by Terry 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry
    For example, Einsteins theory of Special Relativity allows for "skipping" existing time, in a sense, and arrive at a future time.

    On paper just about everything "works".

    What Einstein often deals with is the differences between potentials and actuals. Actuals are potentially true. But, until the ARE, they remain potentials.

    When we use our imagination, we often put our apples and our oranges together because it is so difficult to separate them inside our head. The result of mixing them is that our potentials and our actuals look like the same thing and we declare certain things as "Possible".

    Only possible things happen.

  • Terry
    Time travel is obviously possible. This thread proves it. I'm back in my college dorm room with some a bunch of guys, a couple of joints, and a bottle of Southern Comfort.

    Context is everything.

    If you write the word "NOW!" on a piece of paer and stick it in your pocket the word will always be currently true when it is pulled out of the pocket and read.

    But, the word "NOW!" represents an interpretation which must be asserted by the reader. No reader; no interpretation.

    In other words, NOW! only has "existence" provided by the imputing skill of our consciousness in the context provision of reading it.

  • Terry

    Time moves forward not backward. How can you place yourself into something that does not exist?

    You cannot move into a house that was destroyed yesterday, but only move into a house that has been newly built the next day.

    You cannot go back and visit people that have died because they are no longer there.......

    You said it simpler than I did!!

  • Terry

    Each particle that is in motion carries momentum from the previous instant to the present instant to the next instant. However, for time travel (other than at the normal rate) to occur, it would require that the motion of those particles - including at the quantum level - were either accelerated (in the concept of 'moving' through time at a different speed), or completely stopped and then resumed (in the concept of instantly 'appearing' at a different time). In either situation, even if it were physically possible, death would almost certainly result.

    Death is bad.

    Unless you can Dream Surf!

  • Jeffro
    Unless you can Dream Surf!

    Hmm... well who am I to argue with a dead actor you dreamed about? Sheesh.

  • Warlock


    3 pages and 570 views?

    Good thing your topic wasn't entitled " A COMPLICATED EXPLANATION................................"



    Armageddon will be here in 1975..We will have to go back in time for that..Your arguement is totaly destroyed..It`s in the Bible!...OUTLAW

  • Terry
    Armageddon will be here in 1975..We will have to go back in time for that..Your arguement is totaly destroyed..It`s in the Bible!...

    The anointed gurus in Brooklyn and the writing committee have had a hard on for Armageddon for a long time. They masturbate regularly to End Times prose. The problem is not that it has not come, but; that THEY HAVE. The offspring of delusional thinking have filled the Kingdom Halls with illigitimate bastards with smiling faces.

    The best time travel scenario would be to time travel the various Watchtower Presidents together into a convention where they could argue each other into apoplexy; not agreeing on anything!

    1975 did come. It destroyed the credibility of the Society's genius, Fred Franz, once and for all. They have never recovered from that blow.

    Few religions have suffered the total annhilation of their credibility like the Jehovah's Witnesses in our own lifetime. The media let them get away with it.

  • Blueblades

    Terry, What is your take on, "Remote Viewing", I read some books on this subject, if true it is fascinating to say the least. Experiments have demonstrated that remote viewers can travel to the past and the future. I am not accepting all the things I have read on the subject, just fascinated by the thought of it. Have you read anything against or for this subject in your book store. Thanks.


  • Terry

    I've had conversations with people while shelving books in the Metaphysics section of the bookstore where I work. I've read a few chapters in a few books. I've listened to Art Bell at night on the subject. And, finally...I went to the usual Skeptic Magazine websites.

    My tentative conclusion thus far is this.

    Our Federal agencies have conducted experiments. Those experiments weren't conducted by people with scientific credentials as far as setting up double blind conditions. The results of those studies and experiments were fruitless and the agencies shut down further studies. The expenditure of tax dollars did not justify the expense. They usually don't. :)

    The fact that official agencies (Federal) actually worked on Remote viewing experiments has provided a field day for the conspiracy nuts, New Age speculators, talk show flim-flammers and the usual authors who exaggerate simplicity into miracles for monetary gain.

    James Randi has a standing offer of one million dollars (set aside in escrow) for any controlled experiment which conclusively demonstrates ANY paranormal powers whatsoever. This would include ESP, spoon bending, water-witching, psychic ability, telekinesis, remote viewing, levitation, etc.

    Nobody has ever been able to claim the prize.

    See below: (from http://www.randi.org/encyclopedia/remote%20viewing.html )

    remote viewing This phenomenon first became a celebrated subject after parapsychologists Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ published a scientific paper which reported on experiments in which a remote location had been chosen, an experimenter visited there, and a subject recorded his or her psychic impressions of the spot. Their results seemed to prove that a “remote sensing” faculty did exist.
    Subsequently, properly controlled tests were done by several other researchers, eliminating several sources of cuing and extraneous evidence that had been present in the tests. These new tests produced negative results. The data of Puthoff and Targ were reexamined by the other researchers, and it was found that their students were able to solve the locations without use of any psychic powers, using only the clues that had inadvertently been included in the Puthoff and Targ transcripts.

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