only gives these creatures names. Yet God's whole purpose in creating the beasts, according to the second creation account (Gen. 2), is "to make a helper (Hebrew ezer, denoting a companion or partner) fit for (Adam)," which Adam nonetheless fails to find. In rabbinic sources we are told the lengths to which Adam goes to find the right helper: he couples with each female animal, then complains to God, "Every creature but me has a proper mate!" It is only then that God, through trial and error (Adam's first wife Lilith leaves him, and the first Eve is rejected by Adam), creates a fit companion. (See Graves and Patai's Hebrew Myths; see also GENDER.)


  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    I can personally add nothing to that which has already been said by others on this thread, however I would commend to your attention this extract from the book "The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society" written by former third generation WT follower, Prof Edmund Gruss. The author of the book we are discussing is Freddy [Flintstone] Franz, by the way.

    "His book, "Life Everlasting in freedom of the Sons of God" was in fact so hard to read and understand, that it was dropped as the book for the mid-week congregational Book Study, when conductors themselves often could not figure out what their '' chief oracle '' was saying. When the book was shown to an editor from Random House, one of the large publishing houses of New York, the comment was made that it was either written by a beginning first-year high school student in journalism, or an inmate in a mental institution. That anyone could have read this book and taken it seriously is an indication of the total hold that the leadership maintains over the minds of individual members.

    The author [ie Edmund Gruss- my note] suspects that it was written out of Franz's frustration at not being able to openly teach the "Mystery" doctrine, which was the ultimate hope of all his aspirations" [pg 42]

    The book, which was studied back in 1967 was, to the best of my knowledge, so incredibly bad, that it was the only one to have been withdrawn before its completion. Unfortunately I cannot now recall the book that was used as a hasty replacement. My own personal view is that another of Franz's literary efforts, "Babylon the Great has fallen", at 704 pages, and taking 2 years to complete in the book study, was even more incomprehensible. Forcing the R&F like my generation of WT followers, to undergo this excruciating mental torture, should be classed as a crime against humanity.

    As Lady Lee says in a thread above, what a waste of paper, what a waste of trees, what an absolute waste of our time. The WTS hopes that with the passage of time, and the deniability factor that it uses with such precision, that questions regarding these publications will cease. Not a chance, Teddy me lad. Both books are now available on JWD as PDF downloads. You can read the absolute bloody filth for yourself.


  • fokyc
  • ithinkisee

    Mmmmm .... sheep.


  • tijkmo
    He did not oblige the man to go seeking a companion among them thus requiring the use of much time on the mans part, but Jehovah God brought the very beast of the earth and the flying creatures of the heavens before the man.

    and they have changed their thinking on this too...since that book was primarily designed to direct attention to 1975.... and since it has been directed away from 1975


    The man called the horse sus, the bull shohr, the sheep seh, the goat ?ez, a bird ?ohph, the dove yoh·nah´, the peacock tuk·ki´, the lion ’ar·yeh´ or ’ari´, the bear dov, the ape qohph, the dog ke´lev, the serpent na·chash´, and so on. When he went over to the river that flowed out of the garden of Eden, he saw fish. To fish he gave the name da·gah´. The unarmed man felt no fear of these animals, domestic and wild, or of the birds, and they felt no fear of him, whom they instinctively recognized as their superior, of a higher kind of life. They were God’s creatures, gifted with life by Him, and the man had no desire or inclination to hurt them or take their life away from them.


    Just how long the man was being shown the domestic and wild animals and the flying creatures of the heavens, the account does not tell us. It was all under divine guidance and arrangement. Adam likely took time to study each different animal, observing its distinctive habits and makeup; then he would select a name that would be especially fitting for it. This could mean the passing of a considerable amount of time. It was a most interesting experience for Adam thus to get acquainted with the creature life of this earth in its many kinds, and it called for great mental ability and powers of speech for him to distinguish each of these kinds of living creatures with a suitable name.

    this was from 1989

  • truthsearcher

    As opposed to the smorgsaboard of WT "doctrines-that-fit-our-particular-thinking-at this-particular-moment-in-our-ever-changing-prophetic-understanding", here's an alternate biblical way to look at the naming of the animals. It doesn't include years and years for a fully sexual Adam to be without a partner. It is from the website Answers in Genesis, and there are more articles like it there if anyone is interested.


    How could Adam have named all the animals in a single day?

    by Andrew Kulikovsky

    12 November 2002

    Many bibliosceptics and compromising churchians who deny a straightforward reading of Genesis have raised a few canards. One is, if Day Six was an ordinary day, then there would not be enough time for all the tasks mentioned in Genesis 1 and 2 to be completed. In particular, the naming of all the animals in such a short period of time is supposed to be impossible.

