A question for the men on this forum.

by restrangled 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Thanks for all the comments. After re-reading this morning I realize my questions were still confusing. I was trying to find out when is it that someone crosses the line for you as men? The statement made by the fellow about Zico's sister seemed to me, crossing a line even if it was just a hyperbole. If it had been said about me I would have wanted his hind end kicked into next year. JW or no JW, friend or no friend.

    Littletoe, sorry you find me so offensive.


  • LittleToe
    I was trying to find out when is it that someone crosses the line for you as men?

    Then maybe you should have asked that. By why limit it to just men, nad with such demeaning undertones?

    sorry you find me so offensive.

    I don't even know you. Why should I find you offensive? I just find the manner in which you addressed this issue offensive, and was upfront enough to tell you so. I trust you're big enough to take that. Alternatively I could have just said "yes ma'am, no ma'am, three bags full ma'am", but that wouldn't be my style. I'm one of the first to jump in when the girls are getting a slapping, and I'll similarly act if I see something similar going the other way. I am self-confessedly intolerant of intolerance, in all its guises.

    Just my 2p...

  • TheSilence

    Why should any man have to defend any woman against what, in my understanding, was only a comment? Words only hurt me if I let them. If someone made a *comment* to me no man in my family would stand up for me... because they know I have a mouth of my own and the intelligence and self respect to stand up for myself... or to turn around and walk away and know that if someone says something against me they aren't someone whose opinion I likely care about at all anyway.

    Only under physical threat would I expect to be defended, as I would defend anyone in my family as well.


  • james_woods

    Restrangled - you posted:

    Just one more thing guys, I know most of you would protect your own, but I get livid when I read posts about someones sister, and that sister is threatend and then they question what to do. Obviously by your answers you have no problem protecting your family no matter who is involved.......Why this isn't obvious to every male on the planet I'll never know.



    I did not understand this reaction (or the lack of) either, and I think I already said so on the thread you mentioned. I think I will go back and see what has developed on that one, provided that the "your previous posts" thingy is working again.


    PS - why do you allow yourself to be "re"strangled - didn't they get the job done the first time? Seriously, self esteem works for XY just the same as YY...

  • LittleToe

    Jackie:Well put.

    Allegedly this is an age of equality. It seems that us guys are expected to cede rights of conquest, but still step up to the plate when called upon by a damsel in distress. Maybe the next generation will have sussed out how its supposed to work, but this one continues to seem confused by the whole gender-role issue.

    That isnt to say that guys don't still react and step into such roles, but feel free to blame the poor change-management of the feminist movement when wondering why sometimes guys will pause and ask if their instincts are appropriate in this day and age. Maybe that's just a transitional issue, exacerbated by leaving a paternalistic cult.

    You want equality? Then own it, because the effects are multi-lateral.

  • daystar
  • restrangled




  • LittleToe

    Still reinforcing the behaviour that you feel is the only acceptable route, without addressing the wider issues, I see...

    It doesn't take many braincells to beat the crap out of someone, nor to teach the next generation to do the same. What might take a little more imagination is working out how to educate folks out of neolithic attitudes.

  • RR

    I never needed to defend my wife, she's a firecracker all by herself

  • restrangled


    It doesn't take many braincells to beat the crap out of someone, nor to teach the next generation to do the same. What might take a little more imagination is working out how to educate folks out of neolithic attitudes.

    It does takes braincells to stop someone from threatening you or your family. You can stop it immediately by being assertive and no-nonsense or you can drag it out forever by being a casper milquetoast.


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