What words of comfort can you give to an ex-witness who is very depressed?

by Warlock 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    There is someone who posts on this board who is very depressed. You know how it is. Life can throw you curves and it can be hard enough without the excess baggage of having been a witness.

    Can you please help her with some kind words?


  • fullofdoubtnow

    (((((((Warlocks friend))))))))

    I am so sorry to hear that you are having a tough time right now. I do hope that things improve ofr you soon.

    Just remember, whatever the problem, we are all here for you.


  • arwen

    Dear Warlock's friend; I am so sorry you are feeling so bad. I understand your pain. The past is not easily forgotten. If you can just try and get through one day at a time then things will get better. My life has changed 180 degrees in just two years. I can not believe it. There were a few times where I thought I would "throw in the towel" so to speak but I had a good friend like Warlock that helped me thru it. We are all here for you. Just give us a chance to tell you how much we care. Love Arwen


    Dear Warlock's friend:

    We've all been down that road in one way or another.....hang in there, things will get better.


  • megsmomma

    I wanted to reply to this because I know how it feels to go through many ups and downs in life. I try to think positive when I am in a down time, because eventually things do seem to go back up.....and the ups are real nice.

    I also know from experience that there are some kinds of depression that you can't get yourself out of without help from a professional. I am currently on Zoloft....which I took to escape from post partum depression. I also went to therapy for things dealing with my feelings from my past in an abusive home and leaving the JW's.

    If you are able, try to remember the good things in life....weather it be a day, a moment, or just a second in time. Do things that make you smile....like petting a puppy in a pet store, or looking at funny videos on you-tube. ( I looked up babies laughing and it got me out of a funky day)

    I hope you get to feeling better and I am sorry you have had more than your share of crap to deal with. Many hugs to you!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Warlock's Friend,

    I don't know if we've ever "talked," but ditto all the above. My reply to several depressed souls was that, if it got better for me [worst case scenario], it can get better for you. Illness - physical and mental, no money, beaten up by elders, abandonment, etc. I guess my underlying belief in God's goodness and care got me through. Finally, all sorts of love and comfort and MONEY came through, and can you believe this - much of it through "worldly" and DFd ones! Go figure. DO NOT GIVE UP! After some 5 decades of misery, I am truly happy - mostly a result of the perspective and love from JWD. DO NOT GIVE UP! Blessings and peace to you,



  • avidbiblereader

    Life can be very depressing, whether internally or externally forced on us. I am not a therapist but have needed it in the past for over 6 months and I put myself in a two week hospital for extreme depression that haunted me for over 30 years. It helped me wonderfully, that was over 15 years ago, many times things can come up from nowhere to bite you. However Paul said that God never forgets our love shown no matter what some org might say about us or another persons opinion is about us.

    Hebrews 6:10

    10 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

    Interesting though Jesus of all people should have never had to go through what he did however the Bible says that only after his going through his situations and trials that he became perfected. Hebrews 5:8 says

    8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered 9 and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.

    They say adversity builds character, I think adversity reveals character. Only when looking back after you come through it, does a person see what it has shown about themselves. Whatever the depression take courage, there is a tomorrow, there is light at the end of the tunnel and even though when going through it, it doesn't seem this way. It can always be worse, we should all focus on what we have not what we don't have, whether materially or otherwise. We have many blessings around us, even as this forum speaks for itself. There could be no one listening. I truly wish you the very best and peace my brother.

  • MsMcDucket
  • bigmouth

    Dear Warlocks friend. Can you differentiate between being sad and depressed right now? If you can't, talk to someone in counselling or psych. services very soon. Keep someone you care about with you all the time and DON"T try and 'snap yourself out of it'. Just do simple things for a while and get help to put those curve balls into perspective.
    Don't let the WT sense of worthlessness beat you down.
    Kind thoughts

  • Narkissos


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