I hate having JW parents.

by reneeisorym 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    Yeah JW parents they're the best! Let's see, my GF got engaged to a great "worldly" guy after her loser JW husband left her in debt after cheating on her and then taking her to the elders (refusing to talk about his affair w/ the chick from work) and complaining that she was not the "capable wife" as set out in proverbs. He filed for divorce and then abandoned the pursuit after he realized he was paying all the money in attys' fees.

    Her parents refused to go to the wedding because she was not "scripturally free to remarry" and the fact that she was marring a worldly guy. Weren't these the same people that sat in the car w/ her when her then JW hubby walked hand in hand w/ his GF from work into GF's apt and spent the night. Ahh, but there was no proof of sex between the two. I am sure they were playing board games and just fell asleep, one on the couch and one in the chair.

    Well, all I have to say is that your wedding is YOUR and your fiance's day. Not your parents day. And if they are going to destroy the day by being the typical JW piss ants that they are, DON'T INVITE THEM. You have control over this, not them. I know you want your family there. That is understandable, but in the end, is it worth the emotional turmoil. You want people there who will be happy for you, not make your life a living hell.

    And it is not just JWs who have this bad attitude. I have a number of friends that were raised Mormon and Jewish. When they married outside of their faith, their parents did not go to their weddings. What can I say, people are nuts. And parents need to move on with their lives and let their children grow up and live their own life.

  • willyloman
    You have put me between a rock and a stone.

    I can't tell you how to interact w your mother, but whenever I see this dub sentinment somewhere I want to stand up and shout: Don't let them get away with such crap.

    She has put herself in this predicament. Someone ought to tell her that.

  • Scully

    I would not make any changes to the plans that you want to make for your wedding, out of deference to your parents. Chances are, they will be Counselledâ„¢ against going. Your mom feels a dilemma right from the start. Do not count on her choosing you over the cult she feels must be loyal to. She's already shown herself to be incredibly mean and spiteful - she could have just contacted the phone company and officially transferred the responsibility for the account to you - but no, she CUT IT OFF without even giving you a day's notice to make arrangements to transfer the account or find another cell phone service.

    There have been too many stories posted here about making concessions to JW relatives (parents especially) in order to have them at the wedding, only to see them boycott the wedding at the last minute. How disrespectful of them to manipulate a couples' wedding plans, and then not bother showing up!! The wedding is for you and your future husband, not for your parents. They had their wedding however they wanted to have it. It will be a bittersweet thing for them to miss this happy day in your life, but it is their choice.

    The change-your-wedding-plans-so-we-can-feel-more-comfortable-even-though-we-probably-won't-show-up routine is nothing more than a manipulation to see just how willing you are to concede to their wishes. If you allow them to set that precedent with the wedding, you can almost guarantee that they'll try to run other aspects of your marriage - including interfering with raising your children (should you have any) and trying to weasel in JW propaganda into your children when you aren't looking.

    Make your wedding day totally yours. If your parents choose not to attend, it's their loss. I wouldn't even bother sending them a picture afterward if they decline to see you get married in person.

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, and good luck!

    Happy planning!

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Yeah my mom showed up to my wedding but waited outside the whole ceremony

  • VanillaMocha73

    My JW mom's congregation made darn sure she could not come. She had just decided she would after all and gave her word and they swooped in... Life goes on.

  • mrsjones5

    "I hate having JW parents" You and me both.

  • jgnat

    What finally-free and scully already said. Your mom is too much back-and-forth. So don't wrap the wedding around her. Plan your wedding with your sweetheart. Invite your mom, but treat her more like an invited acquaintance than a mother. Don't stress if she will show up or not. Let her behavior be a testimony to the "worldly" relatives and friends.

    There are plenty of other marriages where the parents are absent either through disability or inability. Be strong for each other, because truly, it will be the two of you from then on. A marriage of strength.

  • TheHypnoToad

    Yes, It is hard, very hard. I would plan my wedding as if it was for you and your spouse not for your parents (I know thats easier said than done). Don't let your parents being JW's wreck one of the most important days in your life.

  • hopie


    You are getting excellent advise, I recommend you do what will make you happy. This will be one of the most important days of your life.

    Children of JW parents are confronted with all kinds of problems with this cult, now more than ever.

    I just finished reading a book dealing with this very subject, it is a novel based on true facts, and it is a real page turner with a surprising end. The title is: "In The Truth" by Paul McCool.


  • Balsam

    Congradulations on your up coming wedding. Just say Mom F_____ off. Her having your phone disconnected is just perverted. Give her a dose of her own behavior and see how she likes it. If it were me I would probably not even invite her. Invited your Dad if he willing to come and walk you down the isle. Tough love is suppose to work on rebellious kids, perhaps it is good to turn it back on hateful parents.


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