Funny about this board!

by 5thGeneration 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration


    How 'bout this one?

    Me: Hey everyone, I said "hi" to my wife last night.

    Board: "No you didn't".

  • Pahpa


    Just a few thoughts to share with you:

    If your family has been "in the truth" for a 100 years, you especially should understand the shifting of "facts" to suit the circumstance. It is similar to the use of statistics. One can use them to prove almost anything. Lawyers are masters at maneuvering "facts" to suit their own purposes.

    Even the expression of "in the truth" is a dubious usage when it applies to the Watchtower Society. When, IN FACT, have they ever used "truth" as a basis of their religious organization?

    So, I guess the only way we can determine "the facts" is through discussion and deliberation. And, even then, our conclusions may differ.

  • fokyc

    How right you are,

    If I post that elders are liars, usually someone says they are not.

    If I posted elders don't lie that would be wrong,

    perhaps I should write, 'most elders lie most of the time',

    which they do!


  • lovelylil


    There are very few obsolute facts in this world that cannot be argued from another's point of view. Scientific facts would fall under that arena. Such as gravity, distance between earth and sun, earths circumference, etc. There are many more things in this world that are based upon a matter of personal belief, faith, opinion, current theories and other types of things similiar to this.

    Which FACT are you saying is an ABSOLUTE FACT that everyone is disagreeing with? Lilly

  • 5thGeneration

    Again, OMG.

    You`people dissect things to death.

    I started this thread because I stated in another post that the WT banned embedding WT symbols in Kingdom Halls (which is fact) and was told I was wrong by some yahoos.


    Here, this might be easier for you to understand:

    The WBTS teaches that God's name is Jehovah. Go ahead, argue it!

  • NanaR
    I think it's hilarious that when you post facts there is still always someone arguing it.

    I went back to some of your topics and posts and I'm not sure what facts you are talking about. Most of the posts I have read on this board are personal experiences (always more than one side to one of those -- usually as many "factual" versions as there are parties to the event being recounted) and doctrinal discussions (which rarely ever could be described as fitting in the realm of "fact" because they utilize histories -- see reverence to personal experiences above -- or interpretations).

    Makes you want to stop bothering if people don't want to learn.

    You have freedom to share and others have freedom to agree or disagree. Quite a concept, at least it was for me. I was also a 5th generation JW (saying "was" because even though I am not DAd or DFd I no longer consider myself a JW).

    But then again my family has only been in the truth for 100 years so what would I know?

    I don't know how old you are, but I am 54 and my great-great grandfather who got the "truth" from Pastor Russell himself was a Civil War (Confederate) veteran. So I have memories of the "truth" going back to the 1950s on a personal level, and accounts of my mother and grandmother's family history going back much farther than that. However, what any of us "knows" on a personal level is dependent on a lot of things -- the quality of our recollection, the existence of documentation AND the context in which the documentation was prepared, etc.

    Most of us are trying to overcome YEARS of programming -- years of "unquestioned answers" -- years of not being able to voice a dissenting opinion. So we LIKE that we can question things now -- even someone else's "facts" -- with impunity and relish.

    Sounds to me that you are taking objections raised to your "facts" personally. Just because someone questions what you say doesn't mean they are questioning your moral or ethical character -- even though that mindset is promoted by the Borg. In the real world, people disagree about the "facts" all the time -- even in the face of "evidence" to support those "facts". Arguing the "facts" is lucrative business -- ask any attorney :-)

    Just my 2 cents,


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Why does your wife pick fights with you when all you did was say "Hi"? Facts can be a bummer. I believe you.

    Must be tough.


  • Finally-Free

    What one person believes is a logical, rational argument could be completely contrary to another person's personal experience. I take all opinions with a grain of salt, both on this board and off.


  • NanaR
    I started this thread because I stated in another post that the WT banned embedding WT symbols in Kingdom Halls (which is fact) and was told I was wrong by some yahoos.

    I read that thread. Some yahoos actually had the "nerve" to post current pictures of KHs (and WTS headquarters buildings) displaying the WT logo in answer to your statement.

    My comment would be that perhaps at some time they DID ban the practice, but apparently (based on "facts" also in evidence) they did not compel congregations to remove said symbols in all cases.

    But my question still is, why would you care that someone would disagree with your statement on this? Why would you take it personally?

    At this point they could start embedding crosses in new KHs and I wouldn't give a flying flip about it. But I probably would take a picture *hah*


  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    Maybe you should have followed WTS protocol and added the word "indisputable" to the phraseology.

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