    Sceptics ask, ‘How could Adam have named millions of different species in less than twelve hours?’ One important point is that we should not be dogmatic on the actual number of species on Earth. May writes:

    ‘At the purely factual level, we do not know to within an order of magnitude how many species of plants and animals we share the globe with: fewer than 2 million are currently classified, and estimates of the total number range from under 5 million to more than 50 million.’ [My emphasis]1

    There are several factors, which may not be immediately obvious to the casual reader, that need to be considered. Firstly, Adam did not have to go out and round up or track any of these animals. Genesis 2:19 clearly states that God brought the animals to Adam. Secondly, although many objectors have claimed that the species Adam had to observe and name would have numbered in the millions, the actual number would almost certainly have been only a small fraction of this.

    Note that Scripture explicitly states that Adam named all the ‘ livestock ’ (Heb. behemah),the ‘ birds of the air ’ (Heb. op hassamayim) and all the ‘ beasts of the field ’ (Heb. chayyah hassadeh). There is no indication that Adam named the fish in the sea, or any other marine organisms, nor any of the insects, beetles or arachnids. In fact, of the two million known species, 98% are invertebrates, which include a variety of animals from sponges, worms and jellyfish, to mollusks and insects. The remaining 2% are vertebrates and number approximately 40,000 species.2 This number is further reduced when the 25,000 marine vertebrates3 and four thousand amphibians4 are discounted, since they clearly do not fit into any of the categories of animals listed in Genesis 2:20.

    In addition, assuming that speciation has been an on-going occurrence since Creation, the eleven thousand vertebrate species in question would have most likely descended from a much smaller number of proto-species. Each would be the ancestors of animals in the group that taxonomists call a genus5 (or possibly the higher taxonomic order known as a family6) and what the Genesis account calls a ‘ kind ’.7 Since many genera contain dozens, even hundreds, of species, it is far more likely that Adam had to name only a couple of thousand of these proto-species—a task which could easily have been achieved in a few hours. (Assuming Adam had to name 2,500 proto-species (genera), and he named a single proto-species every five seconds, it would have taken him approximately three hours and forty-five minutes to complete the task if we include a five-minute break every hour.)

    It is important to note that God’s purpose in parading all the animals before Adam was not merely so that he would give them names. It was also to reinforce the fact that he was different in kind from the rest of creation, so that none of these animals could ever serve as a physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual companion.


    1. May, R.M., How many species are there on Earth? Science241:1441, 1988. Return to text.
    2. David Burnie, ‘Animal’, Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2002, <http://encarta.msn.com>. Return to text.
    3. James W. Orr, ‘Fish’, Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2002, <http://encarta.msn.com>. Return to text.
    4. David Burnie, ‘Vertebrate’, Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2002, <http://encarta.msn.com>. Return to text.
    5. Woodmorappe, J, Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study, ICR, El Cajon, CA, USA, 1996. This tabulates all the creatures on the Ark by assuming that the kind corresponded to today’s genera. But this is to be as generous to the sceptics as possible, and even then there would be only 16,000 animals on the Ark as obligate passengers. Return to text.
    6. Batten, D., Ligers and Wholphins? What next?Creation22(3):28–33, 2000. This points out several examples of fertile hybrids between members of different genera with a family. This means that they are really a single polytypic species, and supports identification of the kind with today’s families. Return to text.
    7. Williams, P.J., What does min mean?, CEN Tech. J.11(3): 344-352, 1977. Return to text.
  • FreedomFrog

    Wow, this is good information. It's very sad that the Dubs don't see through their wack-o stuff. Oh well.

    You get the feeling that the GB just pulls things out of their hat just to print.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    You get the feeling that the GB just pulls things out of their hat just to print.


    You get the feeling that the GB just pulls things out of their hat ass just to print.

    There - thats more like it.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Thanks for the info. That book has more crap in it than I realized..

    That book was sitting on my desk even as I read this post. I had it open to pages 30-35 which had the reasoning that the seventh millenium of man's existence would run parallel with the 1,000-year reign of Christ. The chart on page 35 shows that 1,000-year reign as beginning in 1975. We all know that reign was to begin after Armageddon, so we all knew that Armageddon had to come no later than 1975 and possibly before. They can deny it all they want, but the facts speak for themselves.

  • blondie


    it-2 (1988) p.1195Woman***

    Before the man Adam ever asked for a human companion, God his Creator made provision. After placing Adam in the garden of Eden and giving him the law respecting the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, Jehovah said: "It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him." (Ge 2:18) He did not oblige the man to go seeking a companion among the animals, but he brought the animals to Adam for naming. Adam was not inclined toward bestiality and was able to determine that there was no suitable companion for him among these. (Ge 2:19, 20)



    As a Father, God desired to please his earthly son Adam. He made Adam acquainted with the beasts and the birds and left to his capable son Adam the task of naming all the beasts and the birds. However, Adam felt not the slightest desire to pair up with a wild beast or a domestic animal or even an ape and commit bestiality with such a subhuman creature. None of them was like the perfect man Adam, "the son of God." The result of Adam’s biological study of the animals and birds was summed up in this statement, in Genesis 2:20: "But for man there was found no helper as a complement of him.

